Essays on Metaphor

Essays on Metaphor

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Monologue for an Onion by Suji Kwock Kim

Poetry is a wonderful vehicle for layering meaning through metaphor.  Kim, in “Monologue for an Onion” uses the simple action of peeling onion as a metaphor for complex and hurtful relationships between people.  She artfully weaves images and meaning between the action and the relationship …

Words 1295
Pages 5
Curious Incident of a Family Break Up

Curious incident of a family break up Mark Haddon expresses the importance of family relationships within society itself. He does this through the clear and perfect understanding of the deficiency and absence of love portrayed between his parents and himself. Christopher’s suffering of Aspergers syndrome …

Break UpFamilyFictionLoveMetaphorTruth
Words 1835
Pages 7
Patrick Henry’s Famous 1775 Speech “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death!”

Patrick Henry respectably introduced his views on what action to take in regards of the conflict going on with Britain. Therefore, this would include preparing for war if they do not meet the colonists demands. He builds upon many rhetorical devices such as ethos by …

EthosGodLogosMetaphorPatrick HenrySlaverySpeech
Words 1448
Pages 6
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Metaphors in Master Harold

18 January 2012 Metaphors in “Master Harold”… and the boys “Master Harold”… and the boys, is a powerful play written by Athol Fugard that allows us to analyze the complex relationship between a black man and a young white boy within the context of racism …

MetaphorPrejudice and DiscriminationRacism
Words 1132
Pages 5
The Metaphors of Ted Hughes

Ted Hughes is considered to be one of the best poets that had ever lived, he is also considered a favorite among poetry enthusiast even up to this day.  His works are considered as included to the canons of poetry that are being studied and …

MetaphorPoetryTed Hughes
Words 1198
Pages 5
The Idea of Immortalized Beauty in the “Sonnet 18”

Explication of “A Summer’s Day” Shakespeare establishes his theme by shifting procreational beauty to the idea of immortalized beauty. Shakespeare’s use of personification, literal meanings, and metaphors enables him to illustrate his compassion in the idea of immortality. In Sonnet 18 Shakespeare uses personification heavily …

BeautyMetaphorPoetrySonnet 18
Words 693
Pages 3
Compare the poems Hard Frost and winter the Huntsman

“Winter the Huntsman” and Hard Frost” are both poems which have the same settings, both are in the season of winter, Hard Frost (HF) was set at the end of winter and Winter the Huntsman (WTH) was set at the beginning of winter. “WTH” is …

Words 1099
Pages 4
Metaphors are as Linguistic Phenomenon

Metaphors are regarded as linguistic phenomenon by many experts and scholars. Metaphors are ubiquitous in our everyday actions, thoughts and even the human language according to Black (2019). Additionally, it is an important cognitive instrument through which individuals perceive, conceptualize and even categorize the universe. …

Words 2068
Pages 8
James K. Baxter

James K Baxter expresses his thoughts and judgements using natural settings of his pasts. In Baxter’s poems, Rocket Show and Wild Bees, he comments about his boyhood, nature and how it taught him in life. In the poem wild bees, Baxter talks about a situation …

Words 557
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Visiting Hour by Norman Maccaig

Rewrite – “Visiting Hour” The poem “Visiting Hour” was written by the Scottish poet Norman MacCaig. In the poem, MacCaig shows the central idea is loss and death. This central idea is achieved through the use of various techniques such as imagery, structure and narrative …

Essay ExamplesMetaphorPoetry
Words 494
Pages 2
Metaphors by Sylvia Plath

Pregnancy is supposed to be a time of joy and excitement for the mother to be. However, contrary to popular belief, pregnancy doesn’t protect a woman from becoming depressed. About 20 % of women experience some type of depressive symptoms during pregnancy, and 10% develop …

DiseaseMetaphorPregnancySylvia Plath
Words 1072
Pages 4
Jim Valvano’s Speech Analysis

For this week’s assignment I used Jim Valvano’s 1993 ESPY speech for my analysis. I chose this speech as cancer research is close to my heart and I support what Jim writes in his speech. Audience Jim Valvano was a man of many talents: a …

LaughterMetaphorSpeech Analysis
Words 1019
Pages 4
Mirror by Sylvia Plath, Analysis

In the Poem ‘Mirror’ by Sylvia Plath, there is a continuing theme of change. In the beginning the changes are simple, like the acts of day turning to night, but at the end we see the life changes of a woman in particular. Through the …

MetaphorPoetrySylvia PlathWater
Words 798
Pages 3
Simon Armitage – Comparison of Two Poems Argumentative Essay

Simon Armitage’s poetry is basically all about regular objects and people which have been twisted to make the objects and people seem peculiar and strange. His poetry makes many people think about the poem and why it is like this. I have been studying his …

Words 2174
Pages 8
Comparing Two Poems

Monday, 27 September 2010 Compare the similarities and differences between two Ballads, Charlotte Dymond and John Lomas. Charlotte Dymond and John Lomas, are two poems which share several techniques. They also, however are different in many ways. This essay will explore their similarities and their …

Words 1118
Pages 5
Methaphor & Metonymy – Condensation & Displacement.Doc

Displacement; a shift or move in the unconscious when the mind redirects a thought or word dangerous or unacceptable and substitutes it with a more affable thought or word. Condensation; where all the different elements, bits and pieces of thought and dreams combine into one …

LanguageMetaphorSigmund Freud
Words 564
Pages 3
Poems from the ‘Book of matches’

I have decided to use two poems from the book of matches, ‘Those bastards in their mansions’, ‘I’ve made out a will’ and the poem ‘Kid’ to compare and contrast. Simon Armitage wrote ‘Book of matches’ in 1993. It is a selection of poems without …

