Brief Comprehensive Summary – Principles of Marketing

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Carrie Cunnien American Intercontinental University Unit 4 Individual Project MKTG 205 – Principles of Marketing Abstract This is a single paragraph, no indentation is required. The next page will be an abstract; “a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly” (Publication Manual, 2010). The length of this abstract should be 35-50 words (2-3 sentences). NOTE: the abstract must be on page 2 and the body of the paper will begin on page 3. Introduction Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key).

The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (italics or plain) are set in APA format. While you may change the names of the headings and subheadings, do not change the font or style of font. Definition of Marketing This content comes from the Unit 1 Discussion Board. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 1 grading, those should be made with this submission. What is the definition of marketing?

My definition is basically, what customers want, when they want it, where they want it, and at a price they are can afford to pay. Well I soon found out that everyone has their own take on the definition of marketing. These three I felt were the best because they made the definitions easy enough for me to grasp what exactly marketing means. The first source I used was from our text book Marketing tenth edition by Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011), their definition of marketing is it focuses on assessing and satisfying the needs of consumers. The second source was from Marketing. 2005), In International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management, they claim marketing is the distribution of ideas, goods, and services. The last source I used was marketing. (2003), In The Macmillan Encyclopedia, their definition is a market of goods and services which is part of the marketing mix. This consists of four parameters packaging, product, pricing and place. They also feel that a company needs to keep up on the times and change their products to the consumer’s needs. This is the ultimate goal of all marketers and their companies. Introduction of Product/Service

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This content comes from the Unit 1 Discussion Board. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 1 grading, those should be made with this submission. The company that I chose to do my research on is Chocolate Bar: Food and Agriculture: Candy Manufacturing: Hersey’s Candy Company. I chose this company for many reasons because they are able to promote a product that can satisfy just about every person out there in the world. They have candy for every type of person imaginable.

They have a variety of products for the chocoholics, health fanatics, and baking fanatics. These are all people that they promote their products to. Based on your definition, analyze whether the company should be considered good marketers or not. I would say that this company is definitely earned its reputation as a good marketer. They always find new ways to keep their loyal customers to keep coming back for more and more. Also the company has been around since 1894 and has been growing steady ever since. I think this speaks volumes of how well they promote their products.

They listen to customer needs and wants and develop new ideas constantly. Which I believe are all elements of a great marketer. They also have their products world-wide which consists of 90 different countries. With Milton Hersey the founder of the Hersey Company is known for his humanitarian services like the school for orphans, creating a community and housing for all its 12,000 plus employees and executives according to, Milton S. Hershey: The Man and His Legacy/ The Hershey Company. Situation Analysis -- Marketing Environment Forces Impacting Product/Service This content comes from the Unit 1 Individual Project.

Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 1 grading, those should be made with this submission. Market Force 1: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service The technological environment changes rapidly, and provides a strong tool for, marketers, consumers, and manufacturers. This age of information makes it possible for almost anyone to receive, or send information quickly according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011).

This information is not limited to text, and it may include pictures, graphics, purchase options, and the ability to provide custom selections for a host of products. For the savvy marketers at the Hershey Company this opens the door to a wide variety of consumers. Market Force 2: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service The economic environment plays a large role in marketing according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). The economic environment force is the income, expenditures and resources that affect the cost of running a business and household, according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011).

The impact this has on the Hersey Company is keeping prices affordable and production costs down. Market Force 3: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service In addition the social environment is the demographic characteristics of the population and its values, according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius. (2011). Also changes in this force can have a dramatic impact on marketing strategies, for example: the obesity epidemic in America has caused consumers to convert to healthy eating habits. This conversion has resulted in a reduction of confections consumed by some families.

With the consumers eye on how corporations operate Hershey’s marketers must be ever vigilant to ensure the company’s reputation remains positive. If a corporation is seen as having less than acceptable business practices consumers may decide to spend their money elsewhere Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius. (2011). Strategies to Overcome the Threats Some of the technologies strategies that the Hershey’s Company needs to overcome are a rapid exchange of information which allows consumers the opportunity to quickly spread news of any unsatisfactory experience or transaction they may have endured with the Hershey Company.

Further once a negative incident is noted it has the ability to snowball as it is passed forward from one consumer to another. The economic strategies The Hershey’s Company needs to overcome are given the state of the current economy; consumers are less likely to purchase luxury goods. While chocolate bars are an inexpensive item consumers give consideration to their choices. With the wide variety of chocolate bars available commercial exposure to consumers must be consistent and of high quality (Mitchell, 2008).

The social strategies that the Hershey’s Company needs to overcome is; having a responsibility to educate consumers on how confectionery can be a part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Strategies to Capitalize on the Opportunities The technology strategy that Hershey’s Company capitalized on was commercials and television ads that are high in quality and that have catchy tunes and providing technical support and expertise to organizations such as the World Cocoa Foundation and the United States Food and Drug Administration, according to the Hershey’s Company website, (2009).

