Developmental Research
Just Eke most Americans HIVE never really crossed my mind until someone I know had been diagnosed with the deadly disease. This person I know was just like any other person until they became a "Junkie" and their sexual preferences had changed According to studies the use to dirty needles and having multiple sex partners increases the risk of contracting a disease significantly. HIVE Is among the highest contracted infection in the United States, In Georgia there have been over twenty's hundred cases of people that have been diagnosed with HIVE since 2011 out of the eight million that consume the state. That is well over thirty percent of the Americans that reside as our neighbors, friends, and family and each year the numbers keep growing. Georgia Is ranked one to the highest states to have so many diagnosis to HIVE almost matching the national average.
This person that contracted this disease was not thinking of the risks they were taking, the only thing that they were looking for was there next fix and next hook up. The drug over powered their mind and getting the high was greater than the risk of contracting a disease by the use of dirty needles r unprotected sex Who is to say that you will not contract this deadly virus, you are the only one that can prevent TLS trot happening to you It you know the tact's and take precautions. It Is time to take a stand and bring the reality of HIVE out and put this could of ignorance behind us.
The question arises "how do we allow the fog to clear" treatment, research, prevention and funding. In order to allow research, prevention, and treatment to proceed funding is a must. HIATUS funding is a critical component in trying to find a lasting solution to the scourge. Respective overspent have had to allocate a tall share to Ethel budgets towards research Institutes, which are assigned the duty of folding out the best medicine that would do away with the disease once and for all.
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Most developing countries are starved of the financial resources needed to mitigate the effects that the disease itself has had on their population. Though we've discovered that various preventive and curative medicine, vaccines have been effective on other morbid diseases such as polio, mumps, yellow fever, chicken pox, and measles: unfortunately, the world does note eave the vaccine for HIVE. The mall reason a cure Is soul so far out of reach Is because HIVE has a unique way of avoiding the Immune system, it Lies dormant within the body until it decides to "activate. Due to this unique capability, scientists have yet to find a solution that will provide much needed protection against this deadly virus. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease a vaccine to prevent HIVE infection remains the ultimate goal. The complex nature to HIVE/AIDS has given the science community a major challenge; one that requires Inventing new scientific methods of tackling the virus. Multinational Institutions and governments across the world have contributed abundantly in the fight to stop the spread and eventually find a cure.
Although the funding seems to be plentiful, its impact on the devastation caused by the virus is minimal. The impact of HIATUS is felt across the social and economic realms to society thus requiring immense tending, Funding tort 1 OFF vaccine research and development NAS increased substantially since 2000; reaching a peak of well over nine-hundred million dollars in 2007. However, investment in HIVE cocaine research and development is steadily declining; Just less than eight-hundred and fifty million was invested in 2011.
HIVE vaccine research is aided by the non-profit International HIVE Vaccine Initiative (VIVA), which helps to support and coordinate vaccine research, development, policy and advocacy around the world. A lot of time and money are needed to carry out the intensive research is required to obtain a cure and preventative measures. From 2009, total global funding for HIVE and AIDS flattened. In 2011, there was a funding gap of thirty percent between the United States $16 billion spent, and the 2015 target of United Sates $ 24 million (AVERT).
If our government and other scientist put more time and effort into the prevention and research of this disease, maybe we'd get closer to the accomplishment isolating a specific DNA/RNA. More than one million people in the United States are living with HIVE, and almost 1 in 6 is unaware of their status according to the CDC. Domestic HIVE prevention has the smallest budget when it comes to funding with only about three percent for the overall budget. In 2009, only about 4 percent of the HIVE/AIDS domestic judged was spent on prevention, and this included research.
The fiscal year 2014 request includes well over nine-hundred million dollars for domestic HIVE prevention across multiple agencies, producing almost a seven percent increase over the fiscal year 2013. Federal funding for HIVE/AIDS has increased significantly over the course of the epidemic, including by nineteen percent since 2009 according to the Kaiser Foundation. A study conducted by the CDC, in partnership with John Hopkins University, made a compelling case for increased HIVE prevention funding. According to the study, those that assumed no increased funding for HIVE prevention efforts predicted a possible increase fewer than fourth percent in the number of people living with HIVE in the USA from 2010 to 2020. As a result, maintaining current HIVE prevention funding levels could rise substantially. On the other hand, the study claimed that an investment in HIVE prevention of four and a half billion dollars over ten years would save well over one-hundred billion in medical care costs according to the CDC.
With all of the efforts the governments have provided with funding, they ere able to conduct a trial in South Africa with a Microbial Gel. Women in the trial were instructed to insert a single-use profiled applicator of gel containing 1 percent afternoon or placebo up to 12 hours before having sexual intercourse, and again as soon as possible up to 12 hours after sex, with a maximum of 2 doses in a 24-hour period. At baseline, the sexual behavioral characteristics of the 2 groups of the trial did not differ. This reduced the transmission of HIVE by forty percent with the use of the Microbial Gel.
Dry. Salami Karri, the South African researcher who led the study dated that "Even partial protection is a huge victory that could be a boon not Just in poor countries, but for couples anywhere when one partner has HIVE and the other does not. " Within two other studies conducted in the United Stated, Just hours after delivery, a baby born with HIVE in Mississippi was given high doses of three intervocalic drugs. More than three years later, doctors say the little girl has no evidence of the life-threatening disease in her blood, despite being off medication for nearly two years (Wilson).
Now doctors say another child born with the virus appears o be free of HIVE after receiving similar treatment. The case report was presented at the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Intentions in ton this week. The child was delivered in Long Beach, California, last summer to a mother with HIVE who had not received intervocalic drugs during pregnancy. Doctors gave the baby high doses of three drugs ACT, ETC, and Innovative four hours after birth. Eleven days later, the virus was undetectable in her body and remained undetectable eight months later.
The California baby is still on intervocalic treatment, so it's too non to tell if the child is actually in remission according to CNN. Now this has to be miracle do to the fact HIVE has cleaver way of hiding and evading treatments. From what I have researched there are funding, research, prevention, and treatment methods for HIVE/AIDS. As I told you before the person I know may have contracted this deadly virus but they are not allowing it to control their lives like the drugs once did. It is time to make people more aware of this disease and how it affects everything and everyone around you. Maybe one day there will be a cure for all tuition types of HIVE, but until that day comes it's time you become more knowledgeable of the deadly virus and know your status. Let us all become greater than AIDS.
Work Cited
- Funding for HIVE and AIDS http://www. Avert. Org/funding-hive-and-aids. HTML HIVE and AIDS Vaccines http://www. Avert. Org/hive-and-aids-vaccine. HTML
- High-Impact HIVE Prevention: Cad's Approach to Reducing HIVE Infections in the United States http:// www. CDC. Gob/hive/policies/hip. HTML
- Wilson Jacques 2014 March 06 Second baby possibly 'cured' of HIVE http://www. CNN. Com/2014/03/06/health/hive-baby-cured/ index. HTML
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Developmental Research. (2018, Feb 24). Retrieved from
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