John Locke vs Thomas Hobbes

Last Updated: 25 May 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 207

Locke vs Hobbes John Locke’s belief in natural rights are correct in terms of natural rights because he believes in freedom, in every sense of the word, equality and is a firm supporter in Democracy. Locke and Hobbes conflicting views are at their most basic form, to believe man or not. Locke believes that men will, with given freedom be perpetually good. Hobbes believes otherwise, saying that men, in the state of nature will fight all of the time.

Corny as it sounds, their conflicting viewpoints remind me of the age old struggle between good and evil. John Locke with his new enlightened sense of thinking in Democracy and Hobbes with his belief in more of an Autocracy, or an absolute monarchy, stuck in the thinking of the dark ages. That is why Locke's views on all men being equal, everyone being born into freedom, democracy at its most basic form and the general goodness in human beings are inherently, right.

Reading excerpts from John Locke's book, you will find lots of his arguments on equality and freedom of mans basic rights, are eerily similar to the foundation of which American government was formed, in the declaration of Independence. If some of the greatest men in our countries history believed so much in Locke's points on equality and liberty that they decided to copy these ideas into the document from which they would create one of the most successful countries in the history of the world, then shouldn't it bear in ones mind that these ideas are important?

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That they are too a certain degree right? These are just examples of the power Locke's book has on those who truly read it. He proves, again and again that with the belief in the genuine good in men, there will be little conflict as long as everyone is equal. I personally believe that is one hundred percent correct. As much as there are plenty of bad people on this earth, the petty crimes and small infractions of the law, with full equality and freedom to all rights, the good of men would overcome these small difficulties, and be better for it.

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John Locke vs Thomas Hobbes. (2016, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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