On the social side the Hershey Companies strategies to capitalize on certain opportunities where, given the concerns of families of the health aspect of the Hershey’s candy they capitalized on this by responding to these concerns with sugar-free versions of some of our most popular products as well as snack-size and individually wrapped miniature items (most under 100 calories per piece) to enable portion control that meets the dietary needs of consumers, according to the Hershey’s Company website, (2009). In addition, we are involved in several efforts to promote healthy eating habits, weight control and exercise.

They not only see to it that the community gets educated but also gives back to the community where they live and work by doing this they gain their support which enables them to succeed. On the social force, Hershey has responded to these concerns with sugar-free versions of some of our most popular products as well as snack-size and individually wrapped miniature items (most under 100 calories per piece) to enable portion control that meets the dietary needs of consumers according to the Hershey’s Company website, (2009).

In addition, we are involved in several efforts to promote healthy eating habits, weight control and exercise. Marketing Strategy: Target Market(s) & Positioning This content comes from the Unit 2 Discussion Board and Individual Project. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 2 grading, those should be made with this submission. There are five stages a buyer passes through when they make choices about which products and services to buy. They are the first stage which is problem recognition, which means perceiving a need.

The second stage called the information search is when you seek out the value of a purchase. The third stage is called the alternative evaluation and this is when a consumer assesses the value of a product. The fourth stage is when a consumer decides to make the final purchase decision and what the buying value would be. The last stage called the postpurchase behavior is when a consumer decides what the value in the consumption or use of a product would be if they indulged in the product and made the purchase, according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius. 2011). These are all stage in which a consumer finds themselves in when they decide to make that purchase. It is these actions that they will take in purchasing and using products and services. Out of the four factors influencing buyer behavior cultural, social, personal and psychological I decided that for the Hershey’s candy it would be personal and social. The reason I say this is because chocolate is a personal preference. It is what a person sees in the product that gets their attention and makes them want to buy that item.

The social aspect of the Hershey’s candy bar is also this behavior because income level and consumption habits are major parts to the social class. Not to mention the price is cheap enough for them to indulge in a chocolate candy bar. In today’s market there is a need for healthier products in which Hershey’s has come through on. They have quit a few healthy products that better their chances of the consumer buying not only for themselves but also the family as well. For Hershey’s they use all different ads to appeal to all types of generations. For instance at Christmas they will run ads that target parents and children.

The parents because they are the ones that will purchase the items and the children are the ones that will say what they like the best and that will be based on what ad they feel caught their mind and make them want to have that instead of a different item. Also Halloween, Easter, Valentines and the summer time, (such as parades) are all hot times for marketers to really step up to the plate and out beat the competitors for the consumers to want to buy their products because the volume in candy sales at this time are extremely high. According to Almond, S. (2009) he eels that with the economy in a slump this is when consumers will buy more chocolate than any other time because apparently there is nothing more soothing to a financially insecure than a candy bar because it is cheap and a quick fix when a person is hungry. Statics have found that in recent eras of depression the economic turmoil the consumers crave is the luxury of cheap sweets. Marketers and company officials understand that it is not always possible to charm everyone all the time in the same way. Further different groups or market segments require different relationships.

This is to say that while some shoppers will be delighted with coupons or contest type promotions others would prefer free shipping or discounts for bulk purchases. In an effort to please both groups different approaches are used to present products, in ways and places that appeal to each group. With this in mind marketers zero in on customers in particular groups with the intention of presenting products and service in a way that best suits the particular group. This practice is known as market segmentation according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011).

Additionally few companies have the capacity or desire to provide truly exceptional products and service to everyone on every occasion. The process of segmentation enables marketers and companies to pinpoint consumer’s needs or desires. Segmentation does not necessarily eliminate some consumers; rather it enables the marketer to reach them in a different way according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). Segmentation bases that may be profitable for Hershey’s chocolate bars are geographic, demographic, and psychographic. Geographic factors will be most relevant in the international markets and the business markets.

In general Geographic’s are not relevant to the sales of Hershey’s chocolate bars. Except of course in the cities where the Hershey Company operates manufacturing plants. Demographics will have relevance based on who is doing the shopping, and how tight the budget is. Psychographics may prove the most profitable choice for market segmentation in the case of Hershey’s chocolate bars, according to the Hershey’s Company’s website. Also some lifestyles and personalities have an aversion to consuming chocolate the marketer’s efforts are better used elsewhere.

Additionally because some lifestyles and personality’s include pleasure in the simple things segmentation by psychographics can separate these two groups according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). Consumer buying behavior begins with how a product is marketed. Marketing includes the product itself, the price of the product, the products availability, and how and where the product is offered according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). If a consumer feels that a product is too expensive or difficult to find many consumers will turn elsewhere for comparative products.

Additionally if a consumer is not excited by the appearance of the product, or pleased with the way it is presented these consumers are likely to look for alternatives. Other factors that affect buying behavior are the social and cultural environment that consumers live and work in, along with the consumers personal and psychological feelings. Each potential costumer is an individual, however buyers are members of groups and these groups affect buying decisions, sometimes subtly sometimes not. Further each individual is likely a member of several groups.

