We Defend The Consciousness Of Time And Honesty

Category: Human Nature
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2022
Pages: 11 Views: 2200

It is simply being late of activities to be conducted as in meeting or work. This is the reason why a project entitled We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty (W. A. T. C. H) conducts related programs every second week of June to solve the Filipinos punctuality problems. Everyone must be a time advocate to alleviate this serious yet mostly neglected problem.

Problem Solutions

The following are some solutions and recommendations to prevent and cure punctuality problems among all people whether a student or a professional. This robber is not as simple to be solved by equations. This requires discipline, honesty, and zeal. A Time Advocate guards time. The primary action to be a time advocate and a good follower of W. A. T. C. H is to always keep track of time. Knowing your time should be as important as checking your wallet as you step out from your house.

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You should know your every time schedule. To avoid being late, you can adjust your watch a few minutes from the exact time and it is recommended that you compare your hatch's time from your office's time. You should be disciplined enough that you won't rely that your watch Is set in advance. A Time Advocate is prepared. Aside from the keeping an eye to time, one thing that you can do to develop punctuality is to be prepared. Simple preparations such as setting your clothes beforehand and the things you need for work or school is helpful.

Everything that you need for tomorrows activities must be prepared the night before to avoid setbacks. A Time Advocate influences others. The most Important action that a time advocate must do Is to make Influences. One can make Influences through (1) being an example by applying what you learn about punctuality, (2) setting rules on punctuality and honesty In your own workplace, and 3) attending summits and seminars about W. A. T. C. H or other related programs. Time Is gold, so make It precious.

Be a time advocate. W. A. T. C. H. By immeasurable office's time. You should be disciplined enough that you won't rely that your watch is need for tomorrow's activities must be prepared the night before to avoid setbacks. The most important action that a time advocate must do is to make influences. One can make influences through (1) being an example by applying what you learn about punctuality, (2) setting rules on punctuality and honesty in your own workplace, and is gold, so make it precious. Be a time advocate.

Honesty: Lie and Personal Responsibility

Being Honest with Yourself

Honesty is the best way to succeed in future endeavors, both in relationships and business. Though being honest can hurt others it is beneficial to succeeding in life. This is a personal responsibility any individual should have both in education and in everyday life. When it comes to being honest in school, plagiarism is one of the biggest lies a person could do.

Plagiarism means “an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author”(Dictionary. com,2013). Plagiarizing someone’s work is not being honest to the instructor, but most of all not being honest to your own work; it is not showing that you have that personal responsibility to the school work. Researchers have a personal responsibility to be honest on their work.

Sometimes when the research is being conducted, the writer will add other more honorary titles into that research; this is less than honest when it comes to a research. When the researchers add extra information that is not valid to the paper it starts to become a lie. In childhood a young child has that personal responsibility to be honest to their parents. If they were not honest with them, normally they would be disciplined for lying. While in school a child will learn how to be honest on their school work and to be honest with their peers.

In both aspects they would need to show that they know what honesty is, and that they are responsible for proving that they truly understand what that honesty is. Sometimes when growing up and being taught that being honest is the way life should be and that the individual should always be honest. Honesty does have its time and place. “Do theses pants make my butt look fat”, for gentlemen this is an all-time question, tell the truth and let your wife know, yes those pants make you look fat, or say honey no you look amazing in those pants.

Some honesty could be a little too much for a woman already feeling insecure about her body. So the individual will tell a little white lie and things seem to continue to run smoothly throughout the day and night. Now if the person were a snitch, say for the FBI, this could be a deadly ordeal for that person. Tell the truth only to the FBI and take that chance of being caught by a gang of some sorts, and be killed for saying secret information. Then again if that snitch never gets caught, there might be an amazing award for that person.

Going to another country or state might become their haven, and they can continue a normal and productive life. Some views on honesty are that a person is a snitch, or maybe they just do not know how to tell a lie. Either way, honesty is a personal responsibility that most would view as an important aspect to everyday life. Whether it is in school or in everyday life honesty is the best policy.


