Essays on Exploration

Essays on Exploration

Feeling stuck when writing an essay on Exploration? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. Exploration essays require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write an effective essay on Exploration, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own!

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We've found 171 essays on Exploration

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Is space exploration worth the cost?

Editor’s Note: On January 11, the New York Times blog “Freakonomics” published a lengthy post titled “Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? A Freakonomics Quorum”. The post featured comments provided by a number of people, including David Livingston, in response to the question. The part …

AstronautExplorationMoonNasaSpace Exploration
Words 2547
Pages 10
Cause & Effect of European Exploration

Cause & Effect European Exploration Essay Throughout history, people have been curious about finding new land and exploring. Many different factors stirred interest in colonization and exploration for Europeans. During the 15th and 17th centuries Europe was changing rapidly and had its own reasons for …

Essay ExamplesEuropeExplorationTrade
Words 509
Pages 2
The Exploration of the Rite of Spring Costumes

Greenshields #1 The research for this paper was based off a question that came to, while re-visiting the history and celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of Vaslav Nijinsky’s creation of Le Sacre du Printemps, The Right of Spring that premiered in 1913. This question in …

Words 2246
Pages 9
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An Exploration of the Malay Kompang

An Introduction to the Kompang The Malay Kompang ensemble refers to a Malay drum ensemble that ranges between three performers in a small chamber or accompaniment setting, to a large group of 30 drummers. As an instrument, the Malay Kompang is so familiar to most …

Words 2512
Pages 10
Characteristics of Exploration Literature

Characteristics of Exploration Literature: Explorers were first & foremost navigators, not writers. Explorers had a specific audience in mind; they were reporting back to the main land The American Dream is evident Indians are always considered inferior Reports were not always accurate Verazzano: Verazzano’s Voyage …

Words 2507
Pages 10
Prince Henry the Navigator and Zheng He

Prince Henry and Zheng He Comparison Throughout history, many people strived for glory by exploring new lands. They hoped to leave an impact while gaining money and success. Zheng He of China and Prince Henry of Portugal, both set out on maritime expeditions. Prince Henry …

ChinaEmpireEssay ExamplesExplorationReligion
Words 772
Pages 3
An exploration of the different types of love in Shakespeare’s Twelfth night

What does Shakespeare convey about the nature and variety of love in this play? Shakespeare explores a great variety of themes in this play, the main one being love and its many different natures. The aim of this essay is to examine the text to …

ExplorationLoveTwelfth Night
Words 965
Pages 4
Literary Exploration on of Mice and Men

Literary Exploration In life we are part of many roles that create dangers we face that may lie beyond our understanding. Even though these roles are hard to understand, they can give meaning to our life. In John’s Steinbeck “Of Mice and Men,” we see …

ExplorationOf Mice and Men
Words 1395
Pages 6
Consequences of Exploration for Europeans and the Indigenous Peoples

In 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean bearing the name of the Spanish Crown in hopes that he had landed in the Indies of Asia using a direct sea route. Though that is not where he landed, his “New World” was a place of …

Words 1187
Pages 5
An Exploration of HRM Devolution and the Impact on Line Manager Capabilities

Background and Organisational Context The study will examine the impact of devolution on line manager capabilities, focusing on the effects the devolution of the Human Resource (HR) functions to the Line Mangers (LM) capabilities. A number of LM and HR professionals will be surveyed in …

Words 14733
Pages 54
An exploration of the reason organisations adopt information systems strategy

The information systems play a critical role in managing market logistics, especially computer, point-of-sale terminals, uniform product bar codes, satellite tracking, electronic data interchange EDI, and electronic funds transfer EFT, these developments have shortened the order-cycle time, reduced clerical labour, reduced the error rate in …

ExplorationInformation SystemsStrategy
Words 4391
Pages 16
Prince Henry the Navigator

Prince Henry the Navigator Prince Henry the Navigator Prince Henry the Navigator was born 1394 and died 1460. Even know he died doesn’t mean I can’t refresh your memory about him. Prince Henry was a Portuguese royal prince, solider, and patron of explores. Henry sent …

Words 290
Pages 2
Factors Contributing to Christopher Columbus’ Voyage

Christopher Columbus departed Spain on August 3, 1492 for his first voyage. He stopped at the Canary Islands for a final restocking and left there on September 6. He was in command of three ships known as the Pinta, the Nina, and the Santa Maria. …

Christopher ColumbusEuropeExplorationSpain
Words 699
Pages 3
The Exploration of the Human Nature

The exploration of the human nature, of the mind and of experience, forms the basis for the works of writers like John Donne or Jonathan Swift. Swift fully utilizes the psychological realism as he tries to be as faithful to the nature of human mind …

ExplorationHuman Nature
Words 1253
Pages 5
Africans Before Columbus

Gigantic stone head of Negritic African The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago, by way of the bering straight and about thirty thousand years ago in a worldwide …

AfricaBoatEgyptEssay ExamplesExplorationTrade
Words 5960
Pages 22
Juan Ponce de Leon

n Juan Ponce de Leon was born around 1460 in San Tervas de Campos, Spain. He was the first Spanish explorer to arrive in Florida. In 1493, Ponce de Leon and Christopher Columbus sailed together on Columbus’ 2nd voyage to America. They had settled on …

Essay ExamplesExploration
Words 330
Pages 2
My Own Interpretation of Mandela’s 8 Lessons in Leaders

