The Relation of a College Degree in Being Successful
Is college really preparing students for the real world? What does it really mean to go to a "good" college? Is there a good college? You hear people say you go to school to get good grades. Then to get good grades, that will have you get into a good college. Then you go to school after getting good grades and after putting blood sweat and tears into getting your degree, getting a so called “good” job is what's next and you live happily ever after. They make it seem as though college is the gateway to success. You would expect a person to live an overall happy life. At least that's what they say. But doesn't it seem kind of odd that first and foremost, college graduates are finding it difficult to find a long term career, a lot of people that are successful don't have a college degree, and people that are graduating from school are suffering from student loan debt.
College graduates are finding it difficult to find a job. We here this over and over again. How students finish school but it's difficult to get a job. Now you would expect someone of such a great credential to get started with their life after finishing school but it's not that simple. According to A Degree of Difficulty by Hoover Digest, he states "Not every job requires a college degree. Employers are shrinking the labor pool unfairly--and unwisely". What he means is that even though it is good to have a college degree because you do gain important knowledge, skills, and contacts etc. but what really matters is the work experience a person a person has. That's is the main things that employers look for. Can or has the person did the job before? He also states, "Our challenge as his prospective employer isn't to determine whether presidents "on average" do better with a college degree than without one. It's to consider Walker's particular case. Does he have the knowledge and skills to do the job?” The article focuses on how a governor of a particular state didn't have a college degree. That didn't really matter. As long as he had experience and has done the job. You can know a lot about a lot, but if you never done it
Ever Going To Pay Off Massive Student Loan Debt states "Recent Wesleyan University graduate Zach Wallace confided to reporters Thursday that he has no clue how his parents are supposed to earn enough money to settle his $40,000 in student loan debt." Now for parents to be pushing their son or daughter to finish school and come home with this, is non sense. This should be a wakeup call to that are going to attend college. If you know you can use college as something that can benefit you to what you want to do, you have to have a plan. Starting in a community college is a great way to give people time to think of the major that you might want to pursue, scholarship opportunities etc. This will help with the problem of so many college students who is suffering from student loans.
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Therefore, college graduates are finding it difficult to find a long term career, a lot of people that are successful don't have a college degree, and people that are graduating from school are suffering from student loan debt. The school systems should do a better job preparing students for the so called real world like teaching them about financial aids and loans to avoid. Having financial education would help as well because what good is it living in a place where it's a capitalist country and you don't have a basic understanding on financial literacy. This will help them be more prepared.
People forget that you are an asset to a company and they need people that are quick to catch on and what better way to do so by having someone that is familiar with the assignment. Now you see why so many college students find it difficult to find a job after they finish school. A lot of people don't have enough experience in whatever job they are looking to do.
Also, lot of people that are successful don't have a college degree. Now how bizarre is that. People think that by having a college degree is the only way to be successful. You have people like Farrah Gray, Sandile Shezi, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Ronald McDonald, Henry Ford, Mark Zuckerberg just to name a few. Not bad without having a bachelors or a master's degree. "Getting a college degree can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet once you are out, there is no guarantee of success. A pretty risky investment" according to Paula Hudson of the Elite Daily news article. You would expect for someone going to college and having a degree will guarantee them success. There are a good number of people on the Forbes list that don't have a college, high school, or college education. Take Sandile Shezi for instance. The youngest millionaire in Africa. Being only 23 years old. "When business got sweeter and he was not selling muffins anymore, Shezi decided he could make more money by trading stocks and therefore dropped out of university to do that." According to Sandile Shezi: 10 Things About South Africa's Youngest Self-Made Millionaire by Lillian Mutiso. By being that young and barley having a college education was still able to become a successful stock trader. He is a perfect example of someone seeing success with a college degree.
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The Relation of a College Degree in Being Successful. (2022, Nov 17). Retrieved from
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