Child Development Stages
Unit 201 Child and young person development Outcome 3: Understand the potential effects of transitions on children and young people 3. 1 Identify the transitions experienced by most children and young people 3. 3 Describe with examples how transitions may affect children and young people’s behaviour and development Under each heading, explain how each aspect may impact on a child’s behaviour & development, giving examples. ·Puberty: Growth spurts, early bloomers, late bloomers, jealousy from late bloomers, personal odour, self conscious of body changing.
Males, become taller and stronger, body changes , body odour may develop and he may need to start using deodorant. They become moody at times and parents need to try and understand this to help there adolescent cope with changes. The most important factors in the adolescence through puberty is peers, family and school. Any disturbance in these 3 factors can be a heavy burden on this growing child. This could lead to depression, drugs, criminal acts and more. ·Starting school- From pre - school to primary (Reception class). Child could feel nervous and feeling insecure.
May start primary with no friends from pre-school. New faces, new friendships. Learning to dress themselves for P. E, more independence needed. How may this affect the child’s behaviour and development? Starting school -( cont from above) If child J slips through the cracks, is not offered reassurance by his teacher or by parents, he will continue to feel left out. He will then become withdrawn and isolate himself from everyone and everything. He will fall back in class and because he has isolated himself from peers, he might start to feel that he is on his own.
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He will then start to enjoy his own company. He will not have any social skills and will not move beyond this point. If child J starts school and this kind of behaviour is picked up early & he is offered reassurance from his parents, teacher and all that are a positive role in his life things could be very different. The more positive the parents are, the more the child will be. He will thrive in school and be able to communicate well with the teacher and peers. ·Moving class or school – Moving from reception class to year one.
Children start to follow the national curriculum and are often taught more formally. It can effect a child who is used to learning through play, suddenly they have to work in a formal way for longer periods. More learning , less free time. Change of teacher, teaching assistant ( have a supply teacher). Affects learning, self esteem, not wanting to go to school. Eg. ) We moved to England when my son was 4 years old. On arrival he attended primary school A, he did reception class and year one at this school.
By the time he got to year 2, I felt the teacher was very laid back and I was not happy with her method of teaching. I then moved him out of school A in the middle of year 2 and moved him to school B. It was a different area. He had to then start all over again, new school, start to make a whole new circle of friends. In school B this is where the bullying started. He kept it very quiet and it was not till I was approached by one of the mothers at the school, she informed me that my son was being bullied.
I thought I was doing the best for my son by moving him into a new school because all I wanted was for him to thrive. Moving school was not a good choice, instead of thriving, he was unhappy, it affected his self esteem and he became withdrawn. I should have considered my sons happiness. This is better Kamilla, you have used a good example. ·Starting Secondary School - There are differences in the curriculum and the way subjects are taught. Some children may find that there close friends have transferred into different schools, so they must develop new friendships.
Although transitions can be difficult, moving on can also be a positive and exciting experience eg) Biggest to smallest, timetables, many schools feed friendships, change of classes, change of subjects, start to carry bags, finding there way around the school. Eg. ) The quiet shy male /female student may fall into the clutches of the group of peers. To avoid being bullied or to try and fit in with the “ In kids” he/ she will go to the ends of the earth to avoid being made fun of. In some schools there is initiation. Some children lose their confidence right at the start of secondary school. . 2 Identify transitions that only some children and young people may experience e. g bereavement 3. 3 Describe with examples how transitions may affect children and young people’s behaviour and development Under each heading, explain how each aspect may impact on a child’s behaviour & development, giving examples. ·Bereavement – Following a death of a parent or someone close to a child can be traumatic. If child was living with one parent this may mean a change in carer and perhaps a move into residential or foster care. Loss of parent is devastating . Keep an eye on change of behaviour .
