Understanding Organizational Behavior through True/False Questions

Last Updated: 26 Apr 2023
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Chapter 01 What is Organizational Behavior? True / False Questions 1. Human resource management focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability. True    False 2. The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from two disciplines: human resources management and strategic management. True    False 3. Job satisfaction reflects employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capacities. True    False 4.

The Container Store—a Texas-based retailer, uses a "celebration mailbox" voicemail system that compliments employees for especially good performance. This is an example of motivation. True    False 5. The integrative model of OB presents five individual mechanisms that directly affect the individual outcomes: motivation; learning and decision making; job performance; stress; and trust, justice, and ethics. True    False 6. Trust, justice, and ethics captures what employees feel when thinking about their jobs and doing their day-to-day work. True    False 7.

Group mechanisms shape satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, and learning. True    False 8. Personality and cultural values are the two factors that reflect the characteristics of individual employees. True    False 9. The integrative model of OB acknowledges that employees work in one or more work teams led by some formal leader. True    False 10. Effective management of OB can help make a product get better, incrementally, over the long term. True    False 11. The resource-based view suggests that a resource is more valuable when it can be imitated. True    False 12.

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People create history - a collective pool of experience, wisdom, and knowledge that benefits the organization. True    False 13. Resources like culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation are termed "socially complex" because it is not always clear which organizations do (and do not) possess them, though it is clear how they came to develop. True    False 14. Since good people create history, they are easy to imitate. True    False 15. Given that good employees move from one organization to another, they do not create a resource valuable enough for creating competitive advantage. True    False 16.

Firms that do not undergo an IPO typically have shorter histories and need an infusion of cash to grow or introduce some new technology. True    False 17. The Rule of One-Eighth suggests that about 88 percent of the companies will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first. True    False 18. The integrative model of OB was designed with the Rule of One-Eighth in mind. True    False 19. It is often easy to "fix" companies that struggle with OB issues. True    False 20. The method of intuition suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because it seems obvious or self-evident.

True    False 21. According to the Method of Experience, people hold firmly to some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate results using a series of samples, settings, and methods. True    False 22. Analyses are written predictions that specify relationships between variables. True    False 23. A correlation describes the statistical relationship between two variables. True    False 24. The best way to understand correlation between two variables is to look at a scatterplot. True    False 25. Understanding correlation is important because OB questions are not "Yes or No" in nature.

True    False 26. The strength of a correlation can be inferred from the "compactness" of its scatterplot. True    False 27. A correlation size of 1. 68 is valid. True    False 28. Causal inferences means establishing that one variable really does cause another. True    False 29. Meta-analysis offers more compelling support for the potential benefits of social recognition than the methods of experience, intuition, or authority. True    False Multiple Choice Questions 30. OB can be contrasted with two other courses commonly offered in management departments:_____ and strategic management. A. project management B. usiness management C. human resource management D. operations management E. financial management 31. An OB study might explore the relationship between pay and motivation, whereas a _______ study might examine the best way to structure compensation programs. A. Strategic management B. Anthropology C. Organizational development D. Economics E. Human resource management 32. Which course focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect the organization's profitability? A. Marketing management B. Process management C. Operations management D. Strategic management E. Research and development 3. American Drinks International is a soft drink manufacturer in the carbonated soda industry. The firm is commissioning a study to explore how the company's expansion into the new product segment of tropical fruit flavored soda would affect its profitability. Such a study is addressed by which of these areas? A. Project management B. Process management C. Strategic management D. Venture management E. Technology management 34. When a firm expands into a new product segment, it is known as  A. market development. B. diversification. C. market penetration. D. concept development. E. product proliferation. 5. OB research on job performance and individual characteristics draws primarily from studies in  A. Industrial and organizational psychology. B. Social psychology. C. Sociology. D. Sales management. E. Marketing management. 36. Research on satisfaction, emotions, and team processes found in OB draws heavily from studies in  A. Sociology. B. Organizational psychology. C. Industrial psychology. D. Social psychology. E. Team management. 37. _____ is vital to research on team characteristics and organizational structure. A. Social psychology B. Industrial and organizational psychology C. Anthropology

D. Economics E. Sociology 38. _____ research helps inform the study of organizational culture. A. Social psychology B. Industrial and organizational psychology C. Anthropology D. Sociology E. Economics 39. Models from _______ are used to understand motivation, learning, and decision making in OB. A. Marketing B. Economics C. Sociology D. Strategic management E. Anthropology 40. The primary outcomes of interest to organizational behavior researchers are  A. job performance and organizational commitment. B. organizational culture and organizational structure. C. team processes and team characteristics.

