Chapter 1 Modern Auditing

Category: Accounting, Auditing
Last Updated: 11 Feb 2023
Pages: 11 Views: 369

A financial statement audit involves obtaining and evaluating evidence about an entity's financial statements for the purpose of expressing an opinion on whether the statements are presented fairly in conformity with established criteria--usually GAAP. Thus, the nature of the auditor's report is an opinion on the fairness of the financial statement presentation. A compliance audit involves obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether certain financial or operating activities of an entity conform to specified conditions, rules, or regulations.

A report on a compliance audit takes the form of a summary of findings or assurance regarding degree of compliance. An operational audit involves obtaining and evaluating evidence about the efficiency and effectiveness of an entity's operating activities in relation to specified objectives. Reports on such audits include an assessment of efficiency and effectiveness and recommendations for improvements. 3. Independent auditors are individual practitioners or members of public accounting firms who render professional auditing services to clients. These services may involve financial statement audits, compliance audits, and operational audits.

Internal auditors are employees of the companies they audit. They are involved in an independent appraisal activity, called internal auditing, as a service to the organization. Internal auditors are primarily concerned with compliance and operational audits. Government auditors are employed by various local, state, and federal governmental agencies. They may be involved in all three types of audits. 4. a. The financial statement audit is a form of an examination engagement in which the auditor provides reasonable assurance that the financials statements are free of material misstatement.

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The CPA might also perform an engagement to examine a forecast or a projection in which the auditor provides reasonable assurance that the forecast or projection reflects the underlying assumptions and that there is support reasonable for the underlying assumptions. A CPA might also perform an engagement to examine an assertion regarding compliance with laws or regulations in which the auditor provides reasonable assurance that the entity complied with laws or regulations. b.

A review of financial statements is an engagement in which the CPA provides negative assurance that he or she is not aware of any material modifications that need to be made to the financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with GAAP. 5. Accounting and compilation services provide financial statement users and decisions makers with relevant information. However, they are not designed to test the reliability of such information. The primary benefit received is information that may be relevant to a decision, even though evidence is not obtained about the reliability of such information. . The following table summarizes several assurance services provided by CPAs and explains the how they improve the relevance or reliability of information used by decision makers.

The audit provides reasonable assurance that financial statement information is free of material misstatements. Decision makers can uses financial information to anticipate business opportunities and to make business decisions based with reasonable assurance that the information set used to make decisions is reliable. b. A review of financial statements provides less assurance about the reliability of financial information than that provided by an audit. The CPA provides negative assurance that he or she is not aware of any material modifications that need to be made to the financial statements in order for them to be in conformity with GAAP.

This service is focused on both the relevance and reliability of information used by decision makers. A compilation does not provide assurance about the reliability of financial statement information used by decision makers. However, a compilation service may provide decision makers with relevant information that they would not otherwise have. c. The CPA risk advisory service may transform complex information into knowledge by helping management better understand business risks. The CPA risk advisory service may also provide assurance about the reliability of information produced by management’s system of evaluating business risks. . The origin of the company audit as we know it can be linked to British legislation during the industrial revolution in the mid-1800s. One or more stockholders designated by other stockholders initially performed company audits, but subsequent revisions in the legislation permitted the use of outside independent auditors, giving rise to the formation of auditing firms. The focus of these early audits was on finding errors in the balance sheet accounts and stemming the growth of fraud associated with the increasing phenomenon of professional managers and absentee owners.

Several important milestones in the rise of the U. S. profession were (1) the passage of legislation (2) the stock market crash of 1929 which drew attention to deficiencies in financial reporting and produced a challenge to the accounting profession to provide stronger leadership, (3) adoption of a requirement by the New York Stock Exchange in 1933 that all listed corporations obtain an audit certificate from an independent CPA, and (4) passage of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 which added to the demand for audit services for publicly owned companies.

Three important changes in audit practice that evolved by the 1040s were

(1) a shift from detailed verification of accounts to sampling or testing as the basis for rendering an opinion on the fairness of financial statements,

(2) development of the practice of linking the testing to be done to the auditor's evaluation of a company's internal controls, and

(3) deemphasis of the detection of fraud as an audit objective.

In recent years, the profession has come under increasing pressure to reverse the deemphasis on detecting fraud as the public's expectation that the auditor will detect fraud persists. The quality of audits was questioned when a series of restatements of earnings from public companies such as Sunbeam, Waste Management, Xerox, Adelphia, Enron and WorldCom brought about a crisis of confidence in the work of auditors.

By 2002 the collapse of Enron and WorldCom led Congress to pass the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. This act created the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and gave it responsibility for setting auditing, ethics, independence, and quality control standards for audits of public companies. 9. Four factors that contribute to the need for independent audits are

(a) conflict of interest,

(b) consequence,

(c) complexity, and

(d) remoteness.

