Online tourism information management system

Category: Tourism
Last Updated: 08 Jul 2021
Pages: 9 Views: 1174


Nowadays, tourism Is one of the most Important Industries globally for many social, economic, technological, and geopolitical reasons. It presents an actual high quantitative and qualitative growth dynamics and potential, with substantial contribution to the global economy and employment, as it is the largest Job provider on the planet. Information is very crucial in tourism sector so it has been among the first to exploit new technologies and innovations. 1. 1 Background of the project Tourism Is one of the major contributors In the economy of Cube City.

The city appends to be one of the most popular destination for travelers In the Philippines. Cube City Is largely known as Queen City. Cube has plenty of tourist attractions that encourages tourists to enter and explore the city. Some tourists may have a difficult time traveling in the city due to a lack of virtual representations of the city that may lead to an enjoyable stay. Tourists should have a virtual tourist guide in traveling inside Cube Island to assist them in every destination they ought to go.

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To assist Tourists in traveling inside Cube, the researchers proposed to develop an inline tourism information management that allows tourists to search their preferred destination and the system will locate it via map. The system will also provide list of accommodations and transportation guides for the tourist In order to provide an easy way traveling in Cube. Also, the system will provide website links of hotels, restaurants, car rentals, and beach resorts companies so that tourists will be able to reserve online.

Project objectives

General objectives - This study aims to develop an online tourism information management for tourists in Cube to provide an interactive virtual tourists guide that may assist tourists in traveling in the city.

Specific objectives

  • Specifically the study aims to: system;
  • To analyses data gathered;
  • To create a system design based on the data gathered;
  • To develop the proposed system;
  • To test and evaluate the developed system;
  • To implement the developed online tourism information management system.

Significance of the project

This project is significant in promoting tourism in Cube and to provide tourists a reliable information that may assist them traveling within Cube. This part of the project discusses about the benefits of creating the system to the following: Students The students can benefit from the system because it will provide additional knowledge in their chosen field. This will also help students in their further projects. Tourists The tourists can benefit from the system because it will provide a decent information and guide for traveling and staying in Cube.

Local government

The Local government can benefit from the system for it will help to directly boost tourism in the place. Not only that, this will increase the number of people employed. As a whole this will improve the local economy for it will become more industrialized. Business The businesses such as hotels, restaurants, beach resorts, and malls can benefit from the system for it will help gaining more customers that can rapidly increase their respective profits. 1. Scope and limitations of the project This project mainly focused on providing travelers and tourists a virtual tourism information management system that would allow them to search their destinations on a virtual map. The proposed system would make tourists find a simpler way to get information and guidance traveling in the city. The project aimed to develop an online tourism information management system to help boost tourism in Cube and to assist travelers and tourists in traveling in Cube.

With the proposed online tourism management information system, the user can search and locate their desired destinations. Provided by website links of hotels, car rentals, restaurants, and beach resorts company, they can make reservations directly in a minimal time frame in these companies. Moreover, the system will provide a more efficient and interactive way of giving information and assistance to the users n terms of traveling in Cube. The proposed system will provide an overview of the region and its attractions. The weapon is user friendly when it comes to LU design. Assist tourists traveling in Cube.

The system does not include online reservations and payments instead it will provide website links of companies that has these kind of transactions to help tourists find accommodations.

Review of related literature

One of the essential factors to consider to have a better view of the project and to have a better evaluation on the project's functionalities, related literature, studies ND works should reviewed, analyses and studied. According to Chou (2004), Tourists need new sources of information in order to help them plan their trips and choose between alternatives tourist destinations.

Because it is an information-rich industry, it depends on finding and developing new means to distribute travel and hospitality products and services, marketing information to consumers and providing comfort and convenience travelers. Tourism Management According to Upon (1993) and Sheldon (1997), Technological progress and tourism have been going hand in hand for years. Since the sass, Information Communication Technologies (Acts) have been transforming tourism globally. Developments in Acts have undoubtedly changed both business practices and strategies as well as industry structures (Porter, 2001).

