Gorham High School’s Mission and Academic Expectations
GORHAM HIGH SCHOOL 2012-2013 41 Morrill Avenue Gorham, ME 04038 Phone: 207-222-1100 FAX: 207-839-7742 Website: www. goghs. org Guidance: 207-222-1102 Athletics: 207-222-1099 Attendance: 207-222-1100 School Nurse: 207-222-1105 GSNP (Food Services): 207-222-1375 Adult Education: 207-222-1095 Superintendent’s Office: 207-222-1000 Gorham High School Mission and Expectations MISSION The mission of Gorham High School is to provide a variety of educational opportunities in a safe, positive environment.
Our aim is that each graduate thinks critically and creatively, communicates effectively, reads and listens for understanding, solves problems, acts as a responsible citizen and aspires to and realizes individual goals. ACADEMIC EXPECTATIONS 1. Students will use the skills and strategies of the reading process to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate what they have read. Students will write correctly, using conventions of standard written and spoken English. Students will work effectively in connection with research. Students will understand and apply the concepts of data analysis.
Students will understand and apply concepts of probability. Students will understand and apply algebraic concepts. Students will be able to make accurate observations and measurements using tools (instruments) and units. Students will be able to develop generalizations based on observations (use inductive reasoning), and be able to make predictions based on scientific principles (use deductive reasoning). Students will know and understand the process of scientific inquiry, and be able to use the process to solve problems. 13. Students will understand the rights and responsibilities of civic life. 4. Students will understand the constitutional principles and the democratic foundations of the political institutions of the United States. 15. Students will understand the political relationships between the United States and other nations. 16. Students will develop historical knowledge of major events, people, and enduring themes in the United States, and throughout the world. 17. Students will apply the design process to develop a project and redesign for improvement. 18. Students will utilize technological tools, materials and processes to solve problems. 9. Students will acquire the knowledge and the skills to design and implement a personal fitness program that leads to a healthy life style. 20. Students will participate in a variety of lifelong fitness activities that may become useful later in life. 21. Students will explore creative expression through participation in visual or performing art experiences. 22. Students will understand health promotion and disease prevention concepts. 23. Students will understand how to reduce their health risks through the practice of healthy behaviors. 24.
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Students will learn how to set personal goals and make decisions that lead to better health. CIVIC EXPECTATIONS Students will demonstrate civic responsibility. SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS Gorham High School expects that its community members will adhere to the core values in the Code of Conduct: Respect Honesty Courage Compassion Responsibility* * See Gorham School District Code of Conduct 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Students will be able to use symbols, graphs, and diagrams to make arguments, draw conclusions, by verifying, evaluating, and using results. 11.
Students will know how to construct and interpret maps and use globes and other geographic tools to locate and derive information about people, places, regions, and environments. 12. Students will understand and analyze the relationships between people and their physical environment. CODE OF CONDUCT (CODE JICDA) POLICY STATEMENT The Gorham School Committee is committed to maintaining a supportive and orderly school environment in which students may receive and staff may deliver a quality education without disruption or interference and in which students may develop as ethical, responsible and involved citizens.
The School Committee believes that each member of the school community should take responsibility for his/her own behavior. To that end, the School Committee recognizes the need to model and teach ethical and responsible behavior, to define unacceptable student conduct and its consequences, and ensure that discipline is administered appropriately. Having considered the input of staff, parents, students, and the community, the School Committee adopts this Code of Conduct (“Code”). Community Core Values With rights come responsibilities.
Members of the school community are expected to demonstrate ethical and responsible behavior consistent with its core values. Such conduct is fundamental to a supportive, safe, and orderly school environment and a civil society. The Gorham School Committee has established five core values. RESPECT A person who is respectful of oneself, others and the environment Does Not… Verbally abuse self or others. Physically abuse self or others. Cause damage to property. Does… Demonstrate polite and appropriate interactions with others. Value themselves and others. Care for surroundings.
HONESTY A person who is honest in all endeavors Does Not… Plagiarize the work of others. Engage in deceptive, blaming or sneaky behavior. Take the property of others. Does… Seek to tell the truth. Accept ownership and responsibility for actions and work. Maintain trust in all relationships. COURAGE A person who is courageous in the face of ethical challenges Does Not… Submit to peer pressure. Avoid challenges. Sacrifice aspirations when confronted by setbacks. COMPASSION A person who is compassionate Does Not… Ignore another’s pain, suffering or needs. Hurt others’ feelings. Take dvantage of others. Does… Show empathy by being sensitive to the perspectives, needs and feelings of others. Care about others and help them. Reach out to those in need. Does… Stand up for what is right, even when it’s unpopular Take appropriate risks. Seek advice when making difficult decisions. RESPONSIBILITY A person who is responsible as an individual and as a member of a community Does Not… Project blame on others. Exploit others. Ignore assumed duties or neglect obligations. Does… Demonstrate accountability for personal behavior. Take initiative to do the things that are expected.
