“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris Essay

Last Updated: 27 Feb 2023
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David Sedaris' "Me Talk Pretty One Day" is a comical piece detailing his experiences learning French as an adult while residing in France. The title of the work reflects Sedaris' struggles to communicate in French during his time there. The reader is taken on a journey through Sedaris' French lessons, witnessing his mistakes and the difficulties he encounters along the way. Sedaris aims to create a relatable narrative through the use of humor and informal language. The ultimate goal is to entertain the reader while providing a glimpse into the challenges of learning a new language as an adult in a foreign country.


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Through the use of humor, David Sedaris effectively portrays his own struggles in "Me Talk Pretty One Day". His aim is to demonstrate that people experience similar challenges in life, and to show that he too feels out of place while attempting to learn French. For example, during his first class, the instructor spoke entirely in French, leaving Sedaris unable to understand half of what she said (Sedaris, 2007).

This experience is relatable to many readers, who may have had similar experiences with new languages or cultures. Despite being forty years old, Sedaris describes himself as a "true debutant" in his knowledge of French (Sedaris, 2007, para. 1). By presenting his struggles in a humorous way, Sedaris is able to connect with readers and communicate his message effectively.

The use of humor is a key element in Sedaris' storytelling style. He aims to connect with readers by demonstrating that everyone experiences similar struggles in life. By sharing his own experience of learning French, Sedaris portrays his sense of being out of place. For instance, during his first class, the instructor spoke only in French, and Sedaris could not comprehend half of what was being said (Sedaris, 2007).

This experience is relatable to many readers who may have encountered similar situations in their lives. Despite being forty years old, Sedaris still considers himself a novice in French (para. 1). Through his use of humor to recount his experiences, Sedaris is able to communicate more effectively with his audience.

Sedaris employs an informal writing style that adds a distinct flair to his storytelling. While sharing personal anecdotes, he often incorporates jokes and humorous recollections. For instance, in "Me talk pretty one day," Sedaris (2007) writes, "I am now twice as frightened as I was when, at the age of twenty, I allowed a failed nursing student to inject me with a horse tranquilizer" (para. 3), using humor to highlight his nervousness and anxiety.

Additionally, he discusses his mistakes, which many people can relate to. For example, during his French lessons, Sedaris (2007) admits to mispronouncing "IBM" and assigning the wrong gender to both the floor waxer and the typewriter (para. 14). Such relatable experiences can make readers recall their own similar situations and use humor to cope with anxiety.

While humor is a prominent feature of Sedaris's writing, the themes he explores are serious. One such theme is the labeling of individuals by society, as when a forty-year-old man's decision to learn something new is viewed as unusual. In another instance, Sedaris (2007) recounts a French lesson where the teacher asks a Yugoslavian girl if she likes the war. While using humor to describe the teacher's wild and unpredictable nature, Sedaris interweaves serious issues such as the questionable teaching methods employed.

Despite referring to the teacher as a "presence of a wild animal," Sedaris (2007) also emphasizes that the experience was not entirely threatening to the students. By using humor, the author is able to convey that, although their French teacher was at times despicable, the students still managed to learn from the experience.

Additionally, Sedaris's (2017) use of an informal writing style is crucial in establishing a connection with his audience. He narrates his experience from a personal perspective, which enhances the delivery of the story. The objective is to create a feeling of Sedaris talking to a friend, sharing his struggles of learning French in France and the accompanying anxiety and fears.

Sedaris's choice of language and writing style is well-suited for establishing this atmosphere. Although the interaction is not one-on-one, the reader can be absorbed into the narrative, forgetting they are reading a book and not having a conversation with Sedaris.

Sedaris's writing style is fitting for the target audience of this non-scientific, non-fiction piece published in Esquire and later presented as a full-length book. The title of the article, "Me talk pretty one day," also hints at Sedaris's writing style and approach, as it includes a grammatically incorrect phrase. Had Sedaris titled his work, "I will speak French correctly one day," the reader's expectations would be different.

In this paper, the author argues that Sedaris utilizes his distinctive writing style to create a humorous article that readers can easily relate to, as they may have experienced similar situations. The analysis of Sedaris' essay has demonstrated that the choice of writing style is critical in conveying the purpose of the work and establishing a connection with the audience.

Furthermore, even the title of the article, "Me talk pretty one day," reflects Sedaris' unique approach to writing, which prepares readers for the humor and personal anecdotes that follow. Overall, this examination highlights the importance of writing style in effective communication with readers.


Sedaris, D. (2007). Me talk pretty one day. Esquire. Web.

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“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris Essay. (2023, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/me-talk-pretty-one-day-by-david-sedaris-essay/

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