Collectively these factors contribute to information risk. 0. Financial statement audits enable companies to

(a) meet statutory and other regulatory requirements that must be satisfied in order to gain access to capital markets,

(b) obtain debt and equity financing at a lower cost of capital,

(c) deter inefficiency and errors in the accounting function and reduce the risk of fraud in the accounting and financial reporting process, and

(d) make internal control and operational improvements based on suggestions made by the auditor as a by-product of the audit. The limitations of a financial statement audit include the fact that an auditor works within fairly restrictive economic limits that impose time and cost constraints and necessitate the use of selective testing or sampling of the accounting records and supporting data. Also, the auditor's report must usually be issued within three months of the balance sheet date, which affects the amount of evidence that can be obtained.

The availability of alternative accounting principles permitted under GAAP, and the impact of accounting estimates and uncertainties on the financial statements represent additional inherent limitations on financial statement audits. 12. Six public sector organizations include (1) the Securities and Exchange Commission, (2) state boards of accountancy, (3) the U. S. General Accounting Office, (4) the Internal Revenue Service, (5) state and federal courts, and the U.

S. Congress. Five private sector organizations associated with the public accounting profession include

(1) the Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board,

(2) the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,

(3) State Societies of Certified Public Accountants,

(4) Practice Units (CPA firms), and

(5) Accounting Standard Setting Bodies -- principally the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and Governmental Accounting

Standards Board (GASB). The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates the distribution of securities offered for public sale and subsequent trading of securities on stock exchanges and over-the-counter markets. The SEC also has the authority to establish GAAP for companies under its jurisdiction, and it currently recognizes the pronouncements of the FASB as constituting GAAP in the filing of financial statements with the agency.

In some instances, however, the SEC’s disclosure requirements exceed GAAP. Finally, the SEC also exerts considerable influence over auditing profession. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 established a private sector, Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board to oversee the audit of public companies that are subject to securities laws. The PCAOB’s rulemaking process results in proposals that do not take effect until the SEC approves them. 14. a.

The PCAOB has authority in five major areas (1) registering public accounting firms that audit the financial statements of public companies, (2) setting quality control standards for peer review of auditors of public companies and conducting inspections of registered public accounting firms, (3) setting auditing standards for audits of public companies, (4) setting independence and ethics rules for auditors of public companies, (4) performing other duties or functions to promote high professional standards for public company audits, and enforce compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. . Three important AICPA divisions, or teams, that have a direct impact on auditors are (1) the AICPA Practice Monitoring Program is responsible for quality control standards and peer reviews of firms that provide assurance services to private companies, (2) the Auditing and Attest Standards Team sets auditing and attest standards for audit, accounting, and review services provided to private companies, and (3) the Professional Ethics Division is responsible for setting and enforcing the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. 15. a.

A CPA firm may be organized as a proprietorship, partnership, Professional Corporation, or any other form of organization permitted by state law or regulation (including limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and limited liability corporations (LLCs)). b. CPA firms are often classified into the following four groups: (1) Big Four, (2) Second Tier, (3) Regional, and (4) Local. 16. a. The purpose of the profession's multilevel regulatory framework is to help assure quality in the performance of audits and other professional services. b. The four components of the profession's multilevel regulatory framework are: Standard-setting. The private sector establishes standards for accounting, auditing, ethics, and quality control to govern the conduct of CPAs and CPA firms.

• Firm regulation. Each CPA firm adopts policies and procedures to assure that practicing accountants adhere to professional standards.

• Self-or peer regulation. The AICPA has implemented a comprehensive program of self-regulation including mandatory continuing professional education, peer review, audit failure inquiries, and public oversight. Government regulation. Only qualified professionals are licensed to practice, and auditor conduct is monitored and regulated by state boards of accountancy, the SEC, and the courts. 17. The five elements of quality control are (

1) independence, integrity and objectivity,

(2) personnel management,

(3) acceptance and continuance of engagements,

(4) engagement performance, and

(5) monitoring. 18. a. The key elements of the PCAOB inspection program includes:

• Inspecting and reviewing selected audit and review engagements of the firm. Evaluating the sufficiency of the firm’s quality control systems and the firm’s documentation and communication of that system.

• Performing such other testing of the audit, supervisory, and quality control procedures of the firm as are necessary or appropriate in light of the purpose of the inspection and the responsibilities of the board. The PCAOB conducts annual inspections of firms that regularly provide audit reports for over 100 public companies.

The PCAOB inspects the quality control activities of firms that provide audit reports for 100 or fewer public companies every three years. b. The purpose of the AICPA practice monitoring (peer review) program is to:

• Determine that a firm’s system of quality control for its accounting and auditing practice has been designed in accordance with quality control standards established by the AICPA.

• Determine that a firm’s quality control policies and procedures were being complied with to provide the firm with reasonable assurance of conforming with professional standards.

Determine that a firm has demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform accounting, auditing, and attestation engagements in accordance with professional standards, in all material respects. |Comprehensive Questions | 1. 19 (Estimated time - 20 minutes) a. Internal auditing is an independent appraisal activity performed by employees of the company being audited. The objective of internal auditing is to assist management in the effective discharge of its responsibilities.

