Why would you carry a dead body on your back?
Would you like it if someone killed you just so they could wear your skin? Would you like to be somebody else's jacket or shoe or handbag? No. So why not say no to cruelty that targets animals just because they cannot say "no"? Animals shouldn't have to die just because people want their fur.
Have you ever seen a pup that's skinned alive? Probably not, but I've seen it. Since then I can't sleep well. Nowadays, when I look at my two year old son, I think the same thing: How would I feel if any creature that was vastly superior to human being was doing the same thing to him. This is my nightmare. Is it possible to understand how a human being kills an animal that can look into the eyes of its killer in full of pain?
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I believe many of you may wish to wear fur because it looks posh and elegant. Especially, when you are young you may not be paying attention to the things happening around you. Therefore; I would like you to imagine that someone has just killed you so they could wear your skin to look nice and feel warm. Now can you try to explain how the feeling was: What is pleasant to get killed because someone wants to wear your skin? Of course, there is no such a word describes this horror. I am sure you all who read this article think that "This horrible slaughter has to stop."
Having made this clear, let's consider and analyze the following scenario: A conceited young woman who is following the latest fashion wants to buy a new jacket made from animal skin, and human skin is in fashion for this year. A process has to be made, before the jacket reaches her wardrobe. A mighty corporation who specializes on human skin takes you into captivity.
They place you in a twenty squared meters cell along with a hundred others. You don't get too much treatment. In fact you don't get any. You are being fed up just enough to survive and you are learning how to swim in a lake full of yours and others wastes. Hardly surviving, comes the day where some of the workers drag you out of the cell in order to skin you alive. Despite your loud cries, you are left skinless and thrown away to suffer a slow painful death.
Consider for a moment all your feelings that would be resulted from the above scenario. Now pay attention because every single year 56 million animals killed for their fur worldwide.
Let us look now at the other facts;
* China is one of the world's largest suppliers.
* Europe by itself is responsible for 70% of the fur breed.
* In a year, more than 2 million cats and hundreds of thousands of dogs and seals are killed for their fur in the world.
* The British government has banned fur farming in England and Wales in November 2000.
* However, animals continue to be killed in many parts of the world.
* The main reason of this is trade.
* It takes as many as 40 animals just to make 1 fur coat, including coyotes, bobcats, lynxes, opossums, nutria, beavers, muskrats, otters, foxes, minks, bunnies, seals and raccoons.
* Animals are often gassed, anally or genitally electrocuted, or poisoned, or their necks are broken. These methods are not always effective: some animals wake up while the skin is being torn off their bodies.
* On fur farms, inquisitive and normally free-roaming animals such as foxes, minks and chinchillas spend their entire lives confined to tiny, filthy wire cages.
There is a connection between who and what you are and what you make of yourself as a creature and the way in which you treat other living creatures, saying no to cruelty to animals and fur trade is to get closer to humanization again.
Furthermore, many celebrities are against fur, such as; Michelle Obama, Charlize Theron, Twiggy Lawson, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pamela Anderson, Pink ... and so on. Some of them had very nice messages in their interview, for instance, Pink said "I've always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don't fake or hide their feelings and they are the most loyal creatures on the Earth. And somehow we humans think we are smarter- what a joke." Animals are not ours to wear, walk on or carry our possessions in.
Before animal skins reach store shelves, animals live a life of misery, pain, boredom and fear, and many are skinned alive. They suffer so much pain just so people can 'try' to look all pretty and classy. I don't think its classy wearing fur and skin when you know what these poor animals have to go through for you to wear skin or fur! What are your feelings on this and why do you believe the way you do? Skinning animals can be characterized only as cruel and brutal.
Well, we are not living in pre-historic age -when we needed- to have to kill animals to get dressed. Hence, people will not suffer from cold, as we have so many materials to wear for any kind of temperature. There is no reason to wear fur, except one which is "vanity". These people who have a false sense of what fashion is want to be different from other people. However, it is only their ignorance that makes them stand out from others.
We humans may be smarter than any other creatures in the world; however, I also think that we could be the most dangerous human beings on the earth who can kill animals for people to look stylish. How can someone do this to poor and helpless creatures? It is unbelievable.
If you cannot stand seeing the violence with your own eyes, do not wear fur as clothes. There is an organization which is called "PETA" and their aim is to stop animal cruelty. They need your support. Please, right now rush your online donation generously and push everyone to do the same thing genuinely. Together, let's save more animals from slaughtered. It's time that fur in fashion went the way of the crop-top and the hair scrunchie: extinct. Do not forget, wearing fur means that you are the mutual of that savageness. We would like to see showcases get bloodless, what about you?
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Why would you carry a dead body on your back?. (2017, Sep 18). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/carry-dead-body-back/
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