Follow through with commitments. 3 Daily Schedule 2012 – 2013 Gorham High School Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:50 – 8:38 8:42 – 9:27 9:31 – 10:16 10:22 – 11:07 11:07 – 12:22 11:07 – 11:32 (11:37 – 12:22 11:32 – 11:57 11:57 – 12:22 (11:12 – 11:57 12:26 – 1:11 1:15 – 2:00 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5 Lunch A Class) Lunch B Lunch C Class) Period 6 Period 7 Wednesday 7:50 – 9:18 Period 1 9:22 – 10:50 Period 3 10:50 – 12:05 Period 5 10:50 – 11:15 Lunch A (11:19 – 12:05 Class) 11:15 – 11:40 Lunch B 11:40 – 12:05 Lunch C (10:54 – 11:40 Class) 12:08 – 12:28 Advisory 12:32 – 2:00 Period 6
Thursday 7:50 – 9:18 Period 2 9:22 – 9:42 Advisory 9:45 – 11:13 Period 4 11:13 – 12:28 Period 5 11:13 – 11:38 Lunch A (11:42 – 12:28 Class) 11:38 – 12:03 Lunch B 12:03 – 12:28 Lunch C (11:17 – 12:03 Class) 12:32 – 2:00 Period 7 4 GRADES / GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GRADE REPORTING Students will receive grades each quarter. QUARTER 1..... Aug 29 – Nov 2 QUARTER 2..... Nov 5 - Jan 25 QUARTER 3..... Jan 28 – April 5 QUARTER 4..... Apr 8 - June 18 GRADE EQUIVALENTS 99 – 100 = A+ 95 – 98 = A 82 – 84 = C+ 78 – 81 = C Below 70 = F Incomplete = I
The marking terms at Gorham High School for the 2012-2013 Academic Year are: Grades Available: Week of November 19 Grades Available: Week of February 11 Grades Available: Week of April 22 Grades Available: Week of July 1 93 – 94 = A75 – 77 = CWithdrew = W 91 – 92 = B+ 74 = D+ Pass = P 87 – 90 = B 71 – 73 = D Fail = F 85 – 86 = B70 = D GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Students graduating from Gorham High School must have earned a minimum of twenty-two (22) credits and successfully completed the following graduation requirements: English 4. 0 credits Physical Education 1. credit Math 3. 0 credits Technology 1. 0 credit Social Studies 3. 0 credits Health Education 0. 5 credit Science 3. 0 credits Other 5. 5 credits Fine Arts 1. 0 credit See Program of Studies for more details Academic Honors Distinction Protocol: Students earn Academic Honors Distinction based upon their GPA for all courses completed through 7 semesters of high school. They are honored during Academic Awards Night in May and during Senior Recognition Night in June. The following are the categories: Summa Cum Laude 98 and above Magna Cum Laude 95 - 97. 9 Cum Laude 93 - 94. 99 Please note: There is no rounding up of GPA's. Community Service: Community service is not required to earn a diploma, but each student must have accumulated twenty (20) community service hours in order to participate in Graduation ceremonies. STUDENT SERVICES ADVISORY The purpose of Advisory is to connect every student to an adult in the school. Students will maintain the same advisor for their high school career. GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT Professionally certified staff are available to help students and parents with personal and educational issues.
If there are questions regarding scheduling, vocational opportunities, standardized testing, career planning, student records, personal issues, or post-secondary options (college, technical school, military, work), students and parents should make an appointment by calling 2221102. 5 HEALTH SERVICES The school nurse is available for routine testing and for emergencies. In case of accidents at school, the school nurse will be called in. In extreme emergencies, the student may be taken directly to the hospital by appropriate personnel.
Parents will be contacted in all cases. Students who are taking prescribed medication or have special medical needs that arise during the school year should notify the school nurse as soon as possible at 222-1105. LIBRARY The school library provides educational resources for students and staff. It is open from 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM Monday Thursday. The library is open on Friday from 7:30 AM to 2:20 PM. Library cards are issued each semester. Students must have them to go to the library during a study period. The cards may be used once a day.
Students will not receive library cards if they have materials which are more than two weeks overdue, or if there is an unpaid fine. Students are expected to work quietly in the library. A student's library card may be revoked for disciplinary reasons. Books are arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System. Reference books and current periodicals do not circulate except upon the request of a teacher. Books may be checked out for two weeks, with renewals allowed as needed. The fine for overdue materials is 5? per day. Reserved books (set aside by a teacher for use in course work) are to be used in the library when school is in session.
Unless otherwise specified, reserved books may be borrowed overnight if checked out at the end of the school day and returned before school starts the next day. The fine for overdue reserved materials is $1. 00 per day. If a student loses library materials, the student must pay the current list price of the book. No food or drink is allowed in the library, except water. SOCIAL WORKER AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELOR These staff members provide individual and group opportunities to meet/discuss social and emotional issues, and mediation (see below). MEDIATION When both parties involved in an adversarial ituation agree to meet with one another, mediation may be used in order to resolve a conflict. Mediation is a structured conversation facilitated by a trained school social worker or guidance counselor. The purpose of mediation is to help individuals find common understanding around a disputed issue in order to resolve their differences. Mediation is typically used when it is believed that the conflict will be resolved when both parties gain a better understanding of one another’s grievance. On occasion, mediation will be used in lieu of or as a part of the disciplinary process.
School administration may strongly encourage mediation as a method to help advance the safety and security of GHS students. RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION (RTI) The RTI team is led by the Instructional Strategist and provides an intervention structure for students to enhance academic progress. STUDENT REVIEW TEAM The Student Review Team (SRT) is a group of school professionals whose function is to identify, brainstorm, and intervene with "at risk" students. The purpose of the SRT is to redirect students exhibiting "at risk" behaviors before they experience school and social failure.
The SRT collaborates with the RTI team. STUDENTS IN CRISIS If a student experiences an emotional or personal crisis that results in hospitalization, there are a variety of services that can assist your child in transitioning back to school. A reentry meeting is required before a student is allowed to reenter school due to a hospitalization. SPECIAL SERVICES/REFERRAL TO INDIVIDUAL EDUCATION PLAN (IEP) MEETING Gorham shall ensure that a special education referral process is in place for referring to the Individual Education Plan (IEP) Team.
A student who is being considered for referral to special education will already have been through the Response To Intervention process. This referral process shall allow referrals to be made by school staff, parents, and other interested parties with knowledge of the student’s needs. The superintendent or his designee shall establish a procedure whereby referrals from persons or groups unaffiliated with the school unit may be directed to a designated school official and channeled to an IEP meeting.
The IEP team will convene within 15 school days beginning on the date on which the referral is signed by the Director of Special Services. 6 CHILD FIND The Gorham School Department has the responsibility to locate, evaluate and identify all exceptional children between the ages of three and 20. Parents, relatives, physicians and other persons who are aware of a child who may require services are asked to contact Katie Hawes, Special Services Director, at 222-1002. The Gorham School Department provides a broad range of special education and support services.
These services extend from supported placement in the regular classroom through monitoring, consultation, resource services, composite services, self-contained services, to supportive services in speech/language, occupational and physical therapy, psychological evaluation and counseling, and adapted physical education. If you know of anyone between the ages of three and 20 who resides in Gorham and in need of Special Education and supportive assistance or referral services, contact Special Services Director, Katie Hawes at 222-1002.
