Alien Invasion

Category: Aliens, Astronomy, Earth
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 7 Views: 441

2012 ALIEN INVASION? [pic] Researcher Ian O'Neill said that it’s ridiculous 2012 doomsday theories can get. He also said that according to the Examiner. com (a rather dubious, yet expansive news website), 2012 could be filled with an alien invasion fleet after "3 very large, very fast moving objects" were spotted in some astronomical images. But there's a problem. The "UFO Examiner" reporting this nonsense appears to have made the whole thing up, using a fictitious astrophysicist as a source, a dodgy astronomical photograph and a whole truckload of delusional imagination to communicate the fantasy.

Researcher said that it’s his first real attempt for some time that he had seen someone trying to indicate there will be an alien invasion in 2012. It's been done before, but the invading aliens involving Zecharia Sitchin's comical "Annunaki" -- are supposed to be traveling aboard a fictional planet called Nibiru (set to arrive on Dec. 21, 2012, of course). Armageddon Planet or Astronomical Baloney? Bad Astronomer Phil Plait clearly points out; the flimsy piece of evidence being used by the "UFO Examiner" is actually an image defect on the observation plate. It also happens a lot!

What makes this particular example (the picture on the top) susceptible to image defects is that the original image was captured on a physical photographic plate and then scanned and digitized (i. e. , copied onto a computer for easy access) through the 2nd Generation Digitized Sky Survey. During the scanning process according to Phil Plait, it is nigh-on impossible to remove all dust and other debris from the plates, so dust and other debris can often be found floating in some digitized images. Also, chips and cracks in the emulsion of the plates will be scanned.

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But how do you know if what you're looking at is a chip, scratch or coffee stain and not a ginormous alien space ship flying toward Earth? Apart from the simple application of logical thought, astronomers will often photograph the same part of the night sky with several different filters. If the object is in the blue filter, say (as the above photo was lifted from), and not in the red filter, then it is highly likely that the object isn't real and it's just a fleck of dirt on one of the plates. CONCLUSION: HonestIy I really don’t believe in aliens. We might be scraping the bottom of the barrel, come on, aliens?

Giant spaceships? Different colored people? Alien invasion in 2012?! I think the explanation above is enough to make us believe that “alien invasion” is not true. Anyone who wrote about that alien thing is just aiming to earn. They aren't publicizing the end of the world as some helpful public service announcement, obviously we really know that, they're doing it to make money. The writers or researchers who would say that they aren't doing it for money are doing it because they have a dubious grasp on reality. 2012 Phenomenon Myths of the Near Future?

The release of the new Roland Emmerich Hollywood blockbuster ‘2012’ has brought fresh fervour to Internet geeks and astrological scholars alike, both of whom might have a keen interest in the prophesies events of December 21, 2012, although most likely for different reasons. The end of the world predictions for 2012 according to some researchers, stem from the belief that at the conclusion of the 5,125 year-long Mayan long count calendar, which coincides with December 21, 2012 in our Gregorian calendar, there will be some sort of earth-shattering event or a series of events that will bring about the destruction of mankind.

The modern day interest in all this can be traced back to the late 1950s when Maud Worcester Makemson, an archaeoastronomer (someone that studies ancient astronomy and its sociological implications) noted that the end of this time cycle would have had great significance for the ancient Maya people. This idea was further developed by an American anthropologist, Michael Coe. In his book The Maya Coe claimed that some ancient Mayan writings suggested that the end of the long count calendar on December 21, 2012 marked the end of the world, Armageddon, doomsday!

The basis for these doomsday predictions appears to have some slightly thorny origins. The December 2012 date is connected to the conclusion of a time cycle in an ancient Mesoamerican calendar that began its countdown somewhere around 3114 BC. This starting point is when the ancient Maya people believed the previous world ended and a new one (the current one) began. Researchers also found out that there are a number of issues with these theories that should be noted however.

Firstly, many scholars argue that in classical Maya literature there are conflicting accounts of what the end of the long count calendar might actually signify, and very few sources suggesting that it might mean an end of world scenario like the one interpreted by Micheal Coe. Secondly, the countdown was calculated differently from one Mayan city-state to another, so the precise date of the conclusion of the Mayan long count calendar is far from clear.

