Essays on Jesus

Essays on Jesus

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Passionate Martyr: The Life of Jim Elliot

Would you give your life for something you believed in? Jim Elliot died trying to bring people to Christ. This might be all you know about this famous martyr, but he didn’t start out as a missionary in Ecuador. Early on in life, Jim’s parents …

ChristianityEssay ExamplesJesusReligion
Words 113
Pages 1
Lord’s Prayer

Introduction Matthew 6:9-13 is commonly referred as the “Lord’s Prayer”. In this paragraph, Jesus presented a pattern of prayer to the disciples, thus suggesting the manner in which God should be addressed and the petition we are entitled to present to Him. What is it …

Words 108
Pages 1
Jesus as Messiah, Prophet and Son of Man

Jesus, being both divine and human, is attributed the roles of Messiah, prophet and Son of Man.  The three roles are distinct from each other but the role of Messiah is the most controversial of the three because of the difference between Judaic expectation and …

Essay ExamplesJesusMythologyReligion
Words 1096
Pages 4
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Ecology Sin and Ecology Salvation for Today

In this humble paper, I the writer will discuss the ecological sins and ecological salvation. Even though there may have many ecological sins and salvation according to ecologists and theologians, this short paper will emphasize the Christian doctrine of original sins to help well understanding …

Words 1761
Pages 7
Miracle of the Crib at Greccio

Francis, and some artworks and texts about him, with the knowledge, tools, and technics nowadays, to study his life in a different view. William R. Cook. The art of the Franciscan Order in Italy. Leiden; Boston: Brill 2005. Though the book is not directly about …

ARTBaptismEssay ExamplesJesusTheology
Words 304
Pages 2
Millerite Movement in the Second Great Awakening of American History

The Millerite Movement happened in the context of this nation’s Second Great Awakening: a religious revival that carried the country into reform movements. The Second Great Awakening had its start in Connecticut in the 1790s and grew to its height in the 1830s to 1840s.  …

American HistoryAwakeningChristianityJesusReligionTheology
Words 1449
Pages 6
Beowulf Biblical Allusions Essay

Therefore, taking Christ and comparing him to the equally gallant and exciting ere Beowulf from the poem “Beowulf,” demonstrates the ways that the two figures share numerous similar qualities. In many ways, “Beowulf” has countless connections to the well-known Christian bible. The most obvious relation …

Words 482
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The Annual Catholic Appeal

Part of our obligation as Catholics is to grow in prayer, and participate along with contributing to your parish. Another part of our duty to participate in the parish is to give back to the Lord financially. The Archdiocese of St. Louis has looked out …

Words 787
Pages 3
Twelve Keys to Answered Prayer

Why does God not answer most people’s prayers? Do you know how to pray in a way that will get real results? Here are 12 practical steps that will help secure the favor of God for answered prayer! Pray Sincerely to the True God It …

Essay ExamplesFaithGodJesusReligionTheology
Words 3187
Pages 12
The Humanization of Gods and Kings in Renaissance Art

The Renaissance period of history was one that provided profound changes in the way in which people viewed traditional modes and models of thought, self-awareness, science, religion and art. What is interesting is the in the art of the Renaissance period is that the pulse …

ARTGodJesusPaintingRenaissance Art
Words 88
Pages 1
Remembering Our Heroes

Some heroes will not be forgotten because they are written into textbooks for schools, Poe peel related to them ell others about their heroics and stories about them so people can know ho w heroic they were and as long as there is religion there …

Words 562
Pages 3
Jesus Messiah or Universal Savior

Matthews and Like are the most similar of all of the canonical gospels, they offer different messages and send differing accounts of the figure of Jesus. Matthew calls Jesus the Jewish Messiah, while Luke does the opposite. Luke calls Jesus the universal savior, and by …

Words 1123
Pages 5
Lamentation by Byzantine Painters and Jacob Cornelius

Lamentation by Byzantine painters and Jacob Cornelist. Van Oostsanen So- called Lamentations are generally scenes of great soberness and sadness. Byzantine painters and Jacob narrates the same story with different style of painting and in different period. Both painters strove to make utterly convincing an …

ARTCivilizationEssay ExamplesJesusPainterPainting
Words 931
Pages 4
Saving Grace by Lee Smith

Lucid and devoid of any ornate sentimentality, Saving Grace is the ninth novel of Lee Smith, followed by what many considers to be her masterpiece, Oral History. The Appalachian setting of the novel reflects the author’s unceasing obsession with nature, folklore and traditional humane values. …

Words 1093
Pages 4
Essay on Gnosticism

Gnostic’s beliefs were so radical the church tried to eradicate any trace of them. They believed that god did not intend to create the physical universe because he would not create a place with imperfections, suffering and hurt. They believe god’s divine essence came out …

ChristianityEssay ExamplesJesusReligionTheology
Words 858
Pages 4
Interpretation Paper of Luke

What are your first impressions of this text? Forgiveness, repentance, and diligence. In the Prodigal of the Lost Son, the farmer celebrates the return of his son from a life of sin. Son’s sins are not what is celebrated rather his acknowledgement of his own …

Words 796
Pages 3
Real Presence: Eucharist

The Eucharistic Presence also known as the communion and the Last Supper is a significant part of the Christian religion . The Protestants believe that the communion is merely for the remembrance and the thanksgiving of Jesus’s sacrifice for the people. However the Roman Catholics …

