Essays on Communism

Essays on Communism

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Could Cold War Have Been Avoided?

Could Cold War have been avoided? No, I strongly believe that the Cold War could not have been avoided because Russia and America were natural enemies of the Soviet Union. The United States and Russia were just too different countries with two completely different leaders …

BiotechnologyCold WarCommunismSuperpower
Words 407
Pages 2
Is Marxism Still Relevant Today?

The Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) had brought about significant changes in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, transportation and technology and subsequently established an era of unprecedented economic growth in capitalist economies. It was within this era that Karl Marx had observed the deprivation and inequality experienced by men …

CapitalismCommunismMarxismSpecial DayWealth
Words 2122
Pages 8
Causes of International Conflict

Competing territory Is an Important cause of Internal conflict. An example Is the conflict over border between China and India In 1947. When India gained Independence from Brilliant, It Inherited the frontier drawn by the British; while China protested that It had not agreed to …

CommunismCompetitionEssay ExamplesFishingIndia
Words 11742
Pages 43
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Leadership Style of John F. Kennedy

What were the leadership styles of John F. Kennedy? Kennedy was born in May 29th 1917 in Massachusetts and was a son to Joseph Patrick Kennedy and his mother was Rose Fitzgerald. He was a university graduate from Harvard where he graduated in 1940.  In …

CommunismLeadershipLeadership Styles
Words 1549
Pages 6
How Did the Australian Government Respond to the Threat of Communism After WWII?

Australia faced the threat of communism after WWII ended in 1945. The threat was known as the Red Menace which was caused by all the conflicts in Asia and also things that were going on in Australia at the time. The Australian government responded to …

Words 711
Pages 3
Capitalism according to Karl Marx

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx evaluates the effects of capitalist economy on society and asserts that it has both positive and negative constituents. Marx states that capitalist economy ends feudal system, establishes the universe market, develops a more efficient commercialism, agglomerates population, and increases …

CapitalismCommunismKarl MarxMacroeconomicsMarxism
Words 1700
Pages 7
To Discuss Whether the Classless Society Is Attainable and Sustainable in This Century

The aim of this assignment is to discuss whether the classless society is attainable and sustainable in this century. To begin the definition of concepts are given, then the origin of the classes. It then looks at how the capitalist society cannot evolve to the …

Words 1358
Pages 5
To what extent can Lord of the Flies be considered a Marxist piece?

Lord of the Flies centres on a group of boys stranded on a tropical island when their plane crashes en route from England to Australia as part of an evacuation during an atomic war (hypothetical war.) The story is essentially an allegorical tale of the …

CommunismLord of the FliesMarxism
Words 2103
Pages 8
Why Did the Tsarist Regime Collapse in 1917

Why did the Tsarist regime collapse in 1917? ‘By the beginning of 1917, tsarism was rotting from within. ’(1) Romanov’s had ruled Russia since 1613 but people were unhappy and the Tsarist regime was due to collapse for and it was inevitable that it would …

CommunismPoliticsRussian Empire
Words 2092
Pages 8
A Critical Analysis of the Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels which contained all of the ideas and assumptions by Marx. The Communist Manifesto was able to inspire a number of philosophers and theorists. (more…)

CapitalismCommunismCommunist ManifestoMarxismTax
Words 34
Pages 1
The Hundred Flowers Campaign

The Hundred Flowers Campaign began in 1957 when Mao Zedong declared in a speech, “Let a hundred schools of thought contend,” effectively encouraging criticism from members of the Chinese Communist Party. After members began pointing out where the party had made mistakes, however, Mao suddenly …

Words 819
Pages 3
Communism vs. Fascism

Communism vs. Fascism Communism and fascism are at the opposite ends of the totalitarian spectrum. Their major differences lie in their economic and social characteristics, but they do share many similarities in the political aspect. Soviet communism and German fascism are, in fact, very unlike …

CommunismEssay ExamplesFascismTotalitarianism
Words 344
Pages 2
Comparison Between Hard Times and Communist Manifesto

Throughout history, a divide has always existed between the rich and poor in society. However, during the Industrial Revolution in Victorian England, this rift reached its peak. The working class labored for long hours and received miniscule wages, whereas the bourgeoisie grew abundantly wealthy through …

CommunismCommunist ManifestoHard TimesMarxismMaterialism
Words 1727
Pages 7
Karl Marx and Old Major

Karl Marx believed that the policies of the government should be controlled by the lowest working class rather than the upper middle class. “The first step on the path to the workers’ revolution is the elevation of the proletariat to the position of ruling class …

CommunismKarl MarxMaterialismSocialism
Words 427
Pages 2
Cultural Revolution In Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China

Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China is a memoir of three generations of Chinese women from Imperial China through and beyond the Cultural Revolution. Chang’s grandmother was a warlord’s concubine. Her gently raised mother struggled with hardships in the early days of Mao’s revolution and …

Words 1080
Pages 4
Was the Provisional Government Doomed from the Beginning? a Russian Revolution

After the February revolution on 1917 which saw the abdication of the Tsar, Russia was in turmoil. It had gone (in a matter of days) from being one of the most repressed countries in the world to being totally free with nobody in any real …

CommunismGovernmentRussian RevolutionSocialism
Words 4371
Pages 16
Critical Analysis Of “A Sound of Thunder”

Critical Analysis Essay “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury Imagine using a time machine to hunt one of the biggest dinosaurs of all kind. Ray Bradbury’s plot makes the reader wonder in our minds which leads us to hints and makes us foreshadow that …

