Theories: Criminology and Capable Guardians
Individual Theories Maria Silva CJS/240 Farrell Binder 02/16/2013 There are several theories that influence adolescents are motivated to commit crimes, while other adolescents in similar situations are not. The theories that consist of adolescents committing crimes are based on the routine activities theory, general deterrence theory, specific deterrence theory, biochemical theory, neurological theory, genetic theory, psychodynamic theory, behavioral theory, and cognitive theory.
I will talk about the routine activities theory and the general deterrence theory and focus on the bad issues in which adolescents choose to commit a crime. The routine activities theory consist of three variables; “the availability of suitable targets, the absence of capable guardians, and the presence of motivated offenders. ” (Juvenile Delinquency: The Core, 2005) First, the suitable targets; homes that seem very wealthy are more easily to be the crime target. Wealthy homes can contain valuable things such as, jewelry, safe box with cash, cameras, DVD’s, and anything worth value for the offender to make quick money.
It is stated that many delinquents do not like to travel to commit their crimes they look around their surroundings, and speak to other children about what they have inside their homes. This is fairly easy for delinquents to commit crimes, and engage other to join in on the crime. They look for unlock homes, expensive cars and valuables worth stealing. Second, the lack of capable parents, in which adolescents feels that if they commit a crime they will unlikely to get caught. Since they believe that their crime will not be caught by a police officer, neighbors, parents, relatives, and homeowners, they will continue to commit crimes.
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Adolescents or delinquents look for specific safe places to commit their crimes and go undetected from certain types of guardians. Adolescents look around and see where there’s no movement around neighborhoods, where homes are left unattended and these become the easy targets for the offenders. In certain neighborhoods, where society is highly, there is more monitoring from guardians such as patrolling of officers, friends, family, and neighbors are less likely to be the target of their homes, and be burglarized, and broken into. Other types of capable guardians are video cameras, and alarm systems and help capture these offenders.
Third, variable for routine activities theory would be motivated offender, in which adolescents are more highly motivated to commit a crime. They consist of mostly teenage boys, and unemployment. Motivated offenders select their targets based upon on the value, visibility and accessibility. Motivated offenders may choose not to break-in an unoccupied home, because the presence of a suitable target, because he feels that a guardian, such as a neighbor may spot him, captures him, or phone an officer. Another theory that is motivated in adolescents for them to commit a crime would be general deterrence theory.
General deterrence; “concept holds that the choice to commit delinquent’s acts can be controlled by the threat of punishment. ” (Juvenile Delinquency: The Core, 2005). Offenders will fear of committing crimes, if they know how severe the punishment may be, if they commit the crimes. General deterrence focusses on the prevention of crime and does not focus on the offender, but the offender receives punishment in the public eye or media in order to deter other citizens to commit crimes. As well, that general deterrence theory tries to reduce the probability of committing crimes in the general population. General deterrence results from the perception of the public that laws are enforced and that there is a risk of detection and punishment when laws are violated. ” (www. sociologyindex. com) All these theories have a huge effect, routine activities theory and general deterrence theory is more important for adolescents to be aware of. For instance, general deterrence theory is effective for the public, because it shows the punishment of an offender may be and at times it can be severe, helping others not to commit the same crime or any other form of crimes.
Routine activities theory are helpful, but needs more of it, for example, more patrolling officers, neighborhood watch committees, more camera surveillance, and more activates or programs for adolescents. Having these types of surveillance, might help reduce crime, because offenders would see that they are watched constantly, and might be afraid to be caught. References: Juvenile Delinquency: The Core, 2005 www. sociologyindex. com
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