SUMMER SCHOOL Students who wish to attend summer school at Gorham High School or another area high school, need to have achieved a grade of 60 and have attended the GHS class at least 80% of the past semester/year. Students who have failed a course must remain in that course throughout the year as long as they do not become a disruption. Should a student need to be removed from a course for the remainder of the school year, he/she will be assigned to a study hall and expected to attend. STUDENT GOVERNMENT
Student Council: The representative group for the students at Gorham High School is the Student Council. The Council represents the student body in its contact with the administration, faculty, and the public. Its membership includes representatives from each of the four classes. Students interested in working on Student Council activities should contact a Student Council member. Class Officers: Each class elects a slate of officers each year to oversee class activities. Officers work with the class advisors to promote class spirit and school spirit.
School Council: This organization is a student/faculty group that exists to hear and act on proposals for school change. Ten student members are elected by their peers to serve. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Gorham High School is committed to a diversified activities program. There are many opportunities for students to become involved in the school community. Groups that are active include: ATHLETICS The Athletic Department at Gorham High School offers many opportunities for students to participate in intramural and interscholastic sports.
INTRAMURALS: Basketball, Volleyball INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS: Boys: Cheering; Cross Country; Golf; Soccer; Basketball; Football; Indoor Track; Ice Hockey; Baseball; Outdoor Track; Tennis; Lacrosse; Swimming. Girls: Cheering: Cross Country; Field Hockey; Golf; Soccer; Volleyball; Basketball; Indoor Track; Ice Hockey; Softball; Outdoor Track; Tennis; Lacrosse; Swimming. ELIGIBILITY Students must have passed four full-time subjects (or the equivalent of) the preceding quarter to be eligible to take part in interscholastic competition.
Courses taken in blocks are equivalent to 2 courses for the purpose of determining eligibility. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS Students who wish to participate in athletics must have a physical every two years. The school does not offer sports physicals. 7 SCHOOL INSURANCE Insurance is available to all students and may be purchased through the school. This is strictly accident insurance and is sponsored by a company approved by the school. All participants in athletic programs are required to carry either personal or school accident insurance.
CLUBS SCHOLA, Math Team, Drama Club (includes Fall Play, One-Act Play, Thespian Troupe), Musical, French Club, Spanish Club, Prom, INTERACT, Slam Poetry, Writing Club, Chess Club, Graphic Arts & Photography Club, Tech and Engineering Club, The Studio Club, Dream Factory Club, Gorham GIRLS (Growing Independent Respectful Leaders with Solidarity), Literary Magazine, Key Club, Robotics Club, Rainbow Alliance, Fishing Club, Green Team, Human Rights Team, Video Production Club, Knitting and Craft Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Debate Team, Student Newspaper ("The Voice"), Improv Club, Acoustic Guitar Club, Mind Craft, Garden Club.
PERFORMING ORGANIZATIONS Concert Band, Jazz Band, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Chorus, Chamber Singers, Fall Drama, Spring Musical, Winter One-Act Play Competition. NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Students applying for membership in the National Honor Society must: ! Be a junior or senior with a cumulative GPA of 90. 0 or above. ! Have been involved in three or more school-related extra-curricular activities over the course of their high school career. The application process consists of the following: ! The student will fill out the administrative section of the application, which documents GPA, extra-curricular activities, and community service. The student will have two faculty members, whose classes s/he has taken, complete recommendations. ! The student will write an essay illustrating his/her interest in NHS.!! 8 ATTENDANCE ATTENDANCE PROTOCOL Introduction At Gorham High School, we value class attendance. It is a vital piece of a student’s academic success. When students miss class, they lose integral amounts of classroom participation and instruction, which cannot be replaced. All students are expected to be in school and in their regularly assigned classes and study halls every day.
Students who miss more classes than this policy stipulates will not receive credit for the course. Responsibility for attendance rests with students and their parents. Any adult having a person of compulsory-school age under their guidance shall compel the person to attend school. Maine Law Title 20-A Section 5001-A requires that: Every child between the 7th and 17th anniversary of his/her birth shall attend a public day school during the time it is in regular session. Attendance Policy • • Both excused and unexcused absences are entered into the numerical count of accrued absences.
Students, who are absent from a course for more than 15 days in full-year courses, may pass the course but will not receive credit for graduation for that course. • Students who are absent from a course for more than 8 days in a semester course may pass the course, but will not receive credit towards graduation for that course. • The attendance failure will be administered at the end of the semester for a semester course and at the end of the year for a year course. A student who is failing the course will receive the failing grade.
A student who is passing a course will receive no credit for the course. Example: English 9 – a student earns a grade of eighty but receives no credit because of sixteen absences. The student may take English 10 next year but will need to make up the lost English 9 credit. • It is possible to request that particular absences be waived under extreme circumstances. Such absences considered “waiveable” include but are not limited to: court appointments, legal confinement, religious observances, State testing, death in immediate family, school related field trips or activities and suspensions from school.
Absences, which are considered non “waiveable ” include but are not limited to: Illness (unless emergency and/or medical determination not to attend school), college visitations, and family trips. • A student must pick up a waiver form in the Assistant Principals’ office if he/she wishes to have any absences waived. Only completed waiver forms along with the appropriate documentation will be considered. Absences Students who are absent for at least four periods during a seven period day or two periods during a block day are considered absent for the day.
If students are absent unexcused for at least this amount of time, they are considered truant for the day. Students who are truant will receive a Friday detention. Excused Absences Maine State Law states that the following absences are excused: 1. Professional appointments that cannot be scheduled outside the school day such as court, medical and dental appointments. These must be verified by appropriate documentation from these offices. 2. Illnesses verified by a parent. In all cases of illness, the school reserves the right to require verification by a physician or school nurse. 3.
School related field trips or activities. 4. Religious observances. 5. Death, serious illness, or other emergency situations in the immediate family as deemed appropriate by the administration. 6. College or educational visitations approved at least three days in advance. Absences must be reported to the Main Office the morning of the absence by a parent phone call: 222-1077. Makeup Assignments/Work Students can make up any work missed from an excused absence. This includes family trips when planned in advance and prior notification has occurred. A trip notification form may be obtained in the office.
