Do humans have the obligation to help others?

Last Updated: 17 Mar 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 3751

It can also be a response to those who are in need or just a moral issue that we as humans try to make whenever we can. One of the reasons is that we help others because we can not bear to see a person in terrible condition, having a hard time, being physically or psychologically abused, do nothing.

These and other everyday situations that come our hearts lead us to help those in need, makes us care for others, something that shows us that not everything in the world is money, fame and selfishness, is also love, mercy , generosity and courage ...

Being kind to someone who needs help is a basic human necessity. If someone needs help, for whatever reason, it is up to other individuals to intercede and help. Morally obligated may be a stretch, but when someone needs help there shouldn't be second thoughts about what to do. Whether someone needs a door held open or someone is drowning, helps should always be on the way.

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Most of the time, helping someone is a feeling that comes from the bottom of your heart, a feeling that is generally stronger when the person who needs help is a friend or relative, by matters of the heart. However, we will always see people totally unknown in distress, asking for help, and that's when this feeling... with some justice, courage and other feelings or values that I can not think right now, come together to make the decision to help a person sometimes regardless of the situation or circumstances ...

Help when you can... Humans we´ll never live independently from a society. At some point, anyone depend on another human being for help. We do not know exactly when we need help, or who help us. Therefore, it is better to help a needy person, because maybe in the future you need it, otherwise it would be a little unfair to get help all the time and then ignore the problems of others, just because you do not care what happens to them as they do not affect you, help others to help yourself...

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on Do humans have the obligation to help others?

What Is Our Obligations And Responsibilities In Helping Other People?
As human beings, it is our moral obligation to help those who are in need and to contribute to the betterment of society. We have a responsibility to use our resources, skills, and knowledge to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Why Do We Help Others?
As humans, we have an innate desire to connect with others and feel a sense of purpose. Helping others allows us to fulfill these needs and make a positive impact on the world.
Is It A Moral Obligation To Help Others?
It largely depends on an individual's personal beliefs and values. Some people believe that it is our moral obligation to help others, as we are all connected and responsible for the well-being of our fellow human beings. Others may believe that helping others is a nice thing to do but not something that we are obliged to do. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe.
Is It Our Responsibility To Help Others ?
As members of a society, it is our responsibility to help others in need. It is our duty to contribute to the betterment of our community and to support those who may be struggling.
How To Write An Essay About Helping Others ?
To write an essay about helping others, one should first research and gather information on different ways of helping others and the impact it has on society. Then, one should organize their thoughts and ideas into a clear and concise essay structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

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Do humans have the obligation to help others?. (2016, Aug 25). Retrieved from

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