Mendel Vs. Darwin

Last Updated: 28 Jan 2021
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Dear Mr.. Mendel, I am very Interested In your study of genetics. I also am a Naturalist and we share the same passion for Gods creation. I have known, from your studies of genetics, organisms may only pass down traits to their offspring that they were born with. This proved Lamarckism theory to be incorrect. Your studies show many helpful genetic facts. One of which is all members of a species are all different in some way. This ties together part of my own theory called Natural Selection.

I too believe that all organisms are born with different variations. Variations that help to get food or escape from predators will help that animal survive. Then, those animals will reproduce offspring with the helpful variation. Your genetic studies reinforce my theory of Natural Selection. One of our few differences is that you conduct controlled experiments, while I simply observe nature. Much of my work took place while sailing on the Beagle around South America and Africa. I observed the natural life and took notes.

You seem to Like working In a laboratory while I Like to explore the world and see nature as It happens. Our methods of study are almost opposite, but both reveal much information. Every organism's difference is a variation. While I traveled to the Galapagos, I noticed many variations in the finch species. From island to island, each finch bird has a different type of beak. I hypothesize this is because each island has different food sources so each bird adapted to their environment.

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Some have sharp, thin beaks to separate insects while others on different islands have shorter beaks to pick seed off the ground. I understand that in your research with peas you have found out that offspring inherit only traits that the parents were born with. I formed similar thoughts about the finches. As you may be thinking, my theory Is very controversial within the church. Most people think low upon me for believing my theory. Some say Natural Selection Is going against the churches belief of the Genesis written In the Bible.

Fortunately for you, you are part of the monastery. You have your colleagues to support your ideas and thoughts. I am in the process of writing book to express my ideas to the people. I hope my ideas will be revolutionary and change the thoughts of evolution. My wish is that society will someday find value in my research, even if it is rejected by the church in present. Sincerely, Charles Darwin Mendel Vs.. Darwin By resourcefulness I am very interested in your study of genetics. I also am a Naturalist and we share the same passion for God's creation.

I have known, from your studies of genetics, One of our few differences is that you conduct controlled experiments, while I seem to like working in a laboratory while I like to explore the world and see nature as it happens. Our methods of study are almost opposite, but both reveal much As you may be thinking, my theory is very controversial within the church. Most people think low upon me for believing my theory. Some say Natural Selection is going against the churches belief.

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Mendel Vs. Darwin. (2018, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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