Teachers may offer substitute assignments for missed work. Makeup work must be completed by deadlines set by each teacher to receive full credit. Teachers will allow adequate time determined by the length of the absence and nature of the work. Students may not make up any work from unexcused absences. Zeros will be assigned. Appeals Process A student has the right to due process and may appeal his or her situation to an administrator. All appeals must be made in writing and submitted to the Main Office along with the appropriate documentation for the absences. 9 GENERAL SCHOOL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
ABSENCES/TARDIES/DISMISSALS If you are absent from school: 1. Have a parent call school as soon as possible the day of the absence by calling 222-1077. 2. If excused, it is the student's responsibility to obtain make-up work and complete all missed assignments within the time period arranged by the teacher. Work not made up in time will be averaged as zeros by the teacher. In the case of a long illness of three days or more, parents may contact the Guidance Office for assistance in obtaining assignments. 3. If unexcused, no make-up work will be allowed and zeros will be averaged into the students’ grades.
Teachers will notify parent/guardian for excessive, unexcused absences. Disciplinary action may result. 4. Students will not be allowed to attend any school activities on the day they are absent, excused or unexcused (except for verified appointments). Students should not be in the vicinity of the school or any other school/area in the system sponsoring a school activity of any sort. Planned absences for personal or educational purposes must be approved in the Main Office by Administration three days in advance. Procedure to follow: A. Parent must call the Main Office to inform the school that the student will be absent.
B. The parent completes and signs a Trip Form telling when the student will be absent and where the student will be. C. The student takes the Trip Form around to teachers to be signed. D. The signed Trip Form is given to Main Office personnel. E. Administration approves or disapproves the absence. F. *NOTE: Babysitting, hunting, employment, transportation problems, shopping, running errands, among others, are not excusable absences. The school determines whether a tardy or absence is considered excused. If you are tardy to school (the school day begins at 7:50 AM): 1. Have a parent call. 2.
Students tardy to the beginning of school must report to the Main Office for an admittance slip from the KeepnTrack system. 3. All tardies to school are considered unexcused. Parents/guardians need to call the school to provide information as to why the student is tardy. If a parent has not called in before the student arrives or if the reason does not comply with state law the tardy will remain unexcused and subject to consequences. Classroom teachers will assign consequences for tardies to class and/or missed classes because of unexcused lateness to school. If a tardy is unexcused, no make-up work will be allowed. NOTE: Oversleeping, car problems, or missing the bus are not excused tardies. If you are tardy to class: 1. If excused, report to class with a written verifiable excuse from a staff member. 2. If unexcused, teacher discipline will result. Chronic offenders will be referred to the office. DO NOT GO TO THE OFFICE FOR A TARDY SLIP. Dismissals from school: 1. Parents must call first thing in the morning to give time and reason for dismissal. 2. Students report to the office first thing to pick up dismissal note. 3. Students must sign back in upon return if returning at some point during the day. . If not returning the same day, bring the dismissal slip back to school to show to the teachers whose classes you missed *NOTE: Study halls, picture-taking appointments, hair appointments, job interviews, employment, going to lunch, or other similar errands are not excusable dismissals. The school reserves the right to confirm all appointments. If you are being dismissed due to illness: If a student is ill during the school day, he or she should report to the nurse’s office. Absences that result by the nurse’s recommendation for dismissal due to illness are considered waivable.
A parent or legal guardian must be contacted before a student can be dismissed. PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Students are recognized for Perfect Attendance at the end of the year. Perfect attendance is when a student has not missed any part of a school day. (Any absences, tardies and/or dismissals eliminate students from perfect attendance status. ) EMERGENCY SHEETS All students must have an emergency sheet on file in the Main Office. This information is used in the event of an emergency when parents, relatives, or neighbors may need to be reached quickly. DISMISSAL FROM SCHOOL FOR ILLNESS OR OTHER EMERGENCIES 0 REQUIRES THE USE OF THE EMERGENCY SHEET INFORMATION ONLY. WE CANNOT RELEASE STUDENTS TO PEOPLE UNLESS THEY ARE LISTED ON THE EMERGENCY SHEET. Students and parents should advise the Main Office if any changes in this information occur. ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS (See policy on pg. 21) ASSEMBLIES Assemblies will be scheduled throughout the school year. As assemblies and or pep rallies occur during the school day, students are expected to remain in school during scheduled assemblies or pep rallies. An alternative room is available should students not desire to attend the assembly or pep rally.
Dismissing a student merely as a result of a scheduled assembly is not permitted. Students are expected to follow these rules: 1. Students must remain in assemblies until the program ends. 2. Students should be on time, respectful, appreciative, and attentive to all participants and speakers. 3. Students should applaud at appropriate times. Shouting and whistling are inappropriate. 4. No hats, hoods, book bags, cell phones, laptops, gum chewing, food, or drink are allowed in MPAC. ATTENDANCE (See Attendance Protocol on pg. 9) BEFORE-SCHOOL PROCEDURES Students who drive to school MAY NOT remain in cars once they arrive at school.
Once students arrive to school, they need to enter the school in a timely fashion. Students will not be permitted to loiter around outside the building anywhere including Robie Woods, Morrill Avenue, the gully, fields or neighboring lawns. Once students arrive onto school property, a parent/guardian must inform the office PRIOR to the student leaving school grounds. This includes when students are dropped off via the school bus. BUSES Gorham High School students riding school department buses to and from school are expected to behave in an orderly fashion.
Bus drivers will report any inappropriate behavior to the transportation director who may call the high school administration for assistance. Parents will be notified through a bus slip that is issued by the bus driver and given to the student. Riding school department buses is a privilege, which may be revoked. We offer late buses Monday through Thursday for students who stay after school for school activities. Students need a late bus pass to ride on the late buses. Bus passes can be obtained through the Main Office when students present a note from the activity advisor.