D. personality and ability. E. stress and motivation. 41. What Suzie feels when thinking about her job and doing her day-to-day work is captured in her  A. ability. B. job satisfaction. C. personality. D. decision making skills. E. leadership style. 42. According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, the two organizational-level variables that impact individual-level attitudes and behaviors are  A. job performance and organizational commitment B. culture and structure C. team processes and team characteristics D. personality and ability E. stress and motivation 43.

According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, the two types of group-level variables that impact individual-level attitudes and behaviors are  A. job performance and organizational commitment B. learning and decision making C. leadership and teams D. personality and ability E. stress and motivation 44. According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, two of the individual characteristics that impact individual attitudes and behaviors include  A. job performance and organizational commitment. B. organizational culture and organizational structure. C. team processes and team characteristics.

D. personality and ability. E. stress and motivation. 45. The integrative model of organizational behavior includes a number of individual mechanisms that directly impact job performance and organizational commitment. Those mechanisms include  A. leader styles and behavior. B. team diversity and communication. C. team processes and team characteristics. D. personality and ability. E. stress and motivation. 46. All of these are individual mechanisms as reflected in the integrative model of organizational behavior except:  A. stress. B. motivation. C. job satisfaction. D. learning. E. job performance. 47.

According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, which of the following is an individual outcome? A. Job satisfaction B. Ability C. Personality D. Organizational commitment E. Motivation 48. According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, trust, justice, and ethics are  A. individual mechanisms. B. organizational mechanisms. C. group mechanisms. D. individual outcomes. E. group outcomes. 49. Employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capacities come under which of the following mechanisms? A. Job satisfaction B. Ability C. Job performance D. Leadership style E. Stress 50.

Mindy is a new employee at a company. She feels very energetic and this drives her to perform well. Which of these individual mechanisms captures the energetic forces that drive employees' work efforts? A. Motivation B. Ability C. Job performance D. Personality E. Stress 51. Which of the following reflects the degree to which employees feel that their company does business with fairness, honesty, and integrity? A. Job satisfaction B. Trust, justice, and ethics C. Team processes D. Personality and ability E. Motivation 52. As employees gain experience, they obtain job knowledge and use this knowledge to make accurate judgments on the job.

Which of the following is represented by this statement? A. Team processes B. Trust, justice, and ethics C. Learning and decision making D. Personality and ability E. Motivation 53. _______ reflect the various traits and tendencies that describe how people act, with commonly studied traits including extraversion, conscientiousness, and collectivism. A. Leadership B. Motivation C. Social values D. Personality and cultural values E. Learning 54. People's behavior at work, the kinds of tasks they are interested in, and how they react to events that happen on the job are associated with their _____  A. bility. B. trust, justice, and ethics. C. learning and decision making. D. team characteristics. E. personality and cultural values. 55. Which of the following describes the cognitive abilities, emotional skills, and physical abilities that employees bring to a job? A. Ability B. Personality and cultural values C. Trust, justice, and ethics D. Individual's characteristics E. Intelligence 56. Which of the following influences the kinds of tasks an employee is good at and those with which an employee may struggle? A. Personality B. Ability C. Trust, justice, and ethics D.

Learning and decision making E. Cultural values 57. The way teams are formed, staffed, and composed, and the way members depend on one another is summarized by  A. team processes. B. team innovation. C. team characteristics. D. team policies. E. team interaction. 58. The basketball team at a local school has attributed their poor performance to the following: the team's coordination; inability to resolve conflict and cohesion. Which of the following is represented by the above scenario? A. Team responsibilities B. Team innovation C. Team characteristics D. Team processes E. Team problem solving 59.

