Cda Competency Goal # 1 Essays Examples

Category: Cleanliness, Goals
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023
Pages: 7 Views: 3649

Competency Goal #1 To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment. One of the primary concerns in a preschool center based program is establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment. I will explain how I maintain this with examples in different areas and the goals I feel are important for a child to achieve. Two of the activities that I practice are fire safety and tornado drills. The purpose of fire/tornado drills is to let the children know where and what to do in case of and emergency situation.

The most important reason for these drills enforces is to try and to teach the children to be calm and feel safe. We practice the drills monthly. The classroom is another area of significance for safety. The toys are checked daily, the room is clean and clutter free. The child’s personal belongings are put in his or her cubby and marked with their name. All medicines and chemicals are stored in a cabinet and are locked at all times. The room is set up in a manner that my Para’s and I are able to supervise the children at all times. The telephone numbers of each child’s parents are in a file cabinet located next to the office phone.

All emergency numbers are posted next to the office phone. The outdoor play area is checked daily for debris and equipment is in good and stable condition. We practice hygiene habits such as washing hands before and after meals, after the use of the bathroom and after they have their diaper changed. By establishing this habit at a young age, the children will grow-up developing cleanliness and pride in taking care of themselves. I use a private room separate from the classroom when changing diapers and use the Universal Safety precautions as well.

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The room is clean and tidy. The toys are washed weekly and the diaper area after each change with Clorox wipes and a disinfecting spray. This helps to keep germs from spreading. Good nutrition is essential in young children. Serving well balanced meals by choosing foods from the Food Pyramid (4 basic food groups) is important. All of our meals and snacks are provided through our school meal service and is pre-portioned for each child. I also use nutrition as an overall theme by doing activities like art, stories, and food tasting projects.

The children sit at tables and chairs; also use silverware that is size appropriate. Meal time is a learning experience so all the children serve themselves family style. The actual room is set in an organized manner with open stations for the children to see materials and are able to play freely. All of the centers are labeled and books are shelved in an orderly fashion. I have developed a daily schedule and weekly themes to provide stimulation and knowledge. Having the room structured assists me to meet my goals as a lead teacher.

Cda Competency Goal 5

I do my part to maintain a well run purposeful program, responsive to participant needs. On their first day in our program, I make an effort to meet and greet our clients, the parents as well as the children. I ask the parents if they need any special requirements, accommodations or modifications to better service their children. I also ask the children which games they enjoy, and see if they have any questions for me about the program.

This gives them an opportunity to know we have familiar activities that they are used to, gives them a chance to share their fears and worries about the program, and they also to get to know me a little better. With this information from the children, parents and our director, the counselors and I work together as planners, getting our weekly schedules for the children and taking turns delegating the activities. We come up with our own plans and put them together to form a enriched learning program. I attend monthly meetings, learning new ways to better service our clients, help each other and work together as a group.

Our director is mostly our organizer, determining what our needs are. We discuss major issues such as safety and abuse, making me well aware of my responsibilities. As part of a cooperative co-worker, I do my personal best and help other counselors when they need assistance. I fill in for counselors if they need the day off and I am pretty good about schedule changes. We usually meet up before our day starts and talk about any issues we are having and try to find the best solutions for them. For our program to run smoothly, we must have all our paperwork in order.

This includes organization and documentation of records. We do not have one set person for recordkeeping, but we all take part in keeping our paperwork up to date and properly put away. We have filing cabinets which contain copies and some originals of attendance sheets, bus rosters, allergy lists and medications, medical forms, daily log book, accident/incident reports, check payment logs and our own personal employee files. We fill out various forms on a daily basis and we must have everything signed and properly filed by the end of the day.

Competency Goal 6 Cda

Gayle Y. Garrett Competency Goal VI To maintain a commitment to professionalism Function Area 13: Professionalism As a professional, I promote child development, learning and build family and community relationships. I continue to attend professional development sessions and read articles about early childhood. I am a continuous, collaborative learner who demonstrates knowledge in my field from all types of sources. The Philadelphia School District provides the Head Start staff with many in-service training programs that are built into my schedule.

My on-site professional development deals with areas such as the curriculum, nutrition, health, mental health, career development and parent involvement. As a teacher assistant, I do on-going observation of the students in the classroom; I gather information about many skills on a checklist. This includes writing, print awareness, language, and the purposeful use of materials. When I do observations, they include detailed notes so I can relate them more easily to many of the goals and objectives set for the children. I focus on about four children a day and spend about 15 minutes during rest time looking over my observations.