Words 1133
Pages 5
Change in a Different Famous Poems

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending”. Maria Robinson’s quote can be applied to the concept of change as anyone can alter the way they are in their lives and become something new. …

Words 1142
Pages 5
Speech on Belonging

Belonging is usually defined as being accepted into and by members of a family, group, class, race, community or school. The term belonging means something different to everyone but most people will come up with the words acceptance, security and identity. In this speech I …

Words 820
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Richard Cory By Edwin Arlington Robinson Review

“Richard Cory” Edwin Arlington Robinson “Money can’t buy happiness” is an old saying that echoes through time; however, it seems to echo so softly that it is quite often ignored. People everywhere in search for their fulfillment see money as a fast train leading to …

HappinessMetaphorPoetryRichard Cory
Words 864
Pages 4
Analysis Sometimes The Sky’s Too Bright

Thomas describes the thoughts and feelings of falling out of a broken relationship with metaphors like the profusion of images and things. The poem has also explored the perspectives of both parties in the failed relationship. It also uncovers the facades of the “ over …

Words 90
Pages 1
Figures of Speech in the Waste Land

Some figures of speech in the wasteland Figures of speech comprise two main categories. One category twists the meaning of words to wrest a new non-literal meaning from words that, when phrased together, have a very different literal meaning, as in the idiomatic figure of …

Words 570
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Work to Be Done

Introduction The poem ‘Dad’ explores the author, Elaine Feinstein’s life and the feelings surrounding the passing of her father. The poem was written a year and a half after her father’s death as she tried to come to terms with her feelings of grief and …

Words 693
Pages 3
Closely analyse the poems ‘Sacifice’ by Taufiq Rafat and ‘Out, Out’ by Robert Frost

In preparation for this essay I read and analysed a series of poems. Some of these poems include ‘Tich Miller’ by Wendy Cope and ‘City Jungle’ by Pie Corbett. For the main part of the essay I read the two poems ‘Sacifice’ by Taufiq Rafat …

Words 3111
Pages 12
Study Guide of Figurative Language

1. I was so hungry that I even ate the plate. What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? A) hyperbole B) metaphor C) personification D) simile 2. My father was the sun and the moon to me. What type of figurative language …

Figurative LanguageMetaphorSpeech
Words 424
Pages 2
Cloudstreet Prologue

The prologue of Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet transcends one family’s tragic loss into the realms of the metaphysical, commenting on his views of life and death. Readers can contrast these views to our more modern ideologies. Through the use of poetic language Winton adds a spiritual …

Words 913
Pages 4
The Natural of Semantic Change

Introduction 70 years ago, Edward Sapir introduced a new concept of linguistics. He said that language moved on every time and then created their own forms and never static. Every word, every grammatical element, proverbs, sounds and accents configured which was changed slowly and this …

Words 1723
Pages 7
The Use of Metaphors

SanTianna Simmons ENG 1102 25 April 2013 A metaphor is where you show how two unrelated things are similar. For example by saying “Love is a roller-coaster. ” A key aspect of a metaphor is use a specific transference of a word into another context. …

I Have a DreamLanguageMetaphor
Words 3223
Pages 12
Judith Beveridge Speech

Judith Beveridge is a poet of great detail. Her poems are written with strong use of language. Strong imagery of her observations and contrasts of her views help create her poems meaning and effect on the reader. Beveridge’s texts are valuable to the understanding of …

Words 1083
Pages 4
Assault Written Assessment

Priyanka Thirumurti Mrs. Harris Language A HL 1 – Written Assessment 2/25/13 Question: How is the incident on page five a metaphor for Anton’s quest throughout the novel? In the prologue of the Assault, Harry Mulisch broadly foreshadows the entirety of the novel through an …

Essay ExamplesMetaphorMetaphysicsTruth
Words 1502
Pages 6
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Metaphor by our writers.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas.

Metaphor poems

  • The Sun Rising
  • Fire and Ice
  • Shall I compare thee to a...
  • "Hope" is the thing with feat...
  • When I Have Fears

Frequently asked questions

What is a metaphor in an essay?
A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to represent another. In an essay, a metaphor can be used to help explain an idea or make an argument. For example, if you were writing an essay about the importance of education, you could use the metaphor of a journey to help explain how education can take someone from one place to another.
How do you start a metaphor essay?
Some tips on how to start a metaphor essay include thinking of an interesting opening line or hook to grab the reader's attention, using strong and vivid language to set the tone of the essay, and carefully choosing metaphors that will help illustrate your point. It is also important to make sure that your essay flows well and that your metaphors are integrated seamlessly into your argument.
What are 5 examples of metaphor?
A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to represent another. It is a way of making an idea more concrete and understandable. Here are five examples of metaphor: 1. She's a real firecracker." This metaphor compares a person to a firecracker, implying that she is energetic and exciting. 2. "He's a snake in the grass." This metaphor compares a person to a snake, implying that he is sneaky and dangerous. 3. "She's a diamond in the rough." This metaphor compares a person to a diamond, implying that she has hidden potential. 4. "He's a little pig." This metaphor compares a person to a pig, implying that he is greedy and gluttonous. 5. "She's a real catch." This metaphor compares a person to a fish, implying that she is desirable and attractive."
What is 10 examples of a metaphor?
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two things that are usually different from one another. In a metaphor, one thing is said to be another thing. For example, She's a legal eagle" is a metaphor for "She's a great lawyer." Here are 10 more examples of metaphors: 1. "He's a snake in the grass." 2. "She's a wolf in sheep's clothing." 3. "He's a skunk." 4. "I'm so full, I could burst like a balloon." 5. "You're a diamond in the rough." 6. "She's a peach." 7. "He's such a clown." 8. "This place is a zoo!" 9. "He's a real party animal." 10. "She's a real spitfire.""

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