Grief goes through several changes Eg) Anger, denial, withdrawn and crying all the time. It may affect memory, concentration and learning. This challenge lasts for months and can last for two or more years. It can affect children in different ways. Eg. ) There are children who continue to do well in school following the death of a loved one. These children go unnoticed. They my use the tasks of school work or sports to block out painful feelings or thoughts, or they may feel a need to excel because of a feeling that the parent is watching them and will want to show the deceased parent how much they care in this way.
This type of response to loss can result in stress - related health problems later on in life, as well as potential physical and emotional difficulties from unresolved grief. How to Help Maintain routines in school Be realistic about expectations for academic achievement Allow make-up opportunities Remember that some children continue to have academic difficulties up to 2 years following a death, and sometimes beyond Make exceptions for sports participation... sports can help with the healing process Refer to the school counselor Communicate with the parents
Respect the child's need to grieve Avoid telling the child to "Move on" or "Get over it". Create an emotionally safe classroom Learn about children's grief Recognize that intense grief can come at developmental stages, years after a death occurs Be patient Affirm the person, regardless of academic performance ·new baby – The older children experience change, Younger children often find changes tin family life because of the new arrival, particularly difficult to cope with. Eg) My son was was an only child till he was 10years old.
We always did everything thing together, I over smothered him and therefore he was not an independent child. Once his sister was born, he became mature over night and became more independent. I feel this was a positive change in his life. His little sister looks up to him. Think also about a child that feels left out, how may that affect their behaviour and development The first child may experience a range of emotions, from excitement to jealousy or even resentment. Younger toddlers are unable to verbalize their feelings, and their behaviours may regress after the new child is born.
They might suck their thumb or drink a bottle, forget their recent potty training skills and communicate baby talk in an effort to get your attention. Older toddlers and kids might express their feelings by testing your patience, misbehaving, throwing tantrums, or refusing to eat. These problems are usually short lived and a little preparation can help and older child adjust to the idea of welcoming a new sibling. ·moving house – A family may move house either into a poorer environment where there may be high incidences of crime or into a better area where they are more open spaces.
A child that moves into a new area will leave behind friends and extended families. How will this affect their behaviour and development A new house, new environment, new area can affect a child in many different ways. A new surrounding depending, can affect a child by making them feel unsettled. Unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar scents, unfamiliar bedrooms can set a child back. The breakdown of connections with peers, discontinuation of group activities, distress and worries related to a new environment are potentially psychologically distressing events for young children.
Frequent exposure to these events can be stressful and confusing and may affect their psychosocial wellbeing, thus increasing their intention toward ending their life if they are unable to cope. ·parent divorce & separation – Both familiar routines and lifestyles will change. Children will become more independent when there is only one parent. Sometimes they think it is there fault. Some children become withdrawn from everyone. Some children rebel, school work may suffer. Do you have any examples Eg) Child Z was 13years old when his parents got separated.
His body was going through major changes hormonally. Once his parents separated he became a different child. He automatically became the man of the house. He rebelled against his mother, had no respect, came home when he pleased, his school work suffered. He disrespected everyone around and was very easily influenced. He got into trouble with the law due to peer pressure. When you put all this kind of behaviour, this child was seeking attention. His grandparents intervened, sat him down and had a one to one with him.
He informed them that he felt that his parents had split up because of him, he felt that he couldn’t bare to see his mum in tears all the time. He also mentioned that there was no stability in the house and it was very unsettling for him, hence his behaviour. ·Fostered/ looked after children – If fostered because parents can’t cope eg) because of drug abuse, alcohol abuse. Foster children are normally placed miles away from where they grew up. Issues of distance. Foster kids are normally moved around due to behaviour or reasons out of their control.
Some children experience feelings being unsettled. Some children are already damaged before they are even fostered eg) Due to unsettled background. They make take several behaviours with them, insecure , difficult to make friends - lack of trust. Good Well done Kamilla. You have expanded your answers, but occasionally didn’t really say what affect the transition had on behaviour and development. I will chat to you about this on Tuesday morning. See you then Could you leave the comments on your answers please – it shows I am doing my job. Thank you. E assessed 16th October, 2011
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