The Work Load And Necessity To Pay An Incentive For Nurses
They pick up the extra load that physicians pass along to them. Within Reenter Memorial Hospital one would understand why the work is becoming too physically demanding. Registered nurses (Runs) deliver and manage patient care. They teach them along with the public about the countless health conditions and supply guidance and emotional support to them and their families on how to care and treat themselves. Without the use of registered nurses a shift in performance feedback is sure to happen.
Back in the day, meaning 100 plus ears ago, women were responsible for nurturing and delivering care to children and those family members who were ill. It wasn't until the 17th century that men became nurses and tended to the sick as well. However, in the 19th century the definition of nursing was stretched to not only tend to those who were sick and ill but also work under physicians to support them. In reference to hospitals across the U. S, there has always been a shortage of nurses, however they always seemed to work themselves out.
Meaning the hospitals would have a certain period of time when they weren't so low on nurses. It wasn't until 1998 that things seemed to get worse. The baby boomers were set to retire in 2008, but because of the recent recession they were forced to continue to work. In the years to come, the baby boomers will eventually began their retirement and need more medical care. Add on the amount of years they have been working plus the work load, the Job as a nurse really has taken a toll on the bodies. What the current healthcare industry doesn't realize is that experienced nurses will be leaving the industry.
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The reason behind the nursing shortage is that no one can precisely pin point causes. With the addition of managed care and other elements, these maybe the reasons for the nursing shortage. Reenter Memorial Hospital is Just one of many hospitals affected by this. Others may say it is because of the low pay paired with the heavy workload or the treatment they are getting from the other employees. Whichever way you may put it, the nursing profession is indeed declining and the healthcare industry is reaping the consequences.
Proposal Initially, the ultimate problem with Reenter Memorial Hospital is that there is a lack of nursing staff. To add on to the nursing staff problem, the nurses are being over irked, which has led to a lack of retention. In addition, recruiting new nurses for those who are retiring is becoming more difficult because of the shortage. No one wants to enter into a new employment expecting to be burnt out and over worked. Just like any other healthcare organization, Reenter Memorial Hospital requires nurses that are highly trained, effective and stable.
It is said that the nursing profession has a tremendous impact on how the healthcare industry operates. Within this proposal five other hospitals that have undergone the same situation as Reenter will be evaluated. It is very important for any healthcare organization to tackle the shortages of nurses. No particular hospital within Florida is suffering more then the others. James A. Haley VA Medical Center along with other nursing homes and home health agencies are being picky about who they want to work for them. This is what has caused them to have a nursing shortage. We did notice that all the employers that responded said that their difficult-to-fill positions required nurses with experience and advanced education," Yore said (Peters-Smith, 2012). Not every nurse freshly out of college is going to have the experience that organizations want. Even though it is up to the employers to offer them a chance, have declined. Another reason why the VA Center's nurses are at a shortage is because of poor working conditions and pay. Some people often think that the military has so many assets, but they are Just like any other organization.
Since the VA overworked their nurses, some patients weren't receiving the adequate care they needed. Army Staff SST. Alex Dillon said "his wound dressing wasn't changed often enough nor would he get pain medication promptly', due to the over worked and short staffed nurses (Peters-Smith, 2012). This s very similar to what Reenter Memorial Hospital is experiencing, the nurses are being over worked except for the inadequate care. What the VA did to solve their situation was become less picky and started hiring those recent graduates. As the current members grow older within the nursing profession, the need for skilled nurses increases.
Of the hospitals surveyed in Florida, 89 percent said they would hire straight out of school and 29 percent have nurse residency programs to continue their training after school (Peters-Smith, 2012). This has decreased the shortages of nurses within their facilities. The recent graduates may not have much experience, but they have to start somewhere. Wesley Medical Center of Wichita Falls, Kansas is also experiencing a shortage of nurses as well. After doing research, Wesley Medical Center came to the decision to pay nurses more. This helped retain more nurses while giving the baby boomers a chance to retire with no hassle for a while.
It gave the retiring nurses a chance to retire without looking back and thinking they let the business down, or the hospital has a shortage because of them. However this plan backfired. The nursing school of Wichita University housing the graduates who come to Wesley Medical Center for a job was deeply impacted when this pay raise occurred. When the nursing pay went up, the professors of WAS left. Since budget constraints at the university, nursing professionals realized they could make more money practicing than teaching nursing (Went, 2013).
