Support Services, Social Care And The Law
This project contains information about the activity of exercise which I will do with a service user at my placement. It will base on sociological and psychological knowledge and also current policies and legislations. I am a student in a local authority day center. My placement supports adults with physical and sensual impairment. The day center provides a range of different groups designed for disabled people. I have chosen an exercise group for my project to describe an individual service user. The organization is registered service and regulated by the Care Inspectorate which was established by Regulation of Care. The trained and qualified staff works with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) requirements. All service users within the placement are treated accordingly with the criteria delineated by the National Care Standards – Support Services.
Each service user in the organization has his key worker, who creates an individual care plan based on assessments and taking into account the needs and expectations of the individual. As a student in the placement, I comply with all regulations listed above. In the center, I provide the appropriate level of care and help in taking part in all available activities. Treat all service users with dignity, privacy, give to all service users choice, provide safety, allow realizing potential, and take account of equality and diversity to each individual. I chose an individual who I named Mr. X to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 to mention that personal information has to be used in fully anonymous as awareness of confidentiality and one of the main principle of National Care Standards and SSSC – to respect the privacy of service user. Mr. X is disabled since 2009 after when he had a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and resulting in his left-sided weakness. Despite his |disability he still lives in his own home and has a support worker.
He is keen to remain as independent as possible but is frustrated by his poor mobility. He uses wheelchair fulltime and suffers from epilepsy and diabetes. Mr. X grew up in a nuclear family. He had both parents and siblings - brother and four sisters. His siblings and his mother still lives and they all are in very good relation to each other. Mr. X grew up in a very familiar environment during his primary socialization and values gained through this time transferred on his later life. He also had a lot of friends. Mr. X was very attached to his family and treats the closest people as the most important. As Bowlby’s theory of attachment says that through attachment to mother Mr. X’s basic physiological needs had been satisfied in primary socialization. According to one of the functionalists George Murdock theory that family performs four main functions. One of the functions is reproductive function relate to rising children and take responsibility for them.
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Firstly Mr. X was attached to his mother as she was his primary caregiver while in his adulthood he directed his attention to his wife. She took care of him after the loss of his mobility. Eli Zaretsky, one of Marxists says that the view of the ideal family, detached from the economic world is only an illusion. He means that families are a source of cheap labor. According to Mr. X’s life, I can say that he and his wife were also parts of the ‘family economy’.
He worked with Scottish Water and his wife was a cleaner in a local school and also as a nursing auxiliary. They had spent the most time at their workplaces which caused a lack of time to spend with children. Now his source of socialization is only his family, mainly his sons who he sees regularly. Mr. X experienced the feeling of loss. Firstly he lost his health through CVA and his wife which passed away two years after he became disabled. Based on Elizabeth Kubler – Ross On Death and Dying research in which she presented five stages model by which I going to describe. Mr. X’s feelings: Denial and isolation – Mr. X after lost his health and wife felt that what had happened was very unfair and hard to accept by him. Anger – Mr. X felt that God does not exist because in other ways the tragic situation would never have happened. Bargaining – This is a form of truce, begging and promising himself and God, trying to make a deal with God. Depression – Mr. X gave up and became resigned and lack of motivation to continue living.
Acceptance – Mr. X accepts the present life with the supports of his family. Also, classes in the Day Centre give a new meaning to his life. To analyze the personal needs and development of Mr. X I use the PIES model of needs and Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Motivation. There are four categories: physical need to improve Mr. X’s mobility, intellectual need to through communication and reflects on the choice of appropriate equipment to perform an exercise, emotional to rise Mr. X’ self-esteem and strengthen his self - confidence, and also social need as interaction with other service users. Maslow's hierarchy of human motivation believes that to achieve higher-order needs must first meet the basic needs. During Mr. X’s healthy life he was happy and fully satisfied. He had a love for each other family – wife and two sons so he felt belongingness and been attached, he was working so was independent and also received respect from colleagues. He had also a very active social life. Mr. X used to enjoy playing golf and football during his healthy life so he was a very active person. He has seen himself as a very sociable individual enjoying a beer with friends. He was leading a successful life until became disable.
