Safe Working Practices and Child Protection Policies in Childcare Settings

Category: Abuse
Last Updated: 02 Apr 2023
Essay type: Assignment
Pages: 3 Views: 265

Assignment 005 Task D i) Safe Working Practice We seek to provide a safe and supportive environment, which secures the well-being and the very best outcomes for the children in our care. It is our duty to ensure that children are safe and protected from harm whilst within our care and we have policies and procedures in place to promote safe working practices and a clear understanding of what to do if abuse is suspected or disclosed. Our underpinning principles are that the welfare of the child is paramount.

All children without exception have the right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs. We are responsible for our own actions and behaviour and should avoid any conduct, which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions. We have received current child protection training and we have been made aware of possible symptoms of children at risk and are aware of their responsibility to report concerns according to the Child Protection Procedures, a copy of which is kept on the premises.

Concerns must be kept confidential to as few people who need to know. We must work, and be seen to work in an open and transparent way and records are always to be made of any incident, and of decisions made and further actions agreed. The minded children and parents are informed of the policy and procedures as appropriate and all concerns, and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously by us and responded to appropriately - this may require a referral to children’s services and in emergencies, the Police.

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We also have a commitment to safe recruitment, selection and vetting to ensure the safety of all children within our care and there is a legal entitlement to obtain a CRB check. iii) Child Protection Procedure If we have a concern that abuse has occurred or is likely to have occurred we are required to contact as soon as possible one of the following agencies, but the first point of contact should always be a local social services child protection team duty social worker using the telephone numbers below:

Child protection team duty social worker Local Police Station An officer of the National Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children We agree to liase with and co-operate with social services following an allegation of abuse or neglect. We will request guidance form the duty social worker as to whether we are able to contact the parents of the children in question following a referral or allegation of abuse. We are aware that social services may not wish a child’s parents to be contacted in certain circumstances.

If we are informed by a child that they or another child is being abused we will: Show that we have heard what they are saying, and all allegations will be taken seriously. We will encourage the child to talk, but will not prompt or ask leading questions. When the child is talking we will not interrupt whilst they are recalling significant events, and we will not make a child repeat their account.

We will always explain carefully, in a way that the child will fully understand according to their age and stage of development, to inform them of the actions that we must take. We will record exactly what we have been told, using exactly the same words where possible. We will record the time, date, place and people who were present at the discussion. We will then report our concerns immediately to the duty social worker. This will enable somebody with the experience and responsibility to make a proper assessment of the situation.

Following our referral to Social Services we will only inform the registered body in accordance with the National Minimum Standards. iv) Benefits of a Multi-Agency Approach From birth, there will be a variety of different agencies and programmes in the community involved with children and their development, particularly in relation to their health and education. Multi and inter-agency work is to safeguard and promote children’s welfare as soon as there are concerns about a child’s welfare, not just when there are questions about possible harm.

Having a multi-agency approach to safeguarding children means we have an understanding of a child within the context of the child’s family (parents or caregivers and the wider family) and of the educational setting, community and culture in which he or she is growing up. The ultimate aim is to understand the child’s developmental needs within the context of the family and to provide appropriate services, which respond to those needs.

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Safe Working Practices and Child Protection Policies in Childcare Settings. (2017, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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