The process by which individuals attain authority over others is summarized by  A. leader cultural values. B. leader personality. C. leader styles and behaviors. D. leader responsibilities. E. leader power and influence. 60. Which of the following captures the specific actions that leaders take to influence others at work? A. Leader styles and behaviors B. Leader cultural values C. Leader personality D. Leader influence E. Leader power 61. Which of these mechanisms dictate how the units within the firm link to other units? A. Organizational culture B. Organizational ability C. Organization size D. Organizational structure

E. Organizational leadership 62. Which of the following mechanism captures "the way things are" in an organization? A. Organizational structure B. Organizational ability C. Organizational leadership D. Organizational performance E. Organizational culture 63. Which of these mechanisms capture shared knowledge about the rules, norms, and values that shape employee attitudes and behaviors? A. Organizational structure B. Organizational ability C. Organizational culture D. Job performance E. Organizational leadership 64. Which of the following statements about the resource-based view of organizations is false? A.

It describes what exactly makes resources valuable. B. It describes what makes resources capable of creating long-term profits for the firm. C. A firm's resources include financial and physical resources. D. A firm's resources include resources related to organizational behavior. E. It suggests that the value of resources depends on a single factor. 65. According to resource-based view, a resource is more valuable when it is rare and  A. complex. B. simple. C. inimitable. D. transparent. E. new. 66. Which concept captures the idea that people have to make many choices in daily work life? A. Numerous small decisions

B. Resource-based view C. Meta-analysis D. Rule of one-eighth E. Socially complex resources 67. Which of the following is not correct regarding big decisions? A. Big decisions can be copied. B. They are visible to competitors. C. They are observable by industry experts. D. Big decisions are inimitable. E. They are observable by experts. 68. According to the Rule of One-Eighth, A. at least 88 percent of organizations will do everything necessary to put people first and thereby build profits. B. at best 12 percent of organizations will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first. C. 5 percent of organizations won't believe the connection between how they manage their people and the profits they earn. D. 38 percent of the organizations try to make a single change to solve their problems. E. one in eight organizations miserably fail at making the people to profit connection. 69. Philosophers argue that there are various ways of knowing things. The text addresses all of these except:  A. experience. B. authority. C. science. D. intuition. E. exhibition. 70. Scientific studies are based on the scientific method originated by Sir  A. Jeffery Pfeffer. B. Frederick Taylor. C. Charles Darwin. D. Francis Bacon.

E. Robert Hogan. 71. A collection of assertions that specify how and why variables are related, as well as the conditions in which they should (and should not) be related refers to a  A. hypothesis. B. verification. C. theory. D. data. E. collections. 72. According to the Scientific method developed by Francis Bacon, which of the following sequence is correct? [pic] A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E 73. Scientists can build theories explaining why social recognition might influence the performance and commitment of work units. Which of these cannot be a source of information for building this theory?

A. Interviews with employees B. Research and development C. Research reviews D. Company documents E. Observation of people at work 74. _______ are written predictions that specify relations between variables. A. Hypotheses B. Verifications C. Theories D. Data E. Collections 75. Which of these abbreviations represent a correlation? A. r c B. r r C. r D. cr E. rc 76. _______ summarize the statistical relationships between variables. A. Datasets B. Correlations C. Observations D. Collections E. Consolidations 77. Correlation can be positive or negative and can range from  A. -1 to + 1 B. -. 5 to + . C. -1 to + 10 D. .1 to 1 E. -3 to + 3 78. In organizational behavior research, a correlation of + 1 is considered  A. weak. B. unimpressive. C. moderate. D. irrelevant. E. perfect. 79. In organizational behavior research, a correlation of 0. 50 is considered  A. weak. B. strong. C. moderate. D. irrelevant. E. perfect. 80. In organizational behavior research, a correlation of 0. 30 is considered  A. weak. B. strong. C. moderate. D. irrelevant. E. perfect. 81. In organizational behavior research, a correlation of 0. 10 is considered  A. weak. B. strong. C. moderate. D. irrelevant. E. perfect. 82.