The establishment of the Computer Reservation Systems (Cars) in the sass and Global Distribution Systems (Gigs) in the late sass, followed by the development of the Internet in the late sass, have transformed the best operational and strategic practices in the industry dramatically (Bilabials, 2003; business W@tch, 2006; Emmer, Tack, Wilkinson, & Moore, 1993; O'Connor, 1999). If the past 20 years have seen an emphasis on technology per SE, then since the year 2000 we have been witnessing the truly transformational effect of the communications technologies.

This has given scope for the development of a wide range of new tools and services that facilitate global Tourism as an international industry and as the biggest provider of Jobs on the planet boasts a greater array of heterogeneous stakeholders than many other industries. The energetic growth and development of the industry are perhaps only mirrored by the growth of Acts. The accelerating and synergistic interaction between genealogy and tourism in recent times has brought fundamental changes in the industry and on our perceptions of its nature.

The significance of crossing the new information threshold of universal, ubiquitous communications access has brought the entire tourism industry to the new levels of interactivity, propelling management by wire. Increasingly, Acts play a critical role for the competitiveness of tourism organizations and destinations as well as for the entire industry as a whole (UNTO, 2001). Developments in search engines, carrying capacity and speed of networks eave influenced the number of travelers around the world that use technologies for planning and experiencing their travels.

Acts have also changed radically the efficiency and effectiveness of tourism organizations, the way that businesses are conducted in the marketplace, as well as how consumers interact with organizations (Bilabials, 2003). There have been many new entrants among the players on the tourism stage, shifts in market share and balance of power, changes in political perceptions of tourism, and a growing recognition of the importance of tourism to an ever-increasing number of national and regional economies.

Innovation Trends on Tourism Tourism firms operate in a business environment where innovation is important for their survival (Sorensen, 2007). Thus, the adoption of innovative methods that will aid every country to promote and support its tourist product, from regional and national tourism organizations to various tourism enterprises can ensure the quality levels and the diversification of services that will lead to the increase of each country's share in international tourism demand. The main modern trends constitute the reference base for the analysis of the current situation in Greece.

Destination Management Systems (DMS) The development of DMS can substantially support and enhance the competitiveness of tourism destinations and specifically of the small and medium tourism enterprises (Kigali, 2009). Chem. & Sheldon(1997, p. 159) defined the DMS as an inter- organizational system that links tourist products, suppliers and offers, with consumers and intermediaries in order to enable easy access to complete and up-to- date destination information and allow reservations and purchases.

Consumers and demand dimensions Increasingly, Acts enable travelers to access reliable and accurate information as required by conventional methods (O'Connor, 1999). Acts can assist in the improvement of the service quality and contribute to higher guest/traveler satisfaction. Acts place users in the middle of its functionality and product delivery. Every tourist is different, carrying a unique blend of experiences, motivations, and desires. To an extent the new sophisticated traveler has emerged as a result of experience.

Tourists from the major generating regions of the world have become request travelers, are linguistically and technologically skilled and can function in multicultural and demanding environments overseas. The development of Acts and particularly the Internet empowered the "new' tourist who is becoming knowledgeable and is seeking exceptional value for money and time. They are less interested in following the crowds in packaged tours and much more keen to pursue their own preferences and schedules.

Increasingly, package tours are losing market share in favor of independently organized tourism facilitated by dynamic packaging. The contemporary/connected consumer is far less willing to wait or put up with delays, to the point where patience is a disappearing virtue. The key to success lies in the quick identification of consumer needs and in reaching potential clients with comprehensive, personalized and up-to-date products and services that satisfy those needs. Gradually new, experienced, sophisticated, and demanding travelers require interacting with suppliers to satisfy their own specific needs and wishes.

Living in a hectic life, consumers in the developed world often have short periods of time to lax their batteries and also to engage in their favorite activities. Leisure time will increasingly be used for "edutainment", I. E. The exploration of personal interests for both their personal and professional development. Travel and holidays are one of the most expensive items purchased regularly by households around the world, and it represents a significant proportion of individual's annual budget. The Internet has changed tourism consumer behavior dramatically (Mills & Law, 2004).