CommunismThe Most Dangerous Game
Words 533
Pages 2
Truman, Zhdanov, and the Origins of the Cold War

In the West our assumptions about the meaning of the term “democracy”have not really changed since Truman appealed to Congress for financial aid to assist the democratic government in Greece in 1945. We do not generally disagree that democracy involves “free institutions, representative government, free …

CapitalismCold WarCommunismDemocracySocialism
Words 80
Pages 1
Cold War Ethical Reflection

Reflection of the Cold War The Cold War, from 1945 to 1991, is one of the most important periods of time that has greatly influenced and shaped the modern world. It was not just a battle between two super powers, the USA and the Soviet …

Cold WarCommunismDemocracy
Words 1414
Pages 6
Could The Cold War Have Been Avoided

Could the Cold War have been avoided? Discuss with reference to the key schools of thought on the origins of the Cold War. The cold war is the product of confrontation between US and USSR, reflected by conflicts of interests in political, ideological, military sphere …

Cold WarCommunism
Words 84
Pages 1
Micro and macro theories in political science focus

Introduction Countries exist to interact with other nations and states in the international arena. Thus, no country or nation is an island unto itself. As a result of this, isolation from international activities becomes very impossible. In the course of interaction countries tries to gain …

Words 2290
Pages 9
Born on the Fourth of July Analysis

————————————————- Born on the Fourth of July The ending of the WWII culminated with the beginning of the cold war. The cold war was a major political and military conflict between the superpowers of America and the Soviet Union. The conflict is also an insight …

CommunismFourth Of July
Words 1655
Pages 7
How Far Had the Bolsheviks Created a ‘Totalitarian State’ by 1924?

A totalitarian state, is a where the central government of a state does not tolerate any parties with opposing views and exercises complete dictatorial rule over all or most aspects of life. Lenin, the leader of the Bolsheviks, took many measures in an attempt to …

CommunismEssay ExamplesMarxismSocialismTotalitarianism
Words 1058
Pages 4
Australia’s Response to the Threat of Communism

Australia’s Response to the threat of Communism Australia’s Response to the threat of Communism Australia’s response to the threat of communism after WW2 was extraordinary. Australia and its politicians immediately recognised what could happen of a result of the domino theory. With the Soviet Union …

Words 1921
Pages 7
Marxism: Different Stages of History

Dialectic Analysis The basic premise of dialectical analysis is the theory in which society is treated as a historically evolving and systemically interrelated whole, has had a profound impact on political science, economics and sociology. This dialectical method, which seeks to uncover the full context …

Words 2332
Pages 9
Marx’s Theory of Class

Marx’s definition of class. Its strengths and weaknesses. Although the concept of class has a central importance in Marxist theory, Marx does not define it in a systematic form. Marx left this problem of producing a definition of the concept of social class until much …

Words 2902
Pages 11
The Cellist of Sarajevo Critical Analysis

The Cellist of Sarajevo A. Predict Look at the photo above and the title of the unit. What do you think this unit will be about? Write down your thoughts. By representing the image of a man playing the cello, I wanna think that this …

CommunismMusicThe Cellist of Sarajevo
Words 630
Pages 3
How Successful Was the New Economic Policy

The New Economic Policy (NEP) was a measure implemented in order to counter the arguably disastrous effects War Communism. The New Economic is controversial. Some historians argue it allowed the Soviet economy to solidify and begin to recover, and also allowed the Bolsheviks to retain …

Words 2565
Pages 10
The Ups and Downs of the Cold War

Although no war between the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union was ever declared, the leaders of the West and East faced off against each other in what is known as the Cold War. Even though there were attempts to discuss being …

Cold WarCommunismMilitaryWars
Words 762
Pages 3
The Long March: A Turning Point in Chinese History

In the summer of 1934, after suffering a string of defeats, the communist party and the Read Army decided to flee their southern bases and retreat. This retreat became known as the Long march. On the march the group endured 368 days of extreme hardship …

Words 110
Pages 1
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Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common or social ownership of all property and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.

Frequently asked questions

What is Communism short summary?
Communism is an umbrella term for a variety of different political and economic ideologies. In general, communism is a system in which property and resources are commonly owned and controlled by the community, rather than by individuals. There is no central government or ruling class, and decisions are made through collective decision-making process.The first communist state was the Soviet Union, which was founded in 1917. However, the Soviet Union was not a true communist state, as it still had a ruling class (the Communist Party) and a central government. The Chinese Communist Party also came to power in 1949, and established the People's Republic of China. Again, this was not a true communist state, as the Chinese government still had a lot of control over the lives of its citizens.There have been other attempts to establish communist states, but most of them have not been successful. Communism is a very difficult system to establish and maintain, and it often leads to totalitarianism and oppression.
What is the basic idea of communism?
The basic idea of communism is that all people are equal and should share in the ownership of the means of production, such as factories, land, and businesses. The government would control these resources and distribute them evenly among the people. There would be no private ownership of property or businesses, and no one would be rich or poor.
What are 3 good things about communism?
There are a few good things about communism that are worth mentioning.First, communism strives for equality among all people. This is a noble goal that is worth fighting for.Second, communism gives power to the working class. This is important because the working class is the backbone of any society.Third, communism is based on the idea of shared ownership. This means that everyone has a stake in the success of the community, which can lead to a more harmonious society.

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