One way to fix the problems at hand that included the hospital and college, the chief nursing officer of Wesley Medical Center suggested simulation training. What the simulation training does is allow students to practice on dummies to get the feel of how to treat patients. A new technology developed in recent years has created mannequins who can talk, interact with doctors and nurses, and graphically recreate many medical situations nurses and doctors in past history could only learn in clinic work or on the Job: how to save a person in cardiac arrest for example (Went, 2013).
With this simulation training the nurses at the college get hands on training while the staff of the hospital can see new prospects to choose from. In an effort to fill the nursing shortage, New Orleans hospitals are pooping up bonuses, helping new graduates repay student loans and recruiting workers from overseas (Grids, 2007). What Tour Infirmary located in New Orleans is doing is offering $12,000 for two years for those nurses who agree to work at their location and for those who continue to stay. They will get $6,000 the first year they work and another $6,000 the next year. One may think this is a bribe, but hey, business is business.
The leaders of any organization, especially those involved in the healthcare industry, have to do whatever they have to do to retain their current employees and to gain new ones. The incentives are boosting Tour's costs but are still less than eying temp agencies or contract firms anywhere from $60 an hour to the high $ass for each nurse (Grids, 2007). This particular solution worked for Tour Infirmary; who's to say it will work for others healthcare facilities to include Reenter Memorial Last, two healthcare facilities in South Carolina came to a solution to decrease nursing shortages.
Both Sconce Medical Center and Named Medical Center are not necessarily experiencing a shortage now, but they know they will later on down the line. The reason for this, like all other hospitals, is that the experienced nurses are retiring. Their solution to keeping the shortage down gives credit to Clemson and Trio- County Technical College. Both offer nursing degree programs that contribute to the nursing staff of the Medical Centers (Stated, 2009). Also it all depends on which particular area the Medical Center is located.
Both Sconce Medical Center and Named are located in upstate South Carolina where a number of nursing programs provide a ready supply of nurses. "That helps us to not see shortages other people around the state are seeing," Jury said (Stated, 2009). This applies to all hospitals no matter what the state is. One would have to compare the facilities community-by- community rather than state-by-state. One hospital could be located in a rural area with a college that offers nursing programs, but the teachers are retiring so this could cause the hospital to have a nursing shortage (Hurst, 2010).
On the other hand, some teachers may not want to teach because the actual practice may offer more money. Some have even opted to working in teaching hospitals so they can tackle two birds with one stone, teach and work. The starting nurse practitioners can make $60,000 and up (Stated, 2009) depending on which area they work in whether it be caching or working within the profession. Furthermore, the resulting healthcare organizations have successfully implemented transformational changes that have brought them out of their dilemma of nursing shortages.
With these changes they have been able to not only retain experienced nurses but hire new inexperienced ones as well. Considering the five hospitals evaluated, the two solutions that are most viable to Referee Memorial Hospital would be to offer an incentive that motivates the nurses to stay or offer a simulation program with the colleges that house the respective nurses. These two solutions will work well for Referee because others healthcare facilities have shown great progress after implementing them. It is even possible for Referee Memorial Hospital to implement both solutions.
If Reenter Memorial Hospital were to implement the first solution, an incentive for their current and future nurses it would affect everyone. All the stakeholders to include patients, hospital administration, accounting, physicians, and other employers would either see the nursing getting paid extra as a good thing or bad thing. Before the nurses loud even started getting the incentive a devised plan would need to be taken to administration to see if they agree I. E a proposal on why they should be paid a little extra. The reason why administrations would be affected is because they are the true leaders of the hospital.
Before anything can happen they have to be notified. This way the administration would be able to compile the necessary paper work. The next step, or stakeholder involved would be accounting. Accounting would be affected because Reenter Memorial would need to know how much money within the budget they would be willing to give. In any case dealing with money both the administration along with accounting needs to be involved. Both the administration and accounting within Reenter Memorial influence decision-making, operational control and managerial planning. Both of these departments support one another.
