Ban Firecrackers

Category: Food, Smoke, Sound
Last Updated: 21 Mar 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 1565

Diwali is celebrated with great vigour all across the nation. Bursting firecrackers is a tradition on Diwali. Diwali is also known as Deepavali in India. Firecrackers! Just the term creates joy and excitement in one’s mind. The heart flutters with thrill and enthusiasm developed by the sight those colorful showers and sparkles from the fireworks in the sky. But is it all about fun? Have you ever wondered how many harmful effects and disadvantages do these fireworks create for the environment?. It is yours, theirs and everyone’s duty to take care of the environment, fellow humans and other living beings. You may wonder why and how.

You may be having a great time celebrating and enjoying, bursting those boisterous fireworks. But it need not be the same for the others around you! What about your neighbors? Your neighbor could be sick, or many may have an important appointment the next day. He/she could also be having a test or an exam the next morning and they may need some rest. Burning firecrackers late at night at odd hours disturbs everyone living in that community and disturb their sleep and make them less concentrated in their next day.

Firecrackers produce very high level of sound and the vibrations can travel over a long distance. These are sometimes over 140 decibels! A human ear can bear a maximum of 85 decibels. Sounds above this limit create disability in hearing and causes permanent damage to the ears. Firecrackers when burnt release a large amount of very tiny toxic particles that can easily enter our lungs and damage the respiratory system.

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The smoke from firecrackers contain sulfur compounds, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals and harmful fumes of gases such as sulfur dioxide, ozone etc,. People with asthma, multiple chemical sensitivity and other breathing problems suffer largely due to the toxic emissions from these fireworks.

Crackers are unnoticeably affecting all of us. We should understand what it’s doing & how it’ll threaten our very existence in future. Governments should take it very seriously & should:

  • ban the production of crackers
  • enforce laws on its production, sales, use, & advertisement
  • popularize the idea of not using crackers among public

There’re a lot of causes of global warming & pollution. All the other sources are important for our living despite their ill effects. But cracker is absolutely nothing more than garbage. Be smart, be civilized, use your knowledge, don’t worry about what others think, don’t care about society, & DON’T USE CRACKER.

Let each one of us take a pledge this Diwali to say NO to firecrackers and invest in a safer and greener future. Diwali is the festival of lights and we must enlighten our lives with the sparkle of joy and goodwill, forget past grievances and look ahead towards a brighter and happier future.

Related Questions

on Ban Firecrackers

Are firecrackers banned in Germany?
Yes, firecrackers are banned in Germany. This ban was put in place in 2004 in order to reduce noise pollution and the risk of injury.
Why firecrackers should be banned?
Firecrackers should be banned because they are a source of air and noise pollution, and can be dangerous to both people and animals. Additionally, they can cause fires and other accidents, making them a hazard to public safety.
What does fire cracker means?
A firecracker is a small explosive device that produces a loud noise and a bright flash of light when ignited. It is typically used as a form of celebration or entertainment, and is often associated with holidays such as the Fourth of July in the United States.
What is the ban on crackers?
The ban on crackers is a restriction on the sale, manufacture, and use of firecrackers in India. This ban was implemented in October 2018 in order to reduce air pollution and protect public health.

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Ban Firecrackers. (2016, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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