CLOSED CAMPUS Because of issues of liability, GHS is a closed campus. Students are not allowed to leave the school building during the day unless the Main Office receives prior permission from the parent/guardian to do so. This includes the parking lot, dismissals for illness, and appointments. Students must check with the office before leaving. Failure to do so will result in unexcused status. Students who leave school without permission through the office will receive a Friday detention. Students are not allowed to exit the building or go to the parking lot without permission through the office.
DANCES During the school year there are four school-sponsored dances: Homecoming, Senior Class dance, Winter Festival (7pm to 10pm), and Prom (7pm to 11pm). Dances are open to GHS students and approved guests. GHS students are allowed to bring one guest to a dance. Students bringing guests are responsible for their behavior. Guests must be signed up in advance at the Main Office and have completed the appropriate permission form. Dances are an extension of the school day. Students and guests are subject to all school rules and guidelines. Appropriate dancing is expected.
Any student absent from school (unexcused) on the day of a dance is not allowed to attend the dance. Once a student leaves the dance, he/she will not be readmitted to the dance. Doors to the dance will close one hour after the start of the dance. Students arriving after this time will not be admitted to the dance. Students must be in at least the 9th grade in order to attend a GHS dance. Students must be in at least their third year of high school to attend the Prom unless they are an invited guest and have GHS administrative approval. Students over 20 years of age will not be admitted to GHS dances or the GHS Prom.
DISCIPLINARY ACTION " DETENTION There are three types of detentions that students may be assigned at Gorham High School. Classroom Detentions are generally assigned by a teacher, substitute teacher, or other staff member as a result of problems arising in the classroom. Teachers observing inappropriate behavior in the hallways or on school grounds may also assign detentions. Classroom detentions will be served with the staff member for the amount of time, and at the time, set by the teacher. If students refuse to serve assigned classroom detentions, they will be assigned an office detention.
Office Detentions are assigned by a teacher or an administrator. Office detentions may be assigned whenever students are sent from class for inappropriate or repetitive behavior, for breaking school rules, for skipping study halls or classes, or for failing to serve classroom detentions. Students scheduled for a detention may not participate in any school-related activity during that time. Friday Detentions are assigned by a teacher or an administrator. Friday detentions may be assigned whenever students are sent from class for inappropriate or repetitive behavior, for breaking school rules, or for failing to serve Office detentions.
Friday detentions are held from 2:15 to 5:30 PM at GHS. Failure to serve a Friday detention will result in an immediate 2-day In-School suspension. Students who are scheduled for a 11 Friday detention may not participate in any school-related activity during that time. Employment and/or athletic obligations are not valid excuses to be exempt from a Friday detention. Students are expected to bring academic work with them and to use the time productively. Detention Rules Detention begins promptly at 2:15 PM. Office detention ends at 3:00 PM; Friday detention ends at 5:30 PM.
Late students will be assigned an additional detention. Students must bring reading or writing materials with them, and must write/read the entire time. Students may not eat, sleep, talk, or listen to music listening devices while in detention. Students removed from detention will not receive credit for any time served. Students will be given 24-hour notice (if needed) for serving an Office detention. Athletic events or work are not permissible reasons to be excused from Office detention. Skipping Office detention will result in assignment to Friday detention.
Changes in detention date must be requested by a parent/guardian 24 hours in advance through the Main Office by phone or in person. " SUSPENSION Suspension may be In-School or out-of-school, pending infraction and administrative decision. Suspension from school may be from one day to 10 days. For major infractions, the school administrator may make referrals to the School Committee for suspension from school beyond the 10 days allowable. In these cases the student is responsible for obtaining make-up work while on suspension or upon return through the Guidance Office.
In all cases the parent or guardian will be notified. In order for the student to return to school, one or both parents may be required to meet with an administrator to discuss the school's concerns regarding the behavior. Generally, suspension is used to remove students who are disrupting the safety and order of the school, interfering with the educational process, using abusive language, or are chronic offenders. Chronic offenders subject themselves to progressive discipline. If a storm day occurs during any suspension, the suspension will be carried to the next day or series of days.
At administrative discretion, students who have been assigned a 10-day suspension may replace up to three days of suspension with community service time (6 hours of community service = 1 day of suspension). This option is not available for students who are involved in an assault, threatening with a weapon, or who furnish/traffic drugs or alcohol. Due Process Minimal due process procedures will be followed when an administrator suspends a student for any period of time up to a maximum of ten (10) days. These procedures include: 1.
NOTICE: Informing the student verbally or in writing of the charge against him/her 2. EVIDENCE: Informing the student of the basis of the charge 3. HEARING: The student is given the opportunity to tell his/her side of the story. The administrator then makes the decision. Students on suspension may not be on school grounds or attend any school-sponsored activity. DRESS CODE Appropriate attire sets a tone for the entire educational setting. Dress may not be distracting to the learning situation. Articles of clothing with vulgar language, pictures, or language implying a vulgar meaning are not allowed.
Articles of clothing which promote drug or alcohol use are not allowed. Articles of clothing which promote violence, racism or are provocative are not allowed. Articles of clothing that are revealing, suggestive or offensive are not allowed. Specific examples of clothing that are not allowed include, but are not limited to, the following: "Hooters" clothing, "Coed Naked" clothing, spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, see-through clothing, off the shoulder tops, tops that reveal undergarments, and/or clothing exposing the midriff or stomach areas.
Acceptable clothing for school includes: • Clothing that completely covers an individual’s skin in the stomach, back and midriff areas. • Shirts that have a high neckline with at least a one-inch strap and cover all undergarment straps. • Clothes that fully cover undergarments regardless of whether a student is standing or sitting. • The length of shorts and skirts that at least reach the student’s fingertips when their hands are placed by their sides while standing. • Leggings/Spandex of any length must be covered by a garment that reaches the student's fingertips.
Students may be asked to change clothing by any faculty member or administrator. Students who are improperly dressed will be required to change or cover the inappropriate clothing or will be sent home to change such clothing. A student who is unwilling or unable to change clothing will be placed in In-School Suspension. ELECTRONIC DEVICES • Cell Phones Cell phones will be turned off and stored away from 7:50 am to 2:00 pm, except during lunch. Students may use phones in the designated lunch areas during their lunch only. Cell phones will be confiscated when students violate the cell phone procedures.