Which of these takes all the correlations found in studies of a particular relationship and calculates a weighted average of them? A. Alpha analysis B. Gamma analysis C. Meta-analysis D. Omega analysis E. Beta analysis 83. Causal inferences cannot be established in case A. the two variables are correlated. B. the presumed cause precedes the presumed effect in time. C. no alternative explanation exists for the correlation. D. the presumed effect precedes the presumed cause in time. E. of experiments, where researchers have more control over the setting in which the study occurs. Scenario: Ben Barrack

As a student, you have been attending the local university majoring in Business. You have signed up for this course on Organizational Behavior. You are also working as an assistant manager at a local restaurant where Ben Barrack is the manager. When Ben finds that you are enrolled in an OB course, he laughs and says OB is common sense, you don't need a course on it and that if you take strategic management, it gives you the same information. Ben comments that the only thing he needs to worry about is the job performance of his employees. Having just studied this chapter, respond to the following questions and Ben's comments and beliefs. 4. As Ben suggested, does strategic management give you the same information as OB? A. Yes B. No 85. Ben suggested that he only needs to worry about the job performance of his employees. After learning about the integrative model of OB, you might explain that there is one other key outcome that he should worry about, which is  A. organizational commitment. B. self-actualization. C. relatedness needs. D. hierarchy needs. E. absenteeism. 86. You should tell Ben that according to the integrative model of OB, the following two concepts represent individual mechanisms that have a direct impact on job performance. A.

Stress and motivation B. Personality and ability C. Team processes and team characteristics D. Leadership styles and behaviors E. Organizational culture and organizational structure 87. According to the integrative model of OB, If Ben truly wants to be an effective manager at this restaurant, which of these is least important? A. Organizational mechanisms B. Group mechanisms C. Individual mechanisms D. Individual characteristics E. Group politics Scenario: You Be the Consultant You have been just hired as an assistant to a leading consultant at Consultants-R-Us International. The firm specializes in employee personality.

A recent client made this comment to your boss: "because people come and go in an organization, financial resources are the only resources that matter. " Your boss gives you the assignment to show the client how and why people matter. 88. Consultants-R-Us specializes in employee personality. According to the integrative model of OB, the firm is specializing in  A. an individual outcome B. an organizational mechanism C. a group mechanism D. an individual characteristic E. a social mechanism 89. Using the _____, you should be able to show the client that people are rare and inimitable. A. method of intuition

B. resource-based view of the organization C. method of authority D. rule of one-eighth E. cost-based approach 90. When explaining to the client, you should explain the inimitability of people by drawing on all of the following concepts except:  A. history. B. numerous small decisions. C. one big decision. D. socially complex resources. E. people being valuable. Scenario: Trend Apparels Inc. Trendz Apparels Inc. was well run until recent times. The productivity of the employees has reduced drastically. The CEO, David has asked Stephen, the HR Manager, to find out the reasons behind this.

Stephen thinks that recognition from superiors will enhance the job performance. He obtains a scatter plot for the data collected, which looks as follows:  [pic] 91. What is the correlation size for the above graph? A. -1 B. 0 C. 0. 55 D. -0. 23 E. 0. 99 92. Which of the following statements is True with respect to the above graph? A. Job Performance and Recognition from superiors has a strong positive correlation. B. Job Performance and Recognition from superiors has a strong negative correlation. C. Job Performance and Recognition from superiors has a weak negative correlation. D.

Job Performance and Recognition from superiors has no correlation. E. Job Performance and Recognition from superiors has a weak positive correlation. Essay Questions 93. Define organizational behavior (OB). How does it differ from human resource management? 94. Illustrate the integrative model of organizational behavior using a diagram. 95. Identify the key individual outcomes in the studies of organizational behavior and describe the factors that affect these key outcomes. 96. Using the resource-based view of the organization, explain how people are a valuable resource. Provide an example to justify your position. 97.