  1. Sharma, B. , & Singh, V. (2011). Ethics in writing: Learning to stay away from plagiarism and scientific misconduct.
  2. Lung India, 28(2), 148-150. doi: http://dx. doi. org/10. 4103/0970- 2113. 80337 Steneck, N. H. (2011).
  3. The dilemma of the honest researcher. EMBO Reports, 12(8), 745-745. doi: http://dx. doi. org/10. 1038/embor. 2011. 134 Victoria Talwar, Angela M. Crossman, Children’s lies and their detection: Implications for child witness testimony, Developmental Review, Volume 32, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 337-359, ISSN 0273-2297, 10. 1016/j. dr. 2012. 06. 004. (http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0273229712000251)

Workplace Honesty: Learning and Unlearning

Honesty is a virtue that is of major importance especially in business, yet very much neglected in the context of today’s rat race. Employees play a big role in uplifting the culture of honesty in their workplaces, a culture that is nevertheless radiated to the clients or end-users of the company’s offerings. But what if the employees are having problems with their own attitudes toward honesty? What can a company do to help maintain a culture of trust and trust worthiness among the employees, the management, and the customers as a whole? Who wins when a company wins over the battle for an honest corporate culture?

This was the problem of Gerald Sy. Managing a training institution, Sy discovered that his instructors were cheating him on their timekeeping, costing him big sums for a long time because he was paying the instructors in full despite rampant tardiness. Sy moved against the problem and devised a process of accounting the instructor’s timekeeping even if it meant additional work for him and additional time needed on his timeframe to process the salaries.

As if that was not enough, he also ruled an 11-tardiness per month standard wherein whoever fails to meet the regulation shall be dismissed. This showed that it was not the money that the company can save from deductions which was important. On the contrary, it was the standards of the company, and how the employees uphold it, and how the final service is perceived by the customers. Sy expects that the measure will work, and is ready to evaluate if it really did.

Dishonesty in Many Forms

There are many forms of dishonesty in the workplace. Most are as petty as stealing a paper clip from one’s officemate (no one saw anyway) or breaking down the coffee machine and not admitting it (it could be broken before I used it, I would not really know). It was easy to be dishonest in the workplace because people often mind their own businesses while at the peak of work. No one will ever bother to watch after an officemate making coffee to see if he will break the machine at some chance.

Steven Gaffney, the writer behind Honesty Works!, states that it is not only lies and dishonesty that costs companies most of its revenues. He insists that the mere fact that many employees cannot honestly communicate with each other has wasted time, money and effort of employees and businesses. (Newswise, 2005) When a worker avoids a confrontation about an operational flaw with a co-worker to avoid conflict, the flaw will stay unresolved and may even result in bigger loopholes.

Small lies also often lead to bigger dishonesties that are harder to get away with. Personnel who steal equipment from their companies, or money, or even work hours are nothing new in many workplaces. They are so common, yet they still do not fail to surprise. Some get away, yet some are caught to pay the big price of cheating. The problem with honesty, or the lack thereof, is that it becomes vicious. The more a person commits a work of dishonesty and gets away with it, the harder it is to be honest. The bottom line is how to end the vicious cycle.

Can Honesty be Taught?

From a young age, almost every child is taught basic values that are essential for living. One of these values is honesty. It is easier for children to understand its value, and when they learn it they often grow with it. Michael Daigneault agrees. However, he states that factors affecting the workplace, such as workplace pressure and competition, will require a person to have bedrock values to maintain righteousness. Otherwise, he will be tempted to sway away from childhood-learned ethics. (HR Magazine, 1999)

Rigterink and Louzecky (n.d.) also concludes that virtue can be taught but do not agree that it should be taught as other academic subjects are taught. Moderation, they said is an important key. Teaching honesty, the authors propose, should convert the subjects into thinkers, analyzing the absorption of the value and its advantages before really absorbing it.      They assert that doing so will instill the value into the subjects more than when it is taught outright.

End of the Game

If honesty like other values can not be taught in its simplest sense, how then can companies promote honesty? First, we should consider how a virtue is instilled. Fact is, ethics is not automatically learned. You can tell a hardened criminal to change his ways and there are chances that he will, but given a chance to strike a crime again there is definitely a slim chance for him to decline the opportunity.

Thus, virtues are imbibed through practice. As aforementioned, the more a person practices the act of honesty the stronger it stays within his values and the harder it is to break. On the same way, the more a person cheats the harder for that person to be honest and break from the bondage of lies.

The management is the best venue for a company to start promoting honesty. A company needs to be led by honest board of directors, managers, supervisors, team leaders, however the heads are called. If the top of the pyramid is governed by upright people, it is easier for the leaders to impose rules on moral values to the base of the pyramid. Honesty in this level may be showed by transparent management of funds, upfront and realistic relations with the subordinates, and open communication lines.

