Plato wrote The Apology in 400 B.C. chronicling Socrates’ trial in Athens. Socrates is speaking to the court on the good will of his actions. Socrates introduces himself to the court as a man of good character and addresses the claims against him. Socrates explains …
Getting a comparison between the Book of J and the Hebrew Bible, we can have an extensive scope of change and transition from the initial writings and the later writings. For some reason, some information from the first book has either been altered or removed …
PETA, or “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals” is the largest animal rights organization in the world. Along with their website, www. cowsarecool. com, PETA and it’s two million followers help spread awareness through education, special events, and even celebrity involvement. They believe animals …
Demius had become Pharaoh when he was only twelve years old. His father Manelik and mother Consuela were the first ever rulers over Egypt. For years the nation had gone without a leader, each person was self-reliant and had no one to watch over them. …
Perseverance refers to the act of putting unrelenting effort towards the achievement of a particular goal. Perseverance is to keep on doing something despite the challenges, opposition, and difficulties experienced in the course of achieving the said goal. The book Odyssey is a Greek poetic …
Introduction In the realm of mythology, Zeus from Greek mythology and Thor from Norse mythology represent two of the most iconic and formidable deities. Both are figures of immense power, ruling over significant domains and wielding exceptional weapons. Yet, their respective mythologies, character traits, and …
In this canto, Dante awakens to find that he is on the edge of Hell. Dante and Virgil descend into the bottomless pit. They enter the first circle of Hell, Limbo, where the souls that are sighing live. The souls include those all Unbaptized infants …
Satan is the first major character introduced in the poem. Formerly called Lucifer, the most beautiful of all angels in Heaven, he’s a tragic figure who describes himself with the now-famous quote “Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n. ” He is introduced …
The epic of Gilgamesh is about the ruler of uruk Gilgamesh and his quest to receive everlasting life. Gilgamesh wanted to receive everlasting life because he saw his best friend enkidu die of a slow agonizing death witch lead Gilgamesh to put his own mortality …
For years and years I’ve been roaming around the seas in hope to get back to my homeland Ithaca. I’ve faced many obstacles along my journey but all with great morals. I started off my journey when Menelaus and Agamemnon asked me to go with …
Hubris is the excessive pride or self-confidence in oneself. Odysseus and Niobe are hubris in their stories because they think they are the most important people. Hubris can be good sometimes, but people who are hubris usually end up harming others and themselves because they …
Greek hero myths and stories often feature protagonists who must overcome a series of challenges or tasks. In Edith Hamilton’s book, “Mythology,” Hercules seeks to atone for his past mistakes by blindly accepting all the challenges presented to him by Eurystheus. In contrast, Spiderman carefully …
Athens, one of the chief city-states of all of ancient Greece, was a city greatly desired by two powerful deities: Athena and Poseidon. The myth that shows how this dispute was settled is depicted in many ways. This story can vary depending on which depiction …
Apology Philosophical Commentary In Socrates’ Apology, Socrates attempts to defend himself against accusations. The problem with the accusations is that the punishment that he could face if found guilty at his trial is death. As Socrates describes why many people dislike him he cites a …
Was Socrates’ Punishment Just? In The Apology, Socrates is put on trial for supposedly corrupting the youth of Athens and for not believing in the gods. The charges were brought against Socrates because by Meletus. While on trial, Socrates defends himself very well against the …
Religion has become a broad term in society. It has become just simply the way in which one believes. But where did it originate? According to Jeffrey Brodd the answer is simple and straightforward; religion originated with the original or primary source. “Since prehistoric times, …
Introduction The protection of rights and freedom of citizens and others within their jurisdiction is a basic duty of the state. In a majority of democratic states, fundamental rights are defined and protected through a written constitution. Under the United Kingdom’s, uncodified constitution, rights and …
Each person undergoes a unique journey in their life. However, each person goes through the same basic steps; Choosing different paths to make each journey unlike anyone else’s. The Hero’s Journey is a journey that everyone will take during their life. We should acquaint ourselves …
The Franks is about a group of loosely related Germanic ‘barbarian’ tribes that from the third to eighth centuries CE would occupy, and eventually conquer and settle most of the Western Roman province of Gaul which would later come to be known as France, or …
Durga Puja Durga Puja is performed during the autumn season every year. For the Hindus, it is the greatest festival. The puja is held for the three consecutive days: the Saptami, the Austami and the Navami; and on the fourth day, the Dashami, the image …
The first lines of the selected passage translates as that of a chorus, meaning that the passage is intended for a more elegant effect as that of a regular speech delivery. The language of the line is highly descriptive, as it connotes elegance and respect: …
Long ago in Olympus, a new god was to be created, a god wielding thunder and rules over Olympas named Zeus, and a goddess of penalty and wrath named Nemesis or Adrestia , from meeting on a beautiful day, to Hera having a new deity …
On the other hand there are many instances that show that Greek mythology still pulses through our veins and in our society; it’s only in a efferent form that what how we normally see the Greek myths. The stories we know from history have strong …
The literal term pagan comes from the Latin word Paganus, literally meaning country-dweller or rustic. If you were to ask other Wiccans (pagans) they would probably give you a different answer, but they would all have a ring of familiarity with each other. The reason …
Tutankhamen was not a very influential Pharaoh. However his tomb has revealed significant information about the New Kingdom Egypt. When Tutankhamen moved the court back to Thebes, he turned his back to the Reforms of Amarna period. He was at a very young age therefore …
Also the birth of the exam system for Chinese civil servants dates from this time. The doctrines were replaced by Confucian Philosophy. During Han Dynasty it was the period of further land expansion and it extended into a very large territory. They found a symbol …
SejanusLucius Aelius Sejanus (20 BC – October 18, AD 31), commonly known as Sejanus, was an ambitious soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. An equestrian by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Roman imperial bodyguard, known as the Praetorian …
“The Myth of Atalanta” What is the price of love and happiness? Atalanta is a beautiful woman who was nursed by a she-bear during her earliest years. Then she was raised by a couple of hunters, including Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. As a …
How do the writers of the bible explain the concepts of God as creater? ‘ In the bible there is two main creation stories; genesis one and genesis two. Each of these are very different concepts of God as creater. In genesis one the world …
Introduction “The Odyssey,” attributed to the ancient Greek poet Homer, becomes a mis-timed epic that has taken captive readers with its adventurous narrative and profound exploration of the human condition. As a student of literature, I find that the “odyssey” is a treasure trove of …
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