The disability made him unable to do things from previous days. His motivation decreased and he became very frustrated. I started my preparation for an activity with a consultation with a manager. I chose as an acting exercise group and gained permission from the manager to perform the activity. Then I discussed my choice with Mr. X’s key worker and also gained from the key worker a care plan of the service user and other significant information regarding Mr. X’s background, family, health condition, and general risk assessment. An important factor for me was a conversation with Mr. X and eventually gained permission from him. I explained clearly to the service user how the activity will proceed. Through the conversation and observation of Mr. X’s, I learned what he expects from the activity.
Also, I assured him of his right to choose a course of the activity whether to amend the decision. I am going to abide by the rules such as National Care Standards by giving to Mr. X's choice and treat him with dignity and communicate with him in an appropriate and open way. Thanks to, exercises he hopes to regain mobility in legs. In the exercise group, he feels is given him a purpose to get up of the bed and the opportunity to interact with his peers in a supported environment. I spoke with the leader of the exercise class about the course and the main objectives of the group. Also, the leader informed me that the exercise group will take place in the main hall of the placement and showed me the room in which it is held needed equipment. In my placement is using personal – centered planning model of care. The idea of the model was created by O’Brien and Lovett. This model is targeted for people who want to change something in their life. The model also focuses on making individuals as independent as possible.
Mr. X has a significant left-sided weakness and he requires a high level of assistance with all tasks and activities. He would like to attend a local gym to work more on building strength on his left side. He also discussed with his support worker the possibility of using community venues out with the Day Centre that may have activities running that would keep him busy and involve. For my project as I mentioned I chose exercise group. The main purpose of activities is to keep Mr. X as fit as possible, encourage him to exercise, and more motivated to make progress in becoming back to his mobility. It will make him a lot of satisfaction and |increase their confidence and belief in his own abilities. Classes also will allow him to be among peers to avoid allowing it to the feeling of isolation. During the activity, I will communicate with Mr. X in openly and clearly as awareness of SSSC Codes of Practice.
To my activity, I intend to use the appropriate music played from a CD and exercise equipment stored in a designated lockable room. The first step will bring a stroller with the equipment and the preparation of music Initially, it will be simple exercises in the warm-up then we will use selected by Mr. X weights, stretching equipment, and balls. To carry out a risk assessment I will carefully check the environment if there are any type of hazards such as spillages on a floor or other obstacles around Mr. X and other service users, remove these threats. Also, all equipment to be checked if there are any damaged equipment and remove them. I have to make sure that the individual took appropriate medication due to his epilepsy and diabetes. I planned my activity on 19 of March 2013. The activity will take about 70 minutes with a 10-minute break for tea, coffee, or something cooling to drink in terms of the diabetes of Mr. X which excludes sweetened beverages. During my activity, I will use personal – centered planning model of care because the model lets me focus on the individual expectations and also let me be fully involved in the activity as Mr. X as well. As a method, I would be most likely to use the Essential Lifestyle Plan of Method of Intervention.
This method is taken into account a health condition, communication. The Health and safety of the individual is a priority as maintaining Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. In case of Mr. X is very suitable to him the Essential Lifestyle Plan to achieve the objectives which are to give satisfaction to Mr. X, being able to do exercises that will increase their confidence and belief in their own abilities I am going to be patient and empathic, also treat with respect Mr. X’s choice in the type of exercises to underpinning Equality Act 2010, National Care Standards and SSSC. To maintain Safe Practice during the performance of activity I make sure that I provide the safest environment for Mr. X and other service users, myself, and leading worker. During this, I comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. As a contingency plan, I will go with Mr. X to a local museum because the service user is sympathetic to the history of the town. In the above project, I contained my plan for an activity focusing on the needs and development of Mr. X.
The information above includes method and model of care to be used, sociological and psychological concepts which helped me better understand and feelings and needs of the service user in terms of regulations and policies underpin antidiscrimination practice and principles essential in social care.
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Support Services, Social Care And The Law. (2017, Feb 05). Retrieved from this Page
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