Economics Malthus and Mill

Last Updated: 05 Jul 2021
Pages: 4 Views: 242

The key variables in Thomas Malthusian' Theory of Population are human population, food production or food supply, and birth & death rates. According to Malthusian, population will always exceed and grow faster than the food supply, leading to periods of overpopulation and famine. He argued that overpopulation was the cause of many of the social issues in the society such as poverty, malnutrition, and disease. Thus, if left unhampered, human population would continue to grow until they would become too large to be supported by our natural resources and agricultural food supply.

He therefore considered that the population increase should be kept down to the level at which it could be supported. This can be done through preventive checks that affect the birth rate and include marrying at a later age (moral restraint), abstaining from procreation, birth control, and homosexuality. Aside from this, positive checks can also be another way and these are the ones which increase the death rate which includes disease, war, disaster, and famine.

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  • 2.What are the predictions of the Theory of Population?

He predicted that the population would continue to increase rapidly than the apply of food, which is the basic need of human. But nature has its own way of decreasing the population in order to meet the supply, through calamities, accidents, Economics Malthusian and Mill By cellulite If population is controlled, a country can divert its attention to the development of the whole nation.

  • 3. What are the assumptions of Malthusian' Theory of Population? List all.

Then, choose 1 assumption and discuss how it limits the predictive capacity of the theory in a 21st century world. The two main assumptions are: 1. Food is an essential component for human existence . Humans have the basic urge to multiply These two main assumptions can also be stated as humans multiply faster than food do. These assumptions are criticized by many because it does not consider or failed to foresee the ability of the human intelligence. It does not take into consideration the science and technology that humans had invented.

Especially now in the 21st century, technology had emerged and there are so many ways, easier ways to make food enough for the people. Different researchers are constantly doing more research to improve life and technology. Though, we cannot deny the fact that eventually, someday, food resources may not be enough for everyone. More assumptions: In agriculture, the Law of Diminishing Returns operates Passion between sexes is necessary and unavoidable

  • 4.Explain how John Stuart Mill's ideals on liberty, human rights, women's rights, worker's rights and utilitarianism all contribute to his philosophy of economic democracy. Mill's works are mostly because of freedom, rights and happiness. One of his greatest works, Utilitarianism is about the greatest happiness principle wherein he aid that actions are right when they promote happiness and wrong if otherwise. He also believes that there must be equality for all and that freedom could help us attain progress.

He gave a heart to economics. He recognized labor as a utility and not Just some creative objects. Laborers will work for growth and their happiness and what is satisfying for them. These would make them productive and will result for profit for capitalists. The government is also present to guide the market only when necessary because producers and consumers would Just do what is favorable to ND be productive.

  • 5. What are the predictions of Mill's kind of economic democracy? Ђ Mill believed that if men are all freed from restraints and as far as possible, are given equal opportunities or treated fairly and free markets with Justifiable government intervention based on utilitarian foundations exist, the people will naturally unite with each other, and work together harmoniously for their common good. He also predicted that backward countries of the world need to increase production while those most advanced will have to implement better distribution of odds and services.
  • 6. What are the assumptions of Mill's economic democracy philosophy?

List all. Then, choose 1 assumption and discuss how it limits the predictive capacity of the philosophy in a 21st century world. Mill believed that "equality of taxation" meant "equality of sacrifice" and that progressive taxation penalized those who worked harder and saved more and was therefore "a mild form of robbery". A utilitarian society would agree that everyone should be equal one way or another. Government must do what will benefit the greater number for the greater pleasure. Ђ People will buy products that will give them pleasure.

Thus, supplier tends to adapt what will make their consumer happy. For us, the assumption of J. S. Mill about the role of the government loses its what is the best for its country, and by best it means that doing what will improve the country and the lifestyle of people which will later on benefit the greater/lesser number of people. Government is not on the action of having programs for the pleasure of its people but rather it is more directed to development.


  1. http://www. Puzzle. Com/articles/Thomas-Malthusian-theory-of- population. HTML

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Economics Malthus and Mill. (2018, Jul 24). Retrieved from

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