The first time the phone is confiscated, it will be returned to the student at the end of the day. For second and all subsequent offenses, a Friday detention will be assigned. Whenever a student fails to relinquish their phone, a Friday detention will be assigned. 12 • Music Listening Devices at School -- iPods, MP3 Players, Games, other electronic devices Students are not to have music listening devices with speakers in school. Students may listen to music listening devices during lunch, before school, and after school only. These items may be played during class time at the discretion of the teacher.
Any infraction may result in confiscation of item(s). EMAIL Students are expected to check their FirstClass email daily and respond to messages from staff members. FIRE DRILLS/LOCK DOWNS Fire drills and lock downs, which are required by law, are important safety precautions. It is essential that when the first signal is given, everyone leaves the building immediately for fire drills or reports to the nearest classroom for lock downs. Students should assume that all alarms that ring in the building signal an actual emergency and should respond appropriately. Students should make a point to know the correct exit from each classroom.
Directions for fire drill procedures are posted in each room. FOOD/DRINK Food and/or drink are allowed in the hallways. Food and drink may be permitted in classrooms only with individual teacher permission. Students are expected to use the trash receptacles in the halls to dispose of any unwanted food or drink. Cafeteria vending machines are to be used only during lunch periods and after school. Students may receive disciplinary action for failure to dispose of trash properly. FUNDRAISING/SOLICITATION/ADVERTISING Any type of fund raising/solicitation/advertising connected to the school requires administrative approval.
Forms are available in the Main Office. A staff member must supervise all such activities. Individual fundraising is not allowed. The promotion of for-profit business sales is also not allowed. HATS Students may wear hats and hoods in the building, but must remove them in classes, study halls and the library unless allowed by the teacher. Hats and hoods may not be worn in MPAC or for yearbook and school ID pictures. LAPTOP COMPUTERS All students will be issued a school laptop to support the academic program. Students are responsible for proper use and maintenance of the laptop.
An outline of disciplinary consequences for computer misuse can be found on page 20 of this handbook. Students are financially responsible for any damage to or loss of their computer. The Gorham School Department offers elective insurance that will help defray costs associated with computer damage or loss after deductibles are met. LASER POINTERS Laser pointers are not allowed in school or on school grounds. A laser pointer means any hand-held device that emits a visible light beam amplified by the stimulated emission of radiation.
Laser pointers will be confiscated and returned to parents. Police may be contacted. LOCKERS Each student is assigned his/her own locker for the year. Students are to use only the locker assigned by the school. Students are responsible for anything found in their assigned locker. It is recommended that lockers be kept locked with a padlock, which is provided by the student. Students should keep lockers locked at all times and should not give out locker combinations. Students are discouraged from keeping valuables in lockers. The school does not cover student losses from school lockers.
For the general welfare of the school community, the school administrators may conduct random searches of student lockers periodically throughout the school year. School lockers and desks are school property and are, therefore, subject to periodic administrative search. Public school officials are not required to obtain a search warrant prior to conducting a search of a student's locker. Students should refrain from using markers or placing stickers on lockers, for they are difficult to clean and remove at the conclusion of school. Vandalism to lockers may result in suspension/reparation/clean-up/police referral.
Please report any problems with your locker to the Main Office. Lockers are the property of Gorham High School. The school reserves the right to inspect a locker in order to maintain the integrity of the school environment or to protect other students. LUNCH Students are to remain in the cafeteria and designated areas during their assigned lunch period. Only one assigned lunch is to be taken by each student each day. Students are not allowed to leave the school building or school grounds during lunch. Students are not allowed to be dismissed to go out to get lunch.
District policy guidelines state that during the school lunch period, food may not be ordered from outside vendors. MID-YEAR AND FINAL EXAMS Mid-year and final exams are given during the last few days of each semester. Mid-year and final exams count as 10% of the total grade. MOTOR VEHICLES Buses are provided free for all students who live more than one and a half miles from school. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this service. Absence and tardiness resulting from choosing to use private transportation is not excusable. Vehicles driven by students must be 13 egistered for road use. Lack of registration will result in notification to the police. Students are expected to adhere to all traffic laws and speed limits while on school grounds and adjoining roadways. PARKING Student parking is a privilege at GHS. There is limited parking available. Seniors who wish to drive to school and park in the parking lot must obtain a parking sticker from the office. Almost all parking spaces are assigned to faculty and seniors. The remaining spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students who park illegally will receive an Office detention.
Subsequent infractions may result in the vehicle being towed at owner's expense. Cars that are parked on the light pole islands and other non-parking spaces are considered to be parked illegally, and drivers are subject to disciplinary action described above. Parking privileges may be revoked at administrators’ discretion. PLAGIARISM/CHEATING Students are expected to be the sole author of their work. Any material taken from another's work, whether quoted or paraphrased, must be properly noted as another's work and the source cited. Taking credit, or failing to give credit, for the work of another, in whole or in part, is plagiarism.
Using another person's working notes, unless specifically authorized by the teacher, is also plagiarism. Students who provide their work to another student for use will also be considered guilty of plagiarism. Students found guilty of plagiarism will not receive credit for the work. Students may also receive additional penalties as outlined by departmental policies or individual teachers' policies. A meeting may also be called involving the student, parent, teacher and school administrator to determine what additional steps should be taken. Other forms of cheating will be handled in a similar manner.
PROGRESS/FAILURE REPORTS Grade information will be regularly posted on the Infinite Campus parent portal. Mid-term progress reports and report cards will be posted on Infinite Campus. Parents requesting that a report be sent home should contact the Guidance Office. Parents will be contacted by telephone or email if their student is in danger of failing. PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION Our expectation is that students will conduct themselves appropriately while in school. Public displays of affection that include hugging, kissing, touching, etc. are unacceptable.