Prospective travelers have direct access to a much rater wealth of information provided by tourism organizations, private enterprises and increasingly by other users/consumers. From information search, to destination/ product consumption and post experience engagement, Acts offer a range of tools to facilitate and improve the process. Customers search for travel-related information, make online air-ticket bookings, online room reservations, and other online purchases themselves instead of relying on travel agencies to undertake this process for them (Morrison, Jinn, O'Leary, & Lapping, 2001).

Due to the popularity of Internet applications, most tourism organizations such as hotels, airlines, and travel agencies have embraced Internet technologies as part of their marketing and communication strategies. Information Search is a significant part of the purchase decision process and was revolutionized as a result of the Internet. Acts not only reduce uncertainty and perceived risks but also enhance the quality of trips (Fodders & Murray, 1997).

The more research undertaken on a trip and the more information found, the better customer needs can be met and served. A well-informed consumer is able to interact ere requirements and to take advantage of special offers and reduced prices. According to Snigger, Mugged, Smelling, and World (1990), the four major factors that influence information search in the tourism context are the composition of vacation groups, the presence of families and friends at the destination, prior visits to the destination, and the degree of novelty associated with the destination.

Cursory and McCauley (2004) developed a comprehensive theoretical model that integrated all psychological/motivational, economics, and processing approaches into a cohesive hole for understanding tourists' information seeking behavior. Virtual communities are gradually becoming incredibly influential in tourism as consumers increasingly trust better their peers, rather than marketing messages. The most cited definition of a virtual community was firstly given by Rheingold (1993, p. 8) as "a virtual community is a group of people who may or may not meet one another face-to-face, and who exchange words and ideas through the mediation of computer bulletin boards and networks". A Virtual Travel Community makes it easier or people to obtain information, maintain connections, develop relationships, and eventually make travel-related decisions (Steeplechase, Mills, & Kiang, 2007). Pogo and Fisheries (1998) stated that participation and attitude are the primary dimensions of consumer behavior in the virtual communities.

Since many travelers like to share their travel experiences and recommendations with others, Was have become one of their favorite areas to post their travel diary. Additionally, online travelers are enthusiastic to meet other travelers who have similar attitudes, interests, and way of fife (Wang, You, & Fisheries, 2002). As such, better understanding WAC users' behavior and motivation can assist tourism practitioners and policy makers to establish, operate, and maintain Was in a more efficient way.

This, in turn, facilitates consumer centric marketing or relationship marketing (Minnie, March, & Bilabials, 2006). Was, however, may be at risk of losing members if their members are not satisfied with the content, design, security policies, and repercussions for non- compliance with community rules (Allison, Accrual, Moss, & Stuart, 2005; Wang et al. , 002).

Trapdoors is amongst the most successful social networking/virtual community in tourism that facilitates the reviewing of all hotels around the world and brings together individuals in discussion forums. The system provides users with independent travel reviews and comments written from Trapdoors members and expert advisors and provides a powerful platform for interaction between peers Wang & Fisheries, Bibb). User satisfaction is a major factor for evaluating a travel organization.

By analyzing

Was' content, travel organizations can understand their customers' satisfactions and behavior, and undertake corrective actions to improve their offering. They can also increase brand awareness and strengthen brand association through the assistance of Was. Despite Was' large potential impact on the tourism industry, Prince (2000) stated that research on the topic is still at an infancy stage when compared to other geographical and physical communities.


System receiving indications about what options are better suited in a specific case for specific individuals (Greeter, Mitch, Hang, & Fisheries, 2004; Arsenic & Varian, 1997). According to Rich (2002), a recommender system can provide valuable information to assist consumers' decision-making process. A recommender system can support travelers in a complex decision-making process by identifying better customer requirements and by correlating those to other consumers and their preferences ( Fisheries, Worthier, & Webeer, 2003; Rich & Worthier (2002) and Rich Worthier (2006)).

Personality has been related to the selection of vacation destinations, the choice of leisure activities throughout the vacation, and other travel- related decisions. According to LOL, Lorenz, Ashland, & Location (2004), when implementing tourism recommender systems, textual summary is used to classify the database item in themes or categories of the ontology. Although different recommendation technologies have been applied to tourism, Arabians and Rich (2005) argued that the existence of different business models present application challenges.

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Online tourism information management system. (2018, Sep 24). Retrieved from

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