Whistle-blowing has had a long and venerable tradition in the history of politics. From Cicero and his Catiline Orations to Cynthia Cooper at WorldCom, whistle-blowers have existed for as long as there was political intrigue and power on the line. (more…)
Eileen Paulino One of seven virtues of ancient Greek times was faith. Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Regardless of where we are in our lives we always maintain faith that we will either advance in life or things will simply …
This article featured in US Catholic Magazine discusses the importance that a pilgrimage can offer our spiritual life. I found out that pilgrimages to important Catholic sites, usually where Jesus or saints traveled are Important today as they were thousands of years ago. Before modern …
In the realm of profound literary explorations, where words weave intricate tapestries of human existence, a captivating tale unfolds, enveloping readers in a world of contemplation and introspection. This enigmatic narrative transports us to a serene Spanish village, nestled amidst picturesque landscapes and steeped in …
Jon’s descriptions may be defined as the only Revelation that describes Antichrist. It is known that this word is not used in other Revelations. Religious communities are interested in revealing who Antichrist is and what influence he has had on religious development and bible compilation. …
The Message within the Message David R. Hayes Introduction to the Bible RELS311, Section B001 Win 13 Mark D. Wessner February 10, 2013 The Message within the Message Even though some may say that there is nothing more to a narrative than what one may …
Introduction Faith schools present an interesting challenge to society as considerations of law and human rights mandate that these schools be allowed to operate as a manifestation of a religious right. However on the other hand one has unwavering claims of social segregation that develops …
This paper will look at the manner in which state-funded religion schools came into being in the United Kingdom. It will reason that authorities educational policy and its in-migration and integrating policies play a cardinal function in finding the demand for the proviso of province …
Enlightenment Age The Puritans believed that the sole purpose of writing was to bring the writer to debase themselves before God. And teach them the true importance of humility. Puritans wrote mainly memoirs and sermons. Puritans thought the church did have errors, but could be …
The end of 20th Century saw denominationalism crop up in the church which was eroding the traditions upon which the Christian faith was based. Although Protestants started a good thing, in the end it spurned out of control as many sought to have a denomination …
The Disciples is an episode part of the Bible Mysteries is very interesting and informative video clips that I have been watched. It showed how Jesus influenced others through his thoughts and being a good leader to his followers. Through his good quality, the people …
The focus of Miss Lonelyhearts begins with the American Dream and the frailty of the people whose lives have been spent trying to achieve the American Dream, only to have lost everything during the Depression. West paints the American Dream as an illusion, one that …
My parents thought me Christian values and Christian ethics and they sent me to a Catholic school during my childhood that’s why I grew up believing that there is really a God. There are always obstacles in life that makes one another question if there …
Thessalonians Thessalonians is based on two different letters that was written to the Christian community in Thessalonica. The purpose of the first letter was to clear up some of the misunderstandings about the return of Christ. The second letters purpose was to still clear up …
Reflecting on I Love Mormons: A New Way to Share Christ with Latter-day Saints Most people associate the Mormon faith with the church that is based in Salt Lake City, Utah. However, Mormonism has its roots in New York State, where Joseph Smith founded the …
God. ” subsequently, end off with how my saint taught e to always a positive outlook for the world, and also to put our trust In God. Saint Teresa of Avail had once stated “l never liked gloomy saints, always try to be cheerful everyday. …
The pages human history daubed in bloodshed of violence in the name of religion, territorial gains etc. are asking the crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and direct. Eyes full of understanding, heart full of love and the …
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