Note Guidelines Rise to Power Hitler

Last Updated: 26 Jan 2021
Pages: 2 Views: 164

Hitler and Nazi Germany Origins and Rise of Hitler- Note Guidelines Use pages 63-72 in “Authoritarian and Single Party States” by Waller and Todd to make notes using the following headings: How did the political circumstances of Germany after 1918 contribute to the rise of Nazism? The new government set up after the abdication of the Kaiser •“Stab in the back’ theory •Disappointment at Peace settlement •Proportional Representation •Constitution- especially Article 48 Challenges to the New Government •Spartacus League- left wing challenge •Reaction of the conservatives to the new government •Kapp Putsch and ‘White Terror. ’ Munich Putsch What part was played by economic conditions of 1919-29 period? •Reparations •Passive Resistance •Hyperinflation •New currency and Dawes Plan •Problems in agriculture in 1920s •Wall Street Crash- effect on Germany How did the Nazi party develop between 1919 and 1929? •Formation of NSDAP •Role of Hitler •Formation of the SA •Munich Putsch- its impact on Germany and on the Nazi Party •Change in party tactics- Fuhreprinzip •Formation of the SS •Reaction to the Young Plan •Support for the Nazis in 1928 (before the Great Depression) How far did the circumstances of 1929-33 open the way for Hitler’s rise to power? Impact of Great Depression- unemployment figures •Response of Muller’s Government •Nazi messages •Changes in chancellors between 1930-33 •Increasing divisions among political parties •Nazi gains in the Reichstag in 1930 •Hitler’s challenge to Hindenburg in the presidential election •Nazi gains in the Reichstag in 1932 –July and November •Increased support for the Communist Party (KPD) •Failure of von Papen’s Chancellorship •Failure of von Schleicher’s Chancellorship •Reason why Hindenburg decided to appoint Hitler as Chancellor •Reichstag Fire •Emergency Decree •March 1933 election •Ceremony at Potsdam •Enabling Law •Gleichschaltung

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Note Guidelines Rise to Power Hitler. (2017, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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