That is why I also wanted to share to you Mandela’s 8 lessons of Leadership: 1. Courage is not the absence of fear — it’s inspiring others to move beyond it In tackling life’s challenges, you must face fear head-on and find the guts that …

Words 1087
Pages 4
Management of Oil, Gas Exploration and Production Waste

Problem Statement and Research Objective The purpose of this research is to find out about the different types of waste management strategies and consider how these relate to the overall environmental responsibilities of oil companies. This will allow a determination to be made as to …

Words 1138
Pages 5
Managing Oil Wealth: An Exploration Of Lessons Emerging Oil Nations Can Learn From Norway And Uk

Abstract Several oil producing and exporting countries have fallen under the pitfalls of the resource curse phenomena and the “Dutch disease’. Research studies have explored extensively in this area with most studies taking the view that resource rich countries experience slow economic growth compared to …

Words 5254
Pages 20
Space Exploration Advantages

For those who believe the costs of space exploration are greater than the benefits, George Delucas, an astronaut who flew on the 1992 Columbia mission, says, “There will always be people who would like to put an end to space travel, but I don’t think …

AstronautExplorationSpace Exploration
Words 350
Pages 2
An Exploration of the Impact of Employer Motivation on Organisational Success

Introduction This research Explores the Impact of Employer Motivation on Organisational Success, and how employers plan strategically for the well-being of its staff; to make them comfortable in their jobs, which will make them more effective and efficient. It also looks at what gives the …

Words 7323
Pages 27
Christopher Columbus Hero or Tiran

Christopher Columbus is revered as the conqueror of the new world; but many people have a different view of his accomplishments. People debate on whether Columbus discoveries were self-credited or completely his findings. There are two very different views of Columbus, in one hand there …

Christopher ColumbusExplorationHeroesSlaverySpain
Words 1928
Pages 8
Mental Exploration with Super Natural Elements

Man is born with love, happiness, gloom and desperation but along with it, an essence of an unknown fear. It is a fear of strange phenomenon that has imbibed within their soul from their ancestors’ ardent belief in supernatural forces in their social and cultural …

Words 1541
Pages 6
An Exploration of Careers in Information Technology

At the beginning of my computer information course I was presented with challenge of writing a research paper. We were given several topics to choose from and I chose the topic of careers in information technology. The focus will be on the computer support specialist, …

ExplorationInformation Technology
Words 2113
Pages 8
Impact Of Offshore Exploration And Exploitation Environmental Sciences Essay

Literally called stone oil, Petroleum is a Grecian word for petra significance stone and oleum significance oil. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary defines it as of course happening flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of different molecular weights and other liquid organic …

Words 1897
Pages 7
The Importance of Space Exploration Advancement

From technological advancements to discoveries of new life, space exploration has led to much advancement, including ones that we use in our daily lives. An example would be those comfortable beds that are made of memory foam. Unlocking the mysteries of what’s beyond or planet …

ExplorationSpace Exploration
Words 1222
Pages 5
An exploration into play, provision and pedagogy

Greek children enjoyed making balls for pigs’ bladders showing heir creativity side and Roman children liked to play with toy soldiers. They also took part In running and Jumping games and piggybacked flights. Hoops were made out of the iron frames of wheels. Depending on …

Words 1785
Pages 7
Outline New World Beginnings

The Ice Age formed a land bridge in the area of the present-day Boring Sea, which allowed nomadic groups of people to enter the Americas. Group of Nomads. Traveled across the Boring Land Bridge and populated the Americas. Split into countless tribes and evolved into …

Essay ExamplesExplorationSpain
Words 712
Pages 3
European Exploration and Trade

There was once a time in our history, before computerized maps and satellites and tracking programs. Sailors had to guide themselves by the stars and very basic and inaccurate maps. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Europe there was advancement in technology and learning …

Words 562
Pages 3
A Critical Exploration Of The Increasing Fragmentation Of Policing

Introduction The past few decades have seen an increase in demand for private security driven primarily by the apparent return of mercenary activities (Adams 1999). Private security firms such as Erinys, Triple Canopy and Blackwater have joined the tales of “neo-mercenaries” such as Sandline International …

Words 4358
Pages 16

Frequently asked questions

What makes a good exploratory essay?
A good exploratory essay is one that is well-researched and thoughtfully written. It should offer a fresh perspective on a topic, and be based on solid evidence. The essay should be well-organized and clear, and should flow smoothly from one point to the next. A good exploratory essay will also be insightful and thought-provoking, leaving the reader with something to think about long after they have finished reading.
What is Exploration writing?
Exploration writing is a type of writing that is used to explore a topic in depth. This type of writing can be used to explore a personal experience, an event, a situation, or an issue. Exploration writing is often used to help the writer understand their own thoughts and feelings on a topic. This type of writing can also be used to persuade the reader to see a situation in a different light.
Why is exploratory essay important?
An exploratory essay is important because it allows the writer to investigate a topic, gather evidence, and form a conclusion. The essay allows the writer to explore different aspects of the topic and to form a well-rounded opinion. It is also important because it allows the reader to see the writer's thought process and how they arrived at their conclusion.
What is an exploratory paper?
An exploratory paper is a piece of writing in which the author investigates a topic from multiple angles. The goal of an exploratory paper is not to find a definitive answer to a question, but to understand the complexities of a issue and to develop a nuanced understanding of the topic. In order to write an exploratory paper, the author must be willing to consider all sides of an issue and to explore the implications of each perspective.

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