Faculty/Staff members may intervene as necessary, and the expectation is that the behavior will discontinue once a warning has been issued. SCHEDULE CHANGES Students are strongly discouraged from making schedule changes during the school year. If it becomes necessary for a student to consider a change in educational programming, the following procedure will be used: 1. Discuss it with the teacher and the counselor. 2. Have your parent contact the guidance counselor by phone or in writing, stating that they approve of the possibility of a schedule change. 3. Make out an add-drop form with your counselor. . The student must remain in the present course until the change is finalized. The change is finalized when the counselor has signed and dated the lower right hand corner of the add-drop form. 5. The student will notify teachers, including study hall teachers, of the finalized change by presenting them with a copy of the completed adddrop form. 6. Students will not be dropped from any class until all of the above steps are completed. Any student who fails to attend a class or study hall before the process is finalized will be considered skipping that class.
SEARCH & SEIZURE PROCEDURE Since lockers are school property, school officials have the authority to search one or all lockers when this appears necessary to maintain the integrity of the school environment or to protect other students. Search of students and student belongings will follow due process and may be undertaken when deemed necessary by Administration. School officials should, however, make such searches only where reasonable grounds for the search exist. Parents will be notified of the search as soon as possible, not necessarily prior to the search.
School Board Policy JIHD, adopted in January, 2006, allows for canine searches of student lockers and any vehicle on school grounds. SENIOR PRIVILEGE Seniors may apply for senior privileges if they have an 85 grade point average and passed all classes during the previous quarter, have regular attendance, and have no prior disciplinary action during the previous quarter. Students must apply and be approved by an administrator before they can begin taking senior privileges. Additional expectations are listed on the Senior Privilege contract.
SHADOWING Shadowing is not permitted at Gorham High School unless the visitor has definite plans to attend GHS. Under such circumstances, the visit is arranged in advance through the Guidance Office. SMOKING/TOBACCO USE Smoking and possession of tobacco products are prohibited on school grounds and will result in suspension from school. STUDY HALLS Study halls are places where students can work quietly on their own. Students are not allowed to play cards during study halls. Students are to 14 arrive at study halls prepared to do school work. Skipping study halls will result in an Office detention.
Study halls are considered part of the academic day; therefore, attendance is mandatory. Passes to see other faculty/staff should be obtained in advance and brought to the study hall teacher. A sign-out list will be kept by each study hall teacher. TELEPHONES/TELEPHONE MESSAGES All school telephones (including those in the classrooms) are business phones and not intended for student use. A telephone is provided in the Main Office for student use only during his/her lunch period, or during a study hall. Emergency parent phone messages will be given to students.
TEXTBOOKS Textbooks in good condition are loaned to students for their use during the school year. These textbooks are to be covered, kept clean, and handled carefully. Students are responsible for these books. If a textbook is lost, a replacement book will be issued (if possible) only after the original book is paid for. If the lost book is found, the student will be reimbursed. Before final exams can be taken, each textbook must be returned in good condition or paid for. Ultimately, outstanding textbook debts must be settled before a student can participate in Graduation exercises or receive his/her diploma.
VANDALISM By state law, students/parents are liable for damage to school property by pupils. It is the expectation that students will take pride in and respect the school building and grounds. Students will reimburse the school for any school property vandalized. Police referral may take place. Restitution may take the form of work services provided to the school or community. VISITORS Only those adult visitors who have legitimate business at GHS will be allowed in the building. Visitors must check in and out of the building in the Main Office.
All visitors will be provided with an official GHS Visitors Badge and are expected to wear it while on GHS school grounds. Students are not allowed to have friends or younger siblings visit or accompany them during the school day. VOCATIONAL STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Vocational students are allowed to attend Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC) and Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS) as long as they are students in good standing at Gorham High School. If, for any reason, a vocational student is suspended or expelled from Gorham, that individual will lose the privilege of attending vocational school as well.
Bus transportation is provided between GHS and PATHS and WRVC. Students who ride the vocational bus must enter GHS, PATHS or WRVC and immediately report to their assigned area after arriving on school grounds. Seniors and juniors may drive or ride with another student to PATHS or WRVC based on eligibility requirements established by PATHS or WRVC. In addition, students must also follow the following GHS guidelines: Students and a guardian must complete a permission form and return it to the Assistant Principals' office before driving or riding with another student.
In addition, a guardian must call the Main Office to verify the permission slip. Drivers will be required to show proof of a valid driver's license and insurance. Permission to drive or ride to vocational school may be revoked if a student forms a pattern of attendance issues and/or violates school rules. Students who drive to WRVC or PATHS must arrive at vocational school or return to GHS by the time the Gorham bus is there; otherwise, they will be considered late. Morning and afternoon vocational students must report to assigned classrooms immediately upon their return to GHS.
WEAPONS (See policy on pg. 29) Students are prohibited from having weapons in school. These include but are not limited to: knives, pipes, firearms, chains, clubs. Any student in possession of any object recognized and/or used as a weapon will be considered a serious threat. YEARBOOK PICTURES Any fourth-year student who submits a picture to the yearbook staff by the deadline will be included in the senior section. 15 DISCIPLINE CODE (SUMMARY OF STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES) DISCIPLINE CODE The discipline code exists to provide a safe and orderly environment for learning.
The following is a summary of the student's responsibilities regarding discipline and attendance, and consequences for not adhering to these policies as outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook. Students are responsible for knowing and following the code. DISCIPLINE PROTOCOL Your teachers handle most discipline. The handbook "rules" are minimum standards. Make sure you know your classroom teachers' expectations in regards to discipline. The most common discipline problems handled by the office and their consequences are shown on the table on page 14. Parents are contacted for all suspensions.
In all other cases, the administration will make its best effort to contact parents on a priority basis. OFF-CAMPUS MISBEHAVIOR Students may be disciplined for off-campus misconduct if the behavior results in a negative, direct impact on the school, programs, other students or staff. Appropriate consequences will apply. SUMMARY OF CONSEQUENCES FOR INFRACTIONS (Includes, but is not limited to, the following): Office Detentions: Students will serve an Office detention (2:15-3PM) for the following infractions: Disrespect, Excessive tardies to class and/or school, Inappropriate attire, Inappropriate behavior,
Insubordination, Leaving school building, Office referral, Unexcused absence from study hall and/or class. Friday Detentions: Students will serve a Friday detention for the following infractions: Failure to serve Office detention, Forged note, Illegal parking, Impersonation of parent/guardian, Leaving school grounds, Teacher discretion after engaging in progressive discipline consequences, Truancy, Cell phone violations. Friday detentions will be served from 2:15 PM to 5:30 PM.