Words 1704
Pages 7
Biography of Mary and Martha

Mary Magdalene is probably one of the most controversial figures in the New Testament. There are many claims about her personality, from a notorious sinner to until recently, the wife of Jesus Christ. Actually, Mary Magdalene is mentioned as one of Jesus’ female disciples in …

Words 95
Pages 1
The Jesuit Legacy in India

Abstract The Jesuits arrived in India in 1542 A. D. to carry out Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Over the last 500 years, they have woven themselves into the very fabric of India with deep psychological, theological and …

Words 3711
Pages 14
Literature in the Dark Ages: the Apocrypha

The Dark ages is referred to as such for many reasons there was plague and sickness that hit humanity during this time and people lived in fear to name a few. But one main reason is the fact that not much information exists about this …

Words 991
Pages 4
Ben-Hur and Messala

Full of surprising actions, difficult compromises, and bitter defeats, Ben-Hur tells the tale of a Jewish prince, Judea Ben-Hur, born around the time of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Judea is childhood friends with a Roman boy named Messala. The deep bond between the two is …

Words 87
Pages 1
The Sacred Exchange Between Saint Francis and Lady Poverty

The Franciscan Order has been saddled with the controversy on the issue of the observance of poverty. During the lifetime of Saint Francis of Assisi, there were already factions in the Order; the faction that were in favour of living the Franciscan charism in a …

Words 6512
Pages 24
Saint Agnes Of Rome English Literature Essay

Harmonizing to “ Saint Agnes of Rome, ” from, Saint Agnes of Rome was born on January 28, 292, and died at the age of 12. She was raised by a Christian household, and her name means “ pure ” in Greek, and “ …

ChristianityEnglish LiteratureGodJesusLiteratureReligion
Words 1177
Pages 5
The Good Shepherd, John 10

Jesus, Our One True Shepherd Tuesday, October 30, 2012 Introduction Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus offers to those around Him, most specifically His Disciples, metaphors to help them understand who He is and what His purposes are. Jesus uses common phrases to illustrate His …

Words 3123
Pages 12
Decay of Faith in The Enduring Chill

Khaqhovia Lee Ms. Bolle IB Junior English October 5, 2012 Decay of Faith Heaven, earth, and beliefs of a superior being ruling the world are contradicted through Flannery O’Connor’s stories. “The Enduring Chill”, a short story by Flannery O’Connor, displays religious figures combined with the …

Words 1170
Pages 5
A Reflection on Philippians

Paul said certain things here that can give the modern-day workers of the gospel a glimpse into how did Paul do his work as a servant of Christ. Remember that the first Disciples of Christ who became His apostles, strictly obeyed Jesus’ instructions of “preaching …

Words 68
Pages 1
Exegesis Paper on Luke 12:49-53

“I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50 I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed! 51 Do you think that I have come to …

BaptismChristianityEssay ExamplesJesusReligionTheology
Words 2249
Pages 9
The Art of Choosing Well by Pierre Wolff

Discernment is defined to be the act or process of exhibiting keen insight and good judgment. Interestingly, the bible is rife with accounts and teachings how important discernment is to the people of God. Apostles, for example, were witnesses how Holy Spirit gave them the …

Words 97
Pages 1
John the Baptist Portrayed in Art

Saint John The Baptist There are countless portrayals of John the Baptist and the representation of his relationship to Jesus and to the Church. John has been one of the saints most frequently appearing in Christian art. The Baptism of Christ was one of the …

Words 2012
Pages 8
Essay Summary of St. Francis of Assisi

St Francis of Assisi During the medieval ages many people depended on religion. Upon those people was Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, also known as St Francis of Assisi. Although St Francis lived a life full of wealth and content, he did not feel fulfilled …

Words 706
Pages 3
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This film about Jesus of Nazareth (Brian Deacon) is taken from the New Testament's Gospel of Luke and follows his life from birth to death. His parents, Mary (Rivka Neuman) and Joseph (Joseph Shiloach), are a strong presence in his early life. Later, as a young adult, Jesus begins to realize his destiny, and his apostles are gradually assembled, with Simon Peter (Niko Nitai) among them. Eventually, Jesus must face his crucifixion, which leads to his resurrection.… MORE

Frequently asked questions

What can I write about Jesus?
There are endless possibilities when it comes to writing about Jesus. Some topics that could be covered include: his life and teachings, his impact on society then and now, how he is portrayed in the Bible, what various scholars and theologians believe about him, how he is viewed by people of different faiths, and more. No matter what angle you take, there is sure to be rich material to explore when writing about Jesus.
What Jesus means to us?
What Jesus means to us may vary from person to person, but some common answers may be that Jesus is our savior, our Lord and our friend. He died on the cross for our sins and offers us eternal life. He is always there for us, no matter what we are going through and is the perfect example of how to live a life full of love, compassion and forgiveness.
Who is Jesus in your life reflection?
In my life, Jesus is my Lord and Savior. He is the one who died for my sins and rose again, so that I might have eternal life. He is the one who loves me unconditionally and is always there for me, even when I am at my worst. He is my friend, my brother, and my king. He is everything to me, and I am nothing without Him.
What is Jesus in our life?
Jesus is our life in many ways. He is our Savior, our Lord, and our friend. He is the one who died for us and rose again. He is the one who intercedes for us before the Father. He is the one who gives us hope and peace. He is the one who fills us with His Spirit and gives us power to live for Him.

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