External auditing is done by independent, external auditors for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the fairness of the company's financial statements. Governmental auditing is done by government auditors to determine (1) fairness of financial reports, (2) compliance with applicable laws and regulations, (3) efficiency and economy of operations, and (4) effectiveness in achieving program results. b. The Public Companies Accounting Oversight Board and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Internal Auditors, and the U.

S. General Accounting Office establish practice standards for independent, internal, and government auditors, respectively. c. The audits serve different purposes and are made by different types of auditors. Auditing only by internal auditing will not satisfy the requirements of stock exchanges and the SEC for independent audits by external auditors. Moreover, internal audits will not satisfy all government requirements for audits, particularly in the area of compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

In sum, each type of auditing is necessary. 1. 20 (Estimated time - 30 minutes) |a. Type of Audit |b. Type of Auditor(s) |c. Primary Recipient(s) | |1. Financial statement (1) |Independent(1) |Stockholders, investors, regulatory agencies, and| | | |general public | |2.

Operational (3) |Internal (2), Independent(1) |Senior Management | |3. Compliance (2) |Government - IRS (4) |IRS | |4. Operational (3) |Government - GAO (3) |Congress | |5. Financial statement (1) |Independent (1) |Creditors | |6.

Operational (3) |Internal (2) |Management | |7. Compliance (2) |Government - GAO (3) |Congress | |8. Compliance (2) |Independent (1), Internal (2), |Congress | | |and Government - GAO (3) | | |9.

Financial Statement (1) |Independent (1) |Citizens, taxpayers | |10. Operational (3) |Government - GAO (3) |Congress | |11. Compliance (2) |Independent (1), Internal (2) |Bondholders | |12. Compliance (2) |Internal (2), Independents (1) |Management | 21. Estimated time – 15 minutes) a. The first step in the accountant’s value chain involves capturing data about business events, such as data about sales and the collection of receivables. The second step involves developing an information set that communicates the total picture with integrity and objectivity. The relevant information set here might include information about sales, receivables and the calculation of inventory turn days. Transforming complex information into knowledge involves understanding how the client’s receivable collection period (58 days) compares with the rest of the industry.

In this case the 75% of the industry collect their receivables faster than the client. Anticipating and creating the opportunity involves recognizing that the client will improve its cash flow if it brings its collection days more in line with the industry median. This may further involve a study of specific customers that are delinquent and considering how to take steps to speed collection. The final stage involves management’s implementation of tighter credit policies, improved discounts for paying quickly, or charging interest for being delinquent. b.

A financial statement audit is important as it provides reasonable assurance that the sales and receivables information that is being used to make business decisions is free of material misstatement. If the information supporting the calculation of accounts receivable turn days is materially understated, the company may not recognize that it needs to take steps to improve cash flows, and in turn, make poor business decisions. 22. (Estimated time – 20 minutes) a. The benefits of a high quality audit include the following:


• Access to Capital Markets.

An audit allows companies’ access to public securities markets. In many cases, companies also need audits to support a lender’s loan decisions.

• Lower Cost of Capital. An audit often allows companies to obtain capital at a lower cost of capital, because of the reduced information risk associated with audited financial statements.

• Deterrent to Inefficiency and Fraud. Research has demonstrated that when employees know that an independent audit is to be made, they take care to make fewer errors in performing accounting functions and are less likely to misappropriate company assets.

The fact that financial statement assertions are to be verified reduces the likelihood that management will engage in fraudulent financial reporting.

• Control and Operational Improvements. Based on observations made during a financial statement audit, the independent auditor often makes suggestions to improve internal control, to evaluate management’s assessments of business risks, to recommend improved performance measures, and to make recommendations to achieve greater operational efficiencies within the client’s organization.

Your fellow business student is correct that these benefits are not achieved when an audit is not performed in accordance with professional standards. b. Even an audit performed in accordance with professional standard may not detect every material misstatement in financial statements. The following inherent limitations explain why an audit can only provide reasonable assurance that financial statements are free of material misstatement, not a guarantee that the financial statements are accurate.

• Reasonable Cost. Audits must be performed at a reasonable cost.

Auditors use selective testing, or sampling, of the accounting records and supporting data. In addition, the auditor may choose to test internal controls and may obtain assurance from a well-functioning system of internal controls. Audits cannot audit every transaction. • Reasonable Length of Time. The auditor’s report on many public companies is usually issued three to five weeks after the balance sheet date. This time constraint may affect the amount of evidence that can be obtained concerning events and transactions after the balance sheet date that may have an effect on the financial statements.

Moreover, there is a relatively short time period available for resolving uncertainties existing at the statement date. • Alternative Accounting Principles. Alternative accounting principles are permitted under GAAP. Financial statement users must be knowledgeable about a company’s accounting choices and their effect on financial statements. For example, there may be a material difference between the value of inventory using LIFO or FIFO.

• Accounting Estimates. Estimates are an inherent part of the accounting process, and no one, including auditors, can foresee the outcome of uncertainties.

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