Explain the Rule of One- Eighth. 98. Briefly describe the four different ways of knowing things. Which way do you believe provides the soundest explanation and most compelling support? 99. Explain the scientific method, originated by Sir Francis Bacon. 100. Briefly explain correlation and correlation size. Chapter 01 What is Organizational Behavior? Answer Key True / False Questions 1. (p. 8) Human resource management focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy

Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 2. (p. 8) The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from two disciplines: human resources management and strategic management. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 3. (p. 8-9) Job satisfaction reflects employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capacities. FALSE

AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 4. (p. 9) The Container Store—a Texas-based retailer, uses a "celebration mailbox" voicemail system that compliments employees for especially good performance. This is an example of motivation. TRUE AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Application Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 5. (p. ) The integrative model of OB presents five individual mechanisms that directly affect the individual outcomes: motivation; learning and decision making; job performance; stress; and trust, justice, and ethics. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 6. (p. 9-10) Trust, justice, and ethics captures what employees feel when thinking about their jobs and doing their day-to-day work. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills

Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 7. (p. 10) Group mechanisms shape satisfaction, stress, motivation, trust, and learning. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 8. (p. 10) Personality and cultural values are the two factors that reflect the characteristics of individual employees. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills

Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 9. (p. 10) The integrative model of OB acknowledges that employees work in one or more work teams led by some formal leader. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 10. (p. 11) Effective management of OB can help make a product get better, incrementally, over the long term.

TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: Does Organizational Behavior Matter? 11. (p. 13) The resource-based view suggests that a resource is more valuable when it can be imitated. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: Building A Conceptual Argument 12. (p. 3) People create history - a collective pool of experience, wisdom, and knowledge that benefits the organization. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: Building A Conceptual Argument 13. (p. 14) Resources like culture, teamwork, trust, and reputation are termed "socially complex" because it is not always clear which organizations do (and do not) possess them, though it is clear how they came to develop. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills

Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: Building A Conceptual Argument 14. (p. 14) Since good people create history, they are easy to imitate. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: Building A Conceptual Argument 15. (p. 14) Given that good employees move from one organization to another, they do not create a resource valuable enough for creating competitive advantage.

FALSE AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-04 Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable? Topic: Research Evidence 16. (p. 15) Firms that do not undergo an IPO typically have shorter histories and need an infusion of cash to grow or introduce some new technology. FALSE AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-04 Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable? Topic: Research Evidence 7. (p. 18) The Rule of One-Eighth suggests that about 88 percent of the companies will actually do what is required to build profits by putting people first. FALSE AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-04 Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable? Topic: Research Evidence 18. (p. 18) The integrative model of OB was designed with the Rule of One-Eighth in mind. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate

Learning Objective: 01-04 Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable? Topic: Research Evidence 19. (p. 18) It is often easy to "fix" companies that struggle with OB issues. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-04 Why might firms that are good at OB tend to be more profitable? Topic: Research Evidence 20. (p. 18) The method of intuition suggests that people hold firmly to some belief because it seems obvious or self-evident. TRUE AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills

Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-05 What is the role of theory in the scientific method? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 21. (p. 18) According to the Method of Experience, people hold firmly to some belief because scientific studies have tended to replicate results using a series of samples, settings, and methods. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-05 What is the role of theory in the scientific method?

Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 22. (p. 21) Analyses are written predictions that specify relationships between variables. FALSE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-05 What is the role of theory in the scientific method? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 23. (p. 21) A correlation describes the statistical relationship between two variables. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 24. (p. 21) The best way to understand correlation between two variables is to look at a scatterplot. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 25. (p. 27) Understanding correlation is important because OB questions are not "Yes or No" in nature.

TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 26. (p. 21) The strength of a correlation can be inferred from the "compactness" of its scatterplot. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 27. (p. 1) A correlation size of 1. 68 is valid. FALSE AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Application Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 28. (p. 23) Causal inferences means establishing that one variable really does cause another. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? 9. (p. 24) Meta-analysis offers more compelling support for the potential benefits of social recognition than the methods of experience, intuition, or authority. TRUE AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-06 How are correlations interpreted? Topic: How Do We "Know" What We Know About Organizational Behavior? Multiple Choice Questions 30. (p. 7) OB can be contrasted with two other courses commonly offered in management departments:_____ and strategic management. A. project management B. business management

C. human resource management D. operations management E. financial management Organizational behavior (OB) is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations. OB can be contrasted with two other courses: human resource management and strategic management. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 31. (p. -8) An OB study might explore the relationship between pay and motivation, whereas a _______ study might examine the best way to structure compensation programs. A. Strategic management B. Anthropology C. Organizational development D. Economics E. Human resource management Human resource management takes the theories, principles studied in OB and explores the practical applications of those principles in organizations. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)?

Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 32. (p. 8) Which course focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect the organization's profitability? A. Marketing management B. Process management C. Operations management D. Strategic management E. Research and development A strategic management study can help in examining the relationship between a firm's diversification and its profitability. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)?

Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 33. (p. 8) American Drinks International is a soft drink manufacturer in the carbonated soda industry. The firm is commissioning a study to explore how the company's expansion into the new product segment of tropical fruit flavored soda would affect its profitability. Such a study is addressed by which of these areas? A. Project management B. Process management C. Strategic management D. Venture management E. Technology management Strategic management focuses on the product choices and industry characteristics that affect an organization's profitability.

It helps in examining the relationship between a firm's diversification and its profitability. AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Application Difficulty Level: Difficult Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 34. (p. 8) When a firm expands into a new product segment, it is known as  A. market development. B. diversification. C. market penetration. D. concept development. E. product proliferation. When a firm expands into a new product segment, it is known as diversification. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills

Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 35. (p. 8) OB research on job performance and individual characteristics draws primarily from studies in  A. Industrial and organizational psychology. B. Social psychology. C. Sociology. D. Sales management. E. Marketing management. The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from a wide variety of disciplines. Research on job performance and individual characteristics draws primarily from studies in industrial and organizational psychology.

AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 36. (p. 8) Research on satisfaction, emotions, and team processes found in OB draws heavily from studies in  A. Sociology. B. Organizational psychology. C. Industrial psychology. D. Social psychology. E. Team management. The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from a wide variety of disciplines. Research on satisfaction, emotions, and team processes draws heavily from social psychology.

AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 37. (p. 8) _____ is vital to research on team characteristics and organizational structure. A. Social psychology B. Industrial and organizational psychology C. Anthropology D. Economics E. Sociology The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from a wide variety of disciplines. Sociology research is vital to research on team characteristics and organizational structure.

AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 38. (p. 8) _____ research helps inform the study of organizational culture. A. Social psychology B. Industrial and organizational psychology C. Anthropology D. Sociology E. Economics The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from a wide variety of disciplines. Anthropology research helps inform the study of organizational culture. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills

Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 39. (p. 8) Models from _______ are used to understand motivation, learning, and decision making in OB. A. Marketing B. Economics C. Sociology D. Strategic management E. Anthropology The theories and concepts found in OB are actually drawn from a wide variety of disciplines. Models from economics are used to understand motivation, learning, and decision making. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge

Difficulty Level: Difficult Learning Objective: 01-01 What is the definition of "organizational behavior" (OB)? Topic: Organizational Behavior Defined 40. (p. 8) The primary outcomes of interest to organizational behavior researchers are  A. job performance and organizational commitment. B. organizational culture and organizational structure. C. team processes and team characteristics. D. personality and ability. E. stress and motivation. The two primary outcomes of interest to organizational behavior researchers (and employees and managers in organizations) are job performance and organizational commitment.

AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-02 What are the two primary outcomes in studies of OB? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 41. (p. 8-9) What Suzie feels when thinking about her job and doing her day-to-day work is captured in her  A. ability. B. job satisfaction. C. personality. D. decision making skills. E. leadership style. Job satisfaction captures what employees feel when thinking about her job and doing her day-to-day work. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Application

Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 42. (p. 9) According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, the two organizational-level variables that impact individual-level attitudes and behaviors are  A. job performance and organizational commitment B. culture and structure C. team processes and team characteristics D. personality and ability E. stress and motivation Organizational culture and organizational structure are the two variables at the Organizational level that impact individual-level attitudes and behaviors.

AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 43. (p. 9) According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, the two types of group-level variables that impact individual-level attitudes and behaviors are  A. job performance and organizational commitment B. learning and decision making C. leadership and teams D. personality and ability E. stress and motivation

Leadership and Teams are the two types of group level variables that impact individual-level attitudes and behaviors. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 44. (p. 9) According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, two of the individual characteristics that impact individual attitudes and behaviors include  A. job performance and organizational commitment. B. organizational culture and organizational structure. C. eam processes and team characteristics. D. personality and ability. E. stress and motivation. Two of the individual mechanisms that directly affect job performance and organizational commitment include personality and ability. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 45. (p. 9) The integrative model of organizational behavior includes a number of individual mechanisms that directly impact job performance and organizational commitment.

Those mechanisms include  A. leader styles and behavior. B. team diversity and communication. C. team processes and team characteristics. D. personality and ability. E. stress and motivation. Stress and motivation are two of the individual mechanisms that directly impact job performance and organizational commitment. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 46. (p. ) All of these are individual mechanisms as reflected in the integrative model of organizational behavior except:  A. stress. B. motivation. C. job satisfaction. D. learning. E. job performance. Job performance belongs to the Individual outcomes according to the integrated model of OB. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 47. (p. 9) According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, which of the following is an individual outcome?

A. Job satisfaction B. Ability C. Personality D. Organizational commitment E. Motivation According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, the two individual outcomes are Job performance and Organizational commitment. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 48. (p. 9) According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, trust, justice, and ethics are  A. individual mechanisms. B. rganizational mechanisms. C. group mechanisms. D. individual outcomes. E. group outcomes. According to the integrative model of organizational behavior, trust, justice, and ethics are part of the Individual mechanism. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 49. (p. 9) Employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capacities come under which of the following mechanisms? A. Job satisfaction B.

Ability C. Job performance D. Leadership style E. Stress Stress reflects employees' psychological responses to job demands that tax or exceed their capacities. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 50. (p. 9) Mindy is a new employee at a company. She feels very energetic and this drives her to perform well. Which of these individual mechanisms captures the energetic forces that drive employees' work efforts? A. Motivation

B. Ability C. Job performance D. Personality E. Stress Motivation captures the energetic forces that drive employees' work effort. AACSB Standard: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Application Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 51. (p. 9-10) Which of the following reflects the degree to which employees feel that their company does business with fairness, honesty, and integrity? A. Job satisfaction B. Trust, justice, and ethics C. Team processes D. Personality and ability E. Motivation

Trust, justice and ethics reflect the degree to which employees feel that their company does business with fairness, honesty, and integrity. AACSB Standard: Business Knowledge and Analytic Skills Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 52. (p. 10) As employees gain experience, they obtain job knowledge and use this knowledge to make accurate judgments on the job. Which of the following is represented by this statement? A. Team processes B. Trust, justice, and ethics C. Learning and decision making D. Personality and ability

E. Motivation Learning and decision making deals with how employees gain job knowledge and how they use that knowledge to make accurate judgments on the job. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Easy Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 53. (p. 10) _______ reflect the various traits and tendencies that describe how people act, with commonly studied traits including extraversion, conscientiousness, and collectivism. A. Leadership B. Motivation C. Social values D. Personality and cultural values

E. Learning Personality and cultural values reflect the various traits and tendencies that describe how people act, with commonly studied traits including extraversion, conscientiousness, and collectivism. AACSB Standard: Group/Individual Dynamics in Organizations Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge Difficulty Level: Moderate Learning Objective: 01-03 What factors affect the two primary OB outcomes? Topic: An Integrative Model Of OB 54. (p. 10) People's behavior at work, the kinds of tasks they are interested in, and how they react to events that happen on the job are associated with their _____  A. ability. B. trust, justice, and ethics.

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Understanding Organizational Behavior through True/False Questions. (2016, Dec 19). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/organisational-behaviour-2-177692/

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