Suspension: Students will be suspended for the following infractions: Failure to serve Friday detention, False alarm, Fighting, Harassment, Inappropriate language directed at someone, Possession of cigarettes/tobacco products, Smoking, Theft, Use/Possession/Distribution of drugs, Drug paraphernalia or alcohol, Use/Possession of knives or weapons, Vandalism. INFRACTION False alarm DESCRIPTION MINIMUM 1ST CONSEQUENCE 10-day suspension; contact police and possible expulsion Friday detention Forged note Includes passes and notes from home Giving false identity over phone or being involved in any way See pg. 1 for description Impersonation Friday detention; parent contact Warning; change clothing; possible In-School Suspension Office detention; clean-up; possible loss of cafeteria privileges Inappropriate attire Inappropriate behavior at lunch Includes trash problems, throwing things, cutting in the lunch line 16 INFRACTION Inappropriate/disrespectful language or actions directed at another person Insubordination DESCRIPTION Includes racial, sexual slurs, profanity, harassing language Failure to follow teacher direction; failure to identify yourself when asked Includes going to the parking lot
MINIMUM 1ST CONSEQUENCE 1-3 days suspension; mediation Office detention or teacher recommendation; parent contact and possible In-School Suspension Office detention Leaving the building without prior permission from parents and school Leaving school grounds without prior permission from school Includes Morrill Ave. , Robie Park and Woods, and the gully Students are expected to be the sole author of their work (see pg 12) Friday detention; parent contact. Cannot be excused after infraction Plagiarism/Cheating
Loss of credit for the work; additional consequences per teacher recommendation Warning; Office detention if not followed No credit for time served; Friday detention Office detention or Friday detention Friday detention; parent contact 2 days In-School suspension; repeat offenders risk losing school privileges such as dances, prom, parking, senior privileges, etc. Public Display of Affection Removal from Office detention Skipping Classroom detention Skipping Office detention Skipping Friday detention Hugging, kissing, touching, etc. Smoking and/or possession of tobacco products on school grounds Theft
Includes use or possession of any tobacco products, including chewing tobacco Defined as possessing another person's property without their permission Includes items from the cafeteria 1-3 days suspension; confiscation – no return; police contact 3-5 days suspension; reparation; report to police Loss of cafeteria privileges; 3-5 days suspension; reparation; report to police Friday detention Truancy Absences must be excused by parent or legal guardian Unexcused absence from class Unexcused absence from study hall Unexcused tardiness to class Excuses consistent with State law Office detention; zeros assigned Office detention
In accordance with classroom consequences 17 INFRACTION Use and/or possession of alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia DESCRIPTION Includes non-prescription drugs or look-a-likes, and drug paraphernalia MINIMUM 1ST CONSEQUENCE 10-day suspension; community service hours may replace up to 3 days of suspension, based on Administrative discretion; referral to support program; referral to police; referral to School Committee 10-day suspension; referral to support program; referral to police; referral to School Committee for possible expulsion 5-10 days suspension; referral to police
Furnishing drugs or alcohol Giving/selling to another student Use or possession of weapons Vandalism Includes graffiti 1-3 days suspension; clean-up; reparation; referral to police 18 Harassment and Violence Protocol Gorham High School takes the safety of our students and staff seriously. Incidents of harassment and violence are handled according to the protocol below. First Offense Second Offense Bullying/Cyberbullying/Harassment (this includes teasing, inappropriate language, or profanity directed at someone) Fighting/Assault 1-3 days suspension; mediation 5 days suspension -10 days suspension, with re-entrance to school contingent upon a conflict resolution meeting with school personnel 3-5 days suspension 10 days suspension; possible expulsion; meeting required 10 days suspension; meeting required Encouraging fighting: Anyone who chooses to encourage a fight verbally or with gestures will receive disciplinary action similar to those engaged in the fight. Students are expected to leave the situation and contact the nearest adult. Inappropriate language directed at a teacher Threatening language or physical contact with a teacher -5 days suspension 10 days suspension and referral to School Committee for possible expulsion 5 days suspension 10+ days suspension and referral to School Committee for possible expulsion 5 days suspension; meeting required Uninvited physical contact/ Physical intimidation 1-3 days suspension, with re-entrance to school contingent upon a conflict resolution meeting with school personnel 3 days suspension, with re-entrance to school contingent upon a conflict resolution meeting with school personnel Verbal threatening of physical harm 0 days suspension; meeting required • • • • For all of the above, police will be notified as necessary. Second and third offenses of this policy may lead to expulsion hearings in front of the School Committee. If circumstances permit, the identity of the student who shares information regarding the above, will be kept confidential. Other offenses: The list above does not cover all situations. Thus, student behavior that violates general norms of conduct will result in disciplinary action based upon the seriousness of that behavior, as deemed by the administration. 9 Laptop Misuse Consequences 2012-13 Infraction Inappropriate use of Laptop; websites social networks, cyberbullying, etc. 1st Offense Tech Team disables computer. Student has to contact Admin to sign proper use contract, and then Tech Team will restore. Tech Team disables computer. Student has to contact Admin to sign proper use contract, and then Tech Team will restore. Illegal apps and files will be deleted. Tech Team disables computer. Student has to contact Admin to sign proper use contract, and then Tech Team will restore. Illegal games will be deleted.
Administrative Discipline Consequences * / Restitution 2nd Offense Tech Team disables the airport for one week, student has to see Admin before restoring (student plugs in to use Internet supervised). Tech Team disables the airport for one week, student has to see Admin before restoring (student plugs in to use Internet supervised). Illegal apps and files will be deleted. Student loses computer for one week. (computer stored in MAC) 3rd Offense Tech Team disables the Internet for one week, student has to see Admin before restoring (student has no access to the Internet).
Tech Team disables the Internet for one week, student has to see Admin before restoring (student has no access to the Internet). Illegal apps and files will be deleted. Student loses computer for two weeks. (computer stored in MAC) 4th Of
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