The Social Media Efficiency in the Modern Times

Category: Social Media
Last Updated: 11 Mar 2023
Pages: 4 Views: 164

Social media is a series of connections, websites, and application designed for social networking to allow people share, connect quickly, and even engage in social marketing efficiently and in real time (Noor & Hendricks 2012). Through social media large groups of people develop social and business contact as well as share information. The phrase social media is often used nowadays to describe what we post on sites like Facebook and many others.

In the present world, it has turn out to be effortless to achieve material from social media as everything is displayed in real time and as it happens. It is essential to know and establish the advantages as well as disadvantages of easily obtaining information before making use of it. Though easily obtained information is rendered effortless, it saves time. Expediency is a significant advantage of efficiently gathering information because it is convenient for individuals to be in one place and catch the most up-to-date news, this is easier than analyzing a whole newspaper, watching TV, or listening to radios.

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Another significant benefit of readily accessing data is that it allows individuals to carry out research, modify images, and edit sound. Easily obtaining information also suffers disadvantages, because some information is not reliable and to find out their validity has to be with the help of other sources and one ends up confused. The investigation of such information is time-consuming, and at the end of the day, the information remains misleading and corrupt. Another disadvantage is that it offers information that is sensitive either nationally or globally to some extent the situation is personal or secret for a period, but to social media, it is exposed causing chaos and confusion. Other sites are unsecured and easily damage people’s computers and lead to cyberbullying which affects most people.

Social media sites are where all information is found but it is always composed of advantages and disadvantages. One of the most considerable benefits of social media is that it paves the way for open communication which leads to a whole new World of discoveries and openness. People connect from all walks of life and discuss any upcoming issues, others find spouses, and others get job offers. Users conveniently communicate with their allies and relatives who may be distant from them. Social media has a lot of benefits to student, teachers and anyone who is interested in research as it is very educating.

Regardless of your location or educational background you can learn and educate yourself in the comfort of your home. Social media is beneficial to business minded people as it offers promotion of your business and large audience or marketing and advertising. Social media helps people discover new and innovative ideas of lifestyle to enhance personal lives and the decisions we make. It creates awareness for all people big or small, professional and non-professionals. With its very many advantages, it also suffers various disadvantages because it exposes individuals to hackers who quickly get hold of one’s personal information which they use to ruin individual’s life professionally and personally.

Through social media, children and adults may be are victims of cyber security since anyone is legible to create fake accounts and affect others making hence making it hard for them to be traced. They suffer threats, intimidation messages, and rumors that are untrue to ruin an individual’s self-esteem and even bring about exclusion from society. Moreover, social media is very addictive, and teenagers are very affected because they are involved extensively and waste most of their valuable time.

In relation to this discussion, social media can be used for a wide range of activities as a result of the advantages and disadvantages it suffers. If someone is aware that social media can lead to the growth of their business and encourage a big audience, then they have no choice but to use it to their advantage. With the knowledge that hackers and cyberbullying can affect one’s life, individuals limit their personal life and details away from social media to avoid scams and fraudulent activities. Once individuals especially parents learn how addictive social media is to their teenagers they are cautious and limit them to those addictive activities that lead teenagers to wastage of time but, instead get them to involve themselves less frequently and when necessary.

Before internet people relied on newspapers and broadcastings hence, from the rise of the information on the internet many credibility issues arose. Due to the rise of internet as a different type of media, persons were given a platform talk about anything they want without reliable sources. An individual’s belief or attitude becomes the motivation story than one’s research and hard work to prepare facts hence, this makes information on the internet not trustworthy. Before collecting information from the internet, an individual should keep in mind that it is provided to satisfy various needs and purpose and that’s the reason why its credibility is questionable.

In conclusion, both social media and easily obtained information which is collected from social sites are composed of both advantages and disadvantages. Hence, it is always necessary to be cautious before you can trust any information and make yourself knowledgeable about the pros and cons to avoid chaos and drama. The internet is a global phenomenon, and anything can spread within a fraction of a second which can lead to jeopardizing an individual’s personal life.


  1. Noor, A.-D. H. S., & Hendricks, J. A. (2012). Social media: Usage and impact. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books.
  2. Platt. L. & Dean. H. (2016). Social Advantage and Disadvantage. Great Clarendon Street.OUP Oxford.

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