Keys to success

Category: Success
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 225

There are three key foundations to successful online learning: organization, time management and communication. All three of these elements play a role in both my career field and for my online learning. After reading through articles based on these topics, the same underlying theme is apparent and I will discuss how this is used in my career. First, it is highly beneficial to be organized when starting any task or sequence of events for my day.

I get to work and read through important e-mails that I may have missed before leaving work the day prior. Then I gather all the information that I need to pass on to my leadership. In my Job, aircraft maintenance, leadership will ask for timeliness, or causes of events. Being organized is crucial to being able to relay information back in a timely manner. Organization also displays professionalism. If you go into a meeting shuffling through papers it won't go as well, as going with all your information on one direct sheet.

I also stay organized by keeping a calendar on my outlook that shows my schedule for the day and any upcoming assignments. Second, there are only 24 hours In a day and work comes with deadlines. On top of deadlines, in my career I attend many different meetings throughout the day. In between these meetings It Is Important to also take care of my people. I use time management to set myself up for success for the day, week, and even month. By having a strict schedule, I know exactly how much free time I have to complete assignments and where I need to be at certain times.

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Lastly, communication ties organization and time management together with staying engaged with leadership. This adds the extra confidence they have In me and my ability of getting the Job done. I make sure to follow-up to any questions I ay have not been able to answer at the time. I Immediately reply back to e-mails, even If I haven't been able to complete an assignment. Also, If I do need more Information, or more help I am not afraid to ask the right people to get the Information.

In conclusion organization, time management, and communication equally play Important roles In my career. They have been preached over and over again by teachers I have had growing up, and have made big Impacts In the way I do business. I will continue to use these as keys to success In my career. Keys to success By Jeannine Second, there are only 24 hours in a day and work comes with deadlines. On top between these meetings it is important to also take care of my people. I use time staying engaged with leadership.

This adds the extra confidence they have in me may have not been able to answer at the time. I immediately reply back to e-mails, even if I haven't been able to complete an assignment. Also, if I do need more information, or more help I am not afraid to ask the right people to get the information. Important roles in my career. They have been preached over and over again by teachers I have had growing up, and have made big impacts in the way I do business. I will continue to use these as keys to success in my career.

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Keys to success. (2018, Sep 09). Retrieved from

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