I make sure the classroom is arranged so that there are interesting hands-on activities for all children. Also, I arrange space so that the children can navigate in and out of the space safely. I help choose activities that best meet all children’s abilities. Also, I participant in helping the children at mealtimes, I guide them washing their hands before and after each meal. I have the children assist in setting the tables, instruct them to keep all food and utensils on the placemats, and encourage them to use all utensils. I sit at the table with the children and model appropriate mealtime behavior.

When I sit with the children at mealtime, it is an opportunity for language and social development. I encourage the children to participate in conversations. I also conduct circle time activities and assist the children with completing their journals and writing their name on their name strips. As a professional, I talk to the parents about the Head Start program. I work with the Head Start Family Service worker, Special Needs Coordinator, Nutrition Representative, Education Coordinator, Head Teacher and the Principal of the school.

I work cooperatively with them to keep my classroom and students on the path so each child can reach their goals. In addition, I show a commitment to professionalism by demonstrating knowledge in child care service. As a professional, I work with young children and their families. I am knowledgeable in child care services and can provide information and support when needed. In conclusion, professionalism is an extremely important area when working in Early Childhood. I am determine to be the most professional teacher assistant for my teacher, students, and parents.

Competency Statement to Support Social and Emotional Development and to Provide Positive Guidance

Social Development and Emotional Development goes hand and hand. They are closely related . Social development refers to the young child feelings about himself or herself, the people in his or her life, and the environment in which they play and lives. Emotional developments color the experience of every young child mood. At our center we provide social and emotional security for each child. I help each child to know, accept and take pride in him or herself and to develop a sense of independence.

In our preschool class we treat each child as an individual. All children have different rates of development and different personalities. As a teacher I show the children that I am very concern about them and their feeling and this helps children during their discuss times. Every morning I greet the child and their parent, I receive and give hugs too each child upon arriving and departure. In my classroom I respond quickly and calmly when children are having a disagreement, children tend to look too the teacher to help solve the disagreement.

Responding quickly also help children from hurting other. (For example; John and Bob were playing car, at the block center, John wanted the car that Bob had bob would let John see the car so John took the car from Bob and hit him. I went over to John and said your friend is sad because you hit him and took his car, we do not treat our friends like that we have too learn too share and keep our hand by our side, and do you remember the book we read about hitting our friends and how that makes they sad.

Also John you must learn too use you words “my turn please”. When children are unhappy because something has change in their life I like too find a book too read too cheer them up. Their were two best friends but one had to moved too another school. The friend that was left was so sad so I asked the class too share ideas of things that we could do too cheer him up. The children wanted me too read a book; I read a book about Feeling, as I read I was pointing at the different facial expression.

I encourage the class too draw pictures that reflect the boys feeling and picture that would cheer him up Sharing is something we practice everyday what ever they are playing with becomes mines, mines and mines my class has a hard time sharing to encourages sharing we play lots of activities with four at each tables, for instance we do board games, art activities, we pair up and share a book, table tubs, outside we take turn riding the bikes, and sharing the balls. It is important that we use all of our resources to develop our children social and emotional skill teaching them how to interact and share with other peers.

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on Cda Competency Goal # 1 Essays Examples

What is CDA competency goal Statement 1?
CDA Competency Goal Statement 1 is focused on providing a safe, healthy learning environment for children. It emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and nurturing environment that encourages children to explore, learn, and grow. It also emphasizes the importance of providing a safe and healthy environment that is free from physical, emotional, and psychological harm.
How do you write a competency statement 1 for CDA?
A competency statement 1 for a CDA should include a description of the candidate's knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the CDA credential. It should also include examples of how the candidate has demonstrated these competencies in their professional experience. Finally, the statement should demonstrate the candidate's commitment to continuing professional development in the field.
What is competency goal 1 for infants and toddlers?
Competency Goal 1 for infants and toddlers is to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment. This includes providing a safe physical environment, promoting healthy eating and sleeping habits, and providing appropriate supervision and guidance. Additionally, it involves creating a positive and nurturing environment that encourages exploration and learning.
What are the CDA competencies?
The CDA Competencies are a set of standards developed by the Council for Professional Recognition to guide early childhood educators in providing quality care and education to young children. The competencies are divided into six main areas: promoting child development and learning, building family and community relationships, observing and assessing, using appropriate interventions, understanding professionalism, and maintaining a commitment to professionalism.

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