Developed Countries Have a Responsibility to Give Aid
Developed countries have a responsibility to give aid to developing countries because immigration issues can be reduced by educational and healthcare assistanceEssay Developed countries have a responsibility to give aid to developing countries because immigration issues can be reduced by educational and healthcare assistance Have you ever wondered whether developed countries have a responsibility to assist developing countries or not, and what is the negative impact for developed countries if they do not help other developing countries? People in developing countries suffer from financial, economical, educational and healthcare problems.
Consequently, these problems make their life more difficult and reduce standards of living such as lack of education and poor level of healthcare. As a result, those difficulties are leading them to emigrate by legal or illegal methods to other countries especially to developed countries where they can find a better life. For example, Canada is one of the most developed countries which many immigrants and refugees are trying to enter and reside. In addition, it welcomed approximately 12,098 refugees in 2010 ("Citizenship and immigration Canada media", 2011).
The case of Canada is an example of how refugees can cause a strain on developed countries. To reduce the number of refugees, developed countries must provide educational and healthcare assistance for developing countries which suffer from low standards of living, poor education and low quality health care. Education and healthcare are the most important factors which contribute to the development process for developing countries. Education become a necessity because it helps people to develop their life, society and country by improving their learning and practicing skills (The Center for Global Development, 2006).
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Low quality of education is a common problem in developing countries (Kremer M. & Holla A. , 2008, P. 2). It refers to fewer numbers of schools, teachers and textbooks which reduce people's chances to be educated, especially in large population countries (Kremer M. ; Holla A. , 2008, P. 14). Moreover, the weakness of educational policies and evaluations leads to weak educational programs and contexts which result in low students' achievement (Bonuti S. , 2012, P. 5). Healthcare is another essential factor of developing for underdeveloped countries to have a healthy society through limiting different disease as much as possible.
Healthcare problems create other difficulties for developing nations. One difficulty is weakness of healthcare system such as referral system leads to have a low quantity of providing health for people (Chudi I. P. , 2010, P. 11). Also, low quality of healthcare may result from poor planning for health programs which need more appropriate policies (Thomas V. , 2009, P. 2). Limitations of health education programs and small number of healthcare centers and specialists are other problems which cause a poor healthcare (Thomas V. , 2009, P. 2).
Those complications make life more difficult and many of them are trying to immigrate by legal or illegal methods to urban nations which have better facilities. These difficulties can be reduced by developed countries which can provide educational aid to enhance the standards of living for underdeveloped populations. Developed countries can increase the quality of education of underdeveloped nations by increasing the number of schools and inputs, improving teaching methods through training courses and enhancing teachers motivations (Kremer M. amp; Holla A. , 2008, P. 14). In addition, strengthening programs can be done by refining and creating developed educational policies which are needed for higher learning and increasing student's participation and research (Bonuti S. , 2012, P. 8). Moreover, educational process can be enhanced by increasing the number of organizations and foundations such as the Hewlett Foundation, which has many programs and goals to solve global educational problems for developing countries (Hewlett Foundation, 2011).
Healthcare services also can be improved through increasing the number of medical centers and specialists and raising awareness about the importance of health for people (Chudi I. P. , 2010, P. 11). Additionally, Chudi suggests that "developed countries should provide necessary technological and financial assistance to the developing countries, conduct more research on public health problems of developing countries and improve their public health service capacity" (Chudi I. P. , 2010, P. 11). Those methods may raise the quality and quantity of healthcare, resulting in having healthy communities.
Therefore, definition of aid should be expanded to include items such as improving policies, and not only concentrate on giving financial aid, such as Official Development Assistance (ODA) to underdeveloped nations. (Schmitz G. , Pistor M. and Furi M. , 2003). These two main issues - education and healthcare – if provided, can influence a major problem for both developing and developed countries. These essential issues for developed nations are to avoid and reduce immigration issues which cause serious problems. For example, Vermaat states that" Each year, more than 240,000 illegal African immigrants are entering Europe. (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 3). This excessive and unexpected number of immigrants causes security, stability and political problems for urban nations such as raising the rate of crimes in the society (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 13). Additionally, Vermaat shows that" the mass movement of people around the world had brought new levels of organized crime, with drug dealing, gun offenses, prostitution and kidnapping" (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 21). Furthermore, illegal immigrants and refugees can transfer some cultural traditions such as female genital mutilation and polygamy that cause social problems in civilized cities (Vermaat E. 2010, P. 21). In addition, some dangerous infectious diseases such as HIV infection can be transmitted by some refugees who immigrate from less healthy areas to developed areas which mean the number of diseases will increase (Vermaat E. , 2010, P. 21). So, those problems oblige developed nations to help other underdeveloped countries to minimize and avoid those risks as much as possible. To conclude, developed nations can decrease the number of immigrants and refugees by giving essential aid such as education and healthcare for underdeveloped nations which suffer from low standards of living.
The weakness of education and healthcare programs in developing countries cause many difficulties for people which results in thinking to move out of the country toward urban nations to find a better life. Furthermore, assistance from developed countries should concentrate on improving main policies, programs and methods of education and healthcare not only on providing financial aid. Also, increasing and creating more national and international organizations and foundations will facilitate the development process for developing countries and reduce the rate of immigration problems.
So, developed nations should provide these assistance to avoid and reduce political, security and health problems which result from illegal immigrants and refugees. References Bonuti S. (2012). The Quality of Higher Education in Developing Countries Needs Professional Support. (1 – 10). Retrieved from http://www. intconfhighered. org/FINAL%20Sarah%20Bunoti. pdf Chudi I. P. (2010). Healthcare problems in developing countries. Medical Practice and Reviews. Vol. 1(1), pp. 9-11. Retrieved from http://www. academicjournals. org/mpr Citizenship and Immigration Canada Media. (2011, February 13).
Canada welcomes highest number of legal immigrants in 50 years while taking action to maintain the integrity of Canada’s immigration system. Retrieved from http://www. cic. gc. ca/english/department/media/releases/2011/2011-02-13. asp Hewlett Foundation (2011). Quality Education in Developing Countries. Retrieved from http://www. hewlett. org/programs/global-development-program/quality-education-in-developing-countries Kremer M. and Holla A. (2008). Improving Education in the Developing World: What Have We Learned From Randomized Evaluations? World Bank’s Commission on Growth and Development (1 – 49). Retrieved from http://www. conomics. harvard. edu/faculty/kremer/files/Annual_Review_081110%20-%20NO%20TRACK%20CHANGES. pdf Schmitz G. , Pistor M. & Furi M. (2003). Aid to developing countries. Political and Social Affairs Division. Retrieved from http://publications. gc. ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/7916-e. htm The Center for Global Development. (2006). Education and the developing world. Independent research and practical ideas for global prosperity. Retrieved from http://www. cgdev. org/files/2844_file_EDUCATON1. pdf Thomas V. (2009). Health care in developing countries- Need for finance, education or both? Calicut Medical Journal; 7(1): l. Retrieved from
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