2.5 Food Safety Work File

Category: Culture, Food Safety, Safety
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2022
Pages: 2 Views: 1436

2. 5 Food Safety Work File

Directions: Complete the food safety interactive quiz. Use the information from the interactive quiz to complete the following responses regarding food safety practices. For each of the following food safety practices, share at least 2 statements from the interactive quiz. Be sure to put these statements in your own words and explain why they are helpful in preventing food borne illness. An example would be: When dining from a buffet, make sure hot food is hot and cold food is cold.

Food that is 40 – 140 degrees Fahrenheit has already begun to grow bacteria and pathogens.

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Clean (16 points):

  1. Keeping your hands clean keep you from getting ill.
  2. Keeping your surfaces clean after cooking or letting an animal sit on it.

Separate (16 points):

  1. When cross contamination happens it spreads bacteria from one item to a food item which will make you sick.
  2. Never put cooked food on the same item a raw food was on without washing it.

Cook (16 points):

  1. Using a food thermometer is the only way you can tell for sure if a food has reached the temperature that kills the bacteria.
  2. Cook thawed food to a minimum internal temperature to kill the bacteria.

Chill (16 points):

  1. When cooked food is left out for too long it can grow bacteria that can make you sick.
  2. Freezig foods to 0 degrees inactivates bacteria’s. In your own kitchen, explain 2 food safety practices you feel your family can improve and 2 food safety practices you feel your family does well.

(16 points) I feel we can improve cooking food to the correct temperature, and cleaning our hands after touching raw foods. I feel that we keep cooked foods away from raw foods, and cleaning surfaces after having raw foods on it. In what ways do your school and community practice or promote food safety to contribute to your personal health? (20 points) Our community promotes food safety by having health inspectors come to restraunts and making sure they don’t have any health violations.

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2.5 Food Safety Work File. (2017, Jan 18). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/2-5-food-safety/

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