If accounting is not able to get money from the budget, administration would not be able to approve the extra pay. As far as the physician, they are not impacted as much. This is because they grasp the concept that the workload is heavy upon the nurses and they realize the nurses do need to be paid a little more. The physicians get paid much ore to do less however, the patient's lives are solely their responsibility. Overall the physicians are impacted less then the other stakeholders. Moreover, when the nurses receive an incentive, controversy will arise within Reenter.
The other employees will feel as if they may need to get an incentive as well. Even though the patients are the main focus and keeping nurses keeps patients happy, the other employees will not see it that way. Within any organization when one person gets a raise other people will feel they need to get a raise as well. Reenter doesn't have to explain the circumstance behind the choice. However, what they can do is let the other employee know that their hard word is not going unnoticed. As far as the patients, they will be affected in a positive way because more nurses will be around.
There will be more nurses, experienced and inexperienced, to go around. In regards to solution two, offering a simulation program would work well for both the incoming nursing and the experienced nurses. However, the stakeholders affected would be different from those of solution one. Medical simulation is a new method to facilitate skill training and assessment (Carroll & Messenger, 2008). The stakeholders impacted y solution two would be the nurses themselves, physicians, the government, the patients and the hospital. The nurses would have more hands on training.
The experienced nurses would be able to watch or facilitate a training session that would be Just for the nurses. The physicians would be able to Join is as well. Those nurses who would be put on a surgical team or a Code Blue team would be able to practice side by side. In the same way, a simulator can have a negative affect on the nurses as well. A major limitation of simulation is the fidelity; no matter how high the fidelity is, it is not real. It is often impossible to imitate actual physiological signs or symptoms.
For example, it is impossible to display crackles in the lung, when such a symptom would be important to the scenario (Carroll & Messenger, 2008). On another note the hospital would have to push out more money to compensate for the simulation training. Access to the simulator could also be limited at times. It often depends on whether or not instructors and operators are availability. Since Reenter Memorial has a nursing shortage, who's to say the existing nurses will have time to teach. Also negative transfer may happen with the nurses.
This occurs when the students learn something wrong due to imperfect simulation (Carroll & Messenger, 2008). This could possibly bring upon lawsuit for the hospital if things are done incorrectly on the actual human patients. This usually happens when the instructors fail to constantly remind the students the difference between the training devices. Even though it may seem like a lot of negative affects for the hospital there are positive ones as well. Ultimately there is no direct risk to any patients. Simulations bring forth opportunities to practice events that involve critical tasks that the nurses may encounter with a real patient.
Additionally, team training is a positive affect and benefit with simulations. The scenarios that the team goes through will give not only the nurses but the physicians as well a better understanding. After the training is done a insightful debriefing of the scenarios is conducted to inform the team of what was done and what could have been done.. To sum it up, the best solution for Referee Memorial Hospital would be to pay the incentive. Reenter is already having problems retaining nurses, so why not pay them to stay. The hospital would save none from paying the temp agencies, and they would possible keep the nurses they have already.
Plenty people stay at least a year over their retirement Just so they can get a little extra cash added on. "Every organization is going to have some issues with the nursing shortage and have a hard time filling certain openings," said Margaret Gibson, the manager of employment and employee relations at Mercy Hospital in Miami (Nard & Gorky, 2013). Any nursing facility would want to retain their experienced nurses. Just like any other healthcare facility, Reenter Memorial Hospital wants a devoted, dedicated workforce. Ultimately paying an incentive would, keep more. In conclusion, the issue of nursing shortages is an ongoing problem.
Not only is it happening within Reenter Memorial Hospital, but it is happening in other hospitals around the US as well. It is said that due to the baby boomers retirement and extensive workload, nurses are becoming harder to retain. Whether a healthcare facility decides to increase pay, give an incentive or implement simulation training scenarios, it is totally up to that facility to decide. The best choice when compared to others is for Reenter Memorial hospital to pay an incentive to their nurses. The solution is much cheaper then continuing to pay temp agencies and has a higher chance of solving their staff retention problem.
As far as the physically demanding workload, one cannot stop patients from enduring different problems that required different care.
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The Work Load And Necessity To Pay An Incentive For Nurses. (2017, Nov 20). Retrieved from
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