The Symptoms and Difficulties of People Diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Last Updated: 28 Feb 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 174

Striding off into battle, their figure fading as they march on. Military personnel or veterans serving our country are recognized every day. We praise them for their bravery and integrity. Parades and dedicated days are awarded in honor of the countless that are serving and that have served. Nonetheless, we tend to disregard the soles that are struggling. Many that have served experience some type of trauma before, or after they arrived home. The biggest issue that military personnel face as they return to civilian life remains the struggle with PTSD. Having a mental illness and battling flashbacks can lead to a great deal of obstacles or complications. Handling a matter such as this can cause stress and leave a family dejected. This mental illness can be hard to understand if not previously recognized or explained.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witness of a life-threatening event such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or childhood ( This disorder can be found in numerous groups of people. It was first brought to public attention in relation to war veterans ( When giving plaudit we must remember the ones suffering. There are many different symptoms to PTSD, some of which include re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance and numbing symptoms, and arousal symptoms ( All of these have different elements and behaviors that attain to them. Grasping and supporting a case of PTSD stays an important factor to remember, there can be frequent complications and obstacles involved with this disorder.

Many people diagnosed with PTSD have a difficult time functioning in a day to day setting. One example would be during a parade. Average citizens understand that it persists of a celebration for their courage and efforts. Be that as it may, those suffering from PTSD may have the implementation that you are trying to harm them. They may have flash backs and break down, possibly harming themselves or others in the process. The Fourth of July can be one of the most difficult days for these veterans. Families like to gather and set off fireworks. In doing so, this may trigger a victim of PTSD into remembering or believing that there are gunshots or bombs going off. This creates the extremely important need to consider the needs of others.

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Those who are most sensitive and educated about this illness are the families involved with a loved one. They are even the most affected by this. It can be difficult for some to understand at first, however they learn to adjust. Sometimes they have to act upon certain triggers and make sure certain causes are nonexistent. Family life can also be difficult for the veteran. They might struggle with remembering individuals in their family, or become distressed with trying to conquer their issues. These things can add to the frustration of some and cause things to become worse. This issue lingers, maintaining a difficult mind frame that remains troublesome to vanquish.

In a personal story about his battle with PTSD a veteran explains that he didn't like being around his family. He took up drinking and stayed in the basement. He would go to work for the most part and got along with his colleagues until someone set him off. His worst experience was when his platoon sergeant was deadened during his deployment. He claims that he relives the experience and wakes up from night terrors frequently. Doctors and therapists explained that PTSD stands as a difficult thing to recover from, but the possibility exists with proper treatment or therapy to overcome this affliction. These things prove to show that it can be a difficult journey for most. Yet, you can live with it, you can accept it, and you can get help if you so choose to.

Fighting for their lives, and struggling to survive. The people that we recognize everyday as our hero's, are veterans. While most are esteemed, the small few that we do not commemorate deserve the same value. The biggest issue that military personnel face as they return to civilian life remains the struggle with PTSD. The importance that we incorporate their needs into everything that we do, should exist as our greatest efforts. Conflicting with flashbacks and hurdling obstacles and complications can be extremely difficult to handle. Families are affected, and contest with the issues involved with this illness. We need to do the best we can to support individuals attempting to do the best they can to endure what we can only imagine.

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The Symptoms and Difficulties of People Diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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