A boss of a company who is married and is caught by his employees cheating on his wife will definitely drive down the morale of his people. His employees will be tempted to resolve in idle talk about him and his affair and forget about work altogether since the boss is not acting very boss-like anyway. Given that that is in a personal level, consider a scenario were the act of a boss’s dishonesty is on a professional scale.

For instance, a manager was audited and the auditors discover that he was paying ten people in the payroll whereas there are actually only five people in his department who is actually reporting for work. The event will definitely pull down the confidence and team spirit of the five people in his team. Moreover, the manager himself will lose the drive to work for shame and guilt. Ultimately, it is not the manager or the employees who are the only ones who will suffer. The company as a whole loses considerable work time and revenue, just because of a single act of dishonesty from just one person. It is therefore safe to conclude that honesty is an individual decision that has collective effects.

It is also important that the company verbalize subscription to a value. If the management discovers major flaws on dishonesty, the management can choose to make honesty a core value in the company. They will then need to define honesty in the context of their workplace, and define it as specific as possible. Does it mean creatively communicating issues and problems? Does it include choosing not to engage in secrets that may hurt co-employees? How does it affect clauses on confidentiality?

When the management has defined the core value to subscribe to, it is important that they communicate this decision to every person in the company. A general assembly as well as departmental meetings will be a great help. In doing so, an open forum should be encouraged so that questions can be immediately answered and reactions can be resolved.

For continuity, it is equally important that people are trained about—not taught on—moral values. From the moment that a person is oriented on the vision, mission, and goals of the company, to the time that he is undergoing annual trainings within the organization, the value system of the company should be stressed and internalized by them. First, it is a good way to make them feel that they belong to the organization. Secondly, it will help them find a basis for actions and decision making processes. Learning good values at work will also make them worthwhile people even if they are out of the workplace, which is important especially because employees represent their companies.

The orientation is another good venue for value formation. Each newly hired employee should be made familiar with issues in the company and how the management is resolving them. Values should be highlighted. Thorough discussion on how the management is working against it shall be made and stress that honesty is a very important virtue for anyone wishing to join the company. This will imply the value of such virtue in the company without being popish.

Annually, it will help if value system is integrated in annual improvement seminars for employees usually done after evaluation periods. The training should discuss the ethical standards that the company subscribes to, and how each employee is expected to follow through. Lapses shall also be discussed along with solutions that can be done to prevent the occurrence of such ethical issues from arising again.

It is still easier said than done. However a company makes efforts on promoting honesty, it is still virtually impossible to create a cheat-free workplace. Even if a company is good, employees will have their own attitudes to live with—employees will always undergo circumstances where they will be pressed on engaging into an act of dishonesty. It is therefore important for a company to follow through and have an open eye to see to it that their core value is being followed and respected for its benefit and for the welfare of its employees and customers.

Mission Accomplished?

It is hard to be honest in the corporate environment. Oftentimes the ones who are honest are the ones who are left behind, or even smeared with nasty labels and judgments. However, it is important for companies to promote the value of honesty because it greatly affects the company, employees, as well as the customers.

If a company succeeds in achieving an honest workplace, the employees can enjoy a harmonious working relationship with each other. This will make them more productive and beneficial for the company. The company, in return, will maximize its potentials and prevent loss of revenue. It may even gain more. An honest workplace also reflects honesty with its customers. As such, customers will feel comfortable in transacting with the company and can become long-term clients.

The company should anticipate failure in promoting honesty, though, and should be prepared in making follow-up actions. When failure occurs, an evaluation should be done identifying the weak points of the plan. This will enable determination of follow-up plans and corrective actions to try. Research and study is essential, as well as patience and determination by the company and the proponents of the core value being promoted.


Honesty is a choice. If the company chooses to be honest, and it can convince its employees to choose to be honest, there is more chance for such culture to exist and benefit the people surrounding the business. While it can be taught, it is still up to every person in the company to use such knowledge. It is therefore important to make them think and realize the value of honesty to them, to their work, and to their clients. After all, it is the best policy.


HR Magazine. 1999. Teaching business character. Retrieved February 15, 2007

Newswise. 2005. Honesty in the workplace sorely lacking. Retrieved February 14, 2007 from http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/516781/

Roger, R. Louzecky, D. n.d. Can virtue be taught? If so, should it be thought? Retrieved February 13, 2007

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We Defend The Consciousness Of Time And Honesty. (2017, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/we-defend-the-consciousness-of-time-and-honesty/

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