It is also interesting that modern decedents of the ancient Maya people place little or no significance on the date December 21, 2012. Also, the ancient Maya scribes wrote about events that were set to take place after the date corresponding to December 21, 2012, so at least some of them did not predict the end of the world to take place on that date. Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that either the end of the long count or its somewhat arbitrary beginning a little over 5000 years ago, have any scientific significance whatsoever.

An American author, John Major Jenkins, who has written extensively about the Mayan culture and its relation to New Age mysticism suggests that the ancient Maya knew of this galactic alignment of planets and stars, and that this was part of their calendar countdown. However his claims, which relate to where in the sky the zodiacal constellations appear, would have had more credence in 1998 when the alignment he talks about was more precise than it will be in 2012.

But there are even more grand things going on in our picture of the end of the world cataclysm predicted for December 2012. Our doomsday prophecy puzzle also incorporates the idea of a significant galactic alignment that just happens to coincide with the 2012 winter solstice in December 2012, meaning the galaxy itself is conspiring against us. It turns out that no end of the world predictions would be complete without a little input from the most famous seer of them all, practically a by-word for futurology, none other than Nostradamus himself.

While there are many accounts that can be found floating around the Internet, which say Nostradamus predicted the end of the world in 1997 or was it 1999, or even 2012, none of them are able to say conclusively what the predictions really were, and clearly some of them were just plain wrong, since we are still here. This is mainly because Nostradamus wrote in such an archaic language, mixed with mysticism and metaphor, no one really knows for sure what his precise meaning was in many of his predictions.

In any case, most experts agree that if he did set a date for our demise it is somewhere in the late 38th century, so we should be OK for at least our lifetimes. As well as the better known, or at least more talked about end of the world predictions, there is also a theory that a massive geomagnetic reversal is on the cards in 2012 it is according to the researchers. This involves the magnetic poles and the Earth’s magnetic field completely reversing.

Scientists in this area do agree that the Earth is long overdue such a reversal, and end of the world theorists have tied this into the predicted peaks in solar flare activity that are due in 2012, which could theoretically affect the Earth’s magnetic field. However experts are keen to point out that geomagnetic reversal is not something that would simply ‘start one day’. The process takes several thousand years and is not necessarily triggered by solar activity.

What is more, the original predictions of a peak in solar activity in 2012 have now been put back to 2013. Perhaps the most bizarre end of the world prophecies centers on the mysterious Planet X, which was once thought by scientists to be the tenth outlying planet in the solar system. However, later evidence proved that the perceived gravitational effects of Planet X were actually miscalculations, and that it actually never existed.

Not to be put off by mere evidence, New Age thinkers, most notably Nancy Lieder, adopted the planet and re-named it Nibiru, claiming that it she had information that its orbit would take it right by the Earth somewhere around 2010, creating geomagnetic polar shifts that cause absolute devastation across the world, wiping out most of humanity. Incidentally, Lieder’s predictions are based on information she was given through an implant in her brain from aliens living in the Zeta Reticuli star system, honestly. Can Science beat the Doomsday hype?

According to Fraser Cain a publisher of the Universe today the world will come to an end. In approximately 4 billion years time, when the sun has depleted its supply of hydrogen in its core, our nearest star will swell like a balloon when it starts to burn heavier elements, swallowing the planets of the inner solar system. Earth will be toast. However, this is the only guaranteed end-date scheduled in our planet's future. Granted, there will undoubtedly be asteroid strikes, "killer" solar flares, geomagnetic reversals and possibly one or two interstellar gamma-ray bursts, but 4 billion years is Earth's sell-by date.

CONCLUSION: During my research about the 2012 phenomenon I have learned that; nothing special is predicted to happen in 2012. Especially that we are just human and only God knows what will happen in the future. No ancient civilization, prophet or crazed doomsday conspiracy theorist can see into the future. As I have said only God can do it. Indeed, they have never predicted anything of note in the past how could they predict the future. There's also a lot of insanity in the world, there are a lot of people genuinely scared that the world might end in 2012.

We already know what are the signs if end of the world like for example, great famine, nations by nations war, fortuitous events that are all acts of God, etc. , not those scientific explanations who doesn’t believe in God. But probably the most frightening thing of all, I think is that many people will blindly believe that the Apocalypse is just around the corner, and no amount of science will convince them otherwise. This often distracts from real-world problems, such as climate change and crisis. Sure, the world will end in 4 billion years time, but we don't need to worry about that yet.

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Alien Invasion. (2017, Jan 29). Retrieved from

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