Language awarenes

Category: Language
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 83

The students may use the structure for present habits - He uses to drink a lot of coffee. 2. The pronunciation of the positive form and the negative form is the same / ]u:SST tall which may cause the students to still write the negative form with d - I didn't used to watch TV. Possible solutions and exercises 1 . To compare used to for past habits with Present Simple for present habits. Exercise - pair work "Ask and answer questions about your lives now and when you were children". The students use clear structures such as: What do you do on Sunday - I usually/often watch TV. ' What did you do when you were a child?

I used to help may mother in the garden. 2. "Fill in the gaps with used to or use to " exercise with positive and negative sentences such as: " When I lived in London .. Drink a lot of tea. ' He didn't.......... Read a lot when he was a child. LEXICAL SET Lexical set borrow - lend Part of speech verb Meaning borrow something (from someone), (borrowed (apt, up) someone, (lent (apt, up)) lend someone something 'boras/, 'abroad/ /lend/, [lent/ lend something to Borrow shows that something is (temporarily) taken from another person. Lend shows that something is (temporarily) given to another person.

Can I borrow your dictionary for 2 days? Am I taking your dictionary from you? - Yes Am I taking your dictionary forever? - No. I am taking it for 2 days only. Can you lend me 100 dollars until the end of the month please? Are you giving some money to me? - Yes Are you giving the money forever? - No. Only until the end of the month. Teaching level and context Pre-intermediate level; asking for a favor or help, talking about money; topics " - In the bank", "Between friends" Anticipated problems 1 . Mistaking "lend" with "borrow' - Can you borrow me your car? /He borrows me some kooks. 2.

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Intermediate, talking about problems, self-control; topics - "Are you your own Master? ", "The worst day in my life" Anticipated problems Some students may think that using idioms makes their English more "native" and use them excessively. They may have difficulties in which context and situation a colloquial language is appropriate. (Headway) Possible solutions and exercises Association of the "red" as a color of "anger" can help students to remember the meaning. Explain the students that at this level they are exposed to colloquial language with recognition purposes and they are not expected to use idioms.

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Language awarenes. (2018, Sep 02). Retrieved from

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