Groups include family, friends, neighborhoods, religious affiliations, and others including nationalities according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). Furthermore how the market appeals to these groups is paramount in some buying decisions. If a group places importance on a specific product the group members are apt to purchase that product or something similar at some point. The final purchase comes about due to a number of reasons. First the repeated exposure to it enforces a need for it, and then it becomes clear that the product is superior because everyone likes it and keeps using it.

Finally the consumer decides they are able to afford it based on the fact that other members in the group were able to buy it. Furthermore there are consumers who will buy the Hershey bar regardless of the price just because they are loyal consumers of Hershey products. Then there are consumers who will buy the chocolate bar that costs less or the chocolate bar that first catches their attention. The wise marketer understands that no one factor effects buying decisions all the time, but several factors work together within the consumer to create final buying decisions.

Business to business marketing. Geographically speaking the Hershey Company will target their marketing strategy to business owners who operate or supply concessions or vending machines, along with grocery stores, and various retailers who sell snack foods. Local Business owners. These business owners will likely purchase the products in large quantities and with some regularity. Foreign Markets. In foreign markets this approach eliminates the need to reach individual consumers and allows the local retailers to market the Hershey bar in ways they know will reach their customers.

Demographics. When thinking in terms of demographics the target market for Hershey’s Chocolate bars might be parents who are of average income, and have one or more children. Age. 25 – 45. This target market will be profitable if the marketer remembers to market to the parent while embracing the family as a unit. Gender. Males and females are likely to be the main shoppers in many households these shoppers are the target market in this segment. Income. $25,000+ per year.

Hershey’s chocolate bars are a convenience item and something of a luxury, persons with incomes lower than $25,000 per year are not likely to be regular consumers of luxury food products. Psychographics. Psychographic market segmentation will provide a target market of fun loving, happy people who embody a sense of enjoying every moment of life. Subscribe to Family Circle Magazine and the Disney Channel This market segment has the potential to produce a growing population of loyal Hershey’s customers. Frequent amusement parks, county fairs, and children’s sports activities.

This group will purchase Hershey’s chocolate for the pure joy of it, and will most likely introduce Hershey’s chocolate to their friends and family. According to the Nestle New Strategy, (2006), reports on the corporate strategy being employed by Nestle Corp. The company is planning to reorganize so that its wide product range can adapt to dynamic emerging markets. The company is aware on the need to calibrate their business strategy despite 20. 7% rise in net profits in 2005. Nestle is repositioning its products towards nutrition, health and wellness.

The company also plans to build a new facility in Brazil to manufacture goods for low-income populations. The Mars Corporation positioning in the market consists of being the first confectionery company in the US to voluntarily implement Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) nutrition labeling on all of its chocolate, non-chocolate confectionery and other food products. All packages will be redesigned to feature new graphics on the front and back of packages, which contain consumer-friendly, clear and easy to understand nutrition information that will help consumers make informed choices at the point of purchase.

This announcement is part of a global initiative Mars is undertaking around the world. "Our redesigned labels are the latest examples of Mars' commitment to health and nutrition. By providing clear, concise and understandable information to consumers about what's inside all of our products, we will help them to make informed decisions about the foods they eat," according to Bob Gamgort, president of Mars North America, (2008) "We make every effort to go beyond what is expected of a global food company. The product that the Hershey Company has competitive advantage over Mars and Nestle is the fact that they target the older generation with smaller bit size candies. The reasoning for this is because they are targeted them with the knowledge that smaller is healthier and less calories because the pieces are bit size. Not to mention an adult will consume less because they are more conscious of what they are putting in their mouths than say children and younger adults will. Another advantage that the Hershey’s Company has over other competitors is it is now targeting consumers that want a snack that is a 100 Calorie Bar and healthy.

Hershey’s has come out with exactly those kinds of items such as York Peppermint, Wafer Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Wafer Bars, Hershey's Pretzel Bars, Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bars, Hershey's Crisp Wafer Bars, Hershey's Whipped Vanilla Bars, which is more than any of the competitors have out in this category, according to the Hershey’s Company website. The Hershey Company will build their value proposition on product and image. The Hershey Company uses a value proposition of “more for the same” as stated by Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011).

To family’s who want time together and a taste of the good life Hershey’s Chocolate will evoke the sweetest memories and help create new ones. Product/Service Overview and Strategies to Consider This content comes from the Unit 3 Discussion Board. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 3 grading, those should be made with this submission. The Hershey’s Chocolate bar is classified as a convenience product. Products classified as convenience products are generally inexpensive and easy to find.

In order to market convenience products successfully marketers must ensure that prices remain low or equivalent to competitor’s prices. Additionally the products must be of consistent quality and packaged attractively. This author preferred the older type packaging with the chocolate wrapped in foil and slipped in to a paper sleeve. However it is clear there is a need for secure wrapping with one fully sealed package. This new packaging seems difficult to open without damaging the perfect shape of the chocolate bar but it cannot be tampered with as easily as it could have been with the previous wrapping.

This is evidence that the Hershey Company is paying attention to what consumers need even when convenience must be secondary in order to ensure product safety. When marketing the Hershey’s chocolate bar some important factors in addition to packaging are; how to promote the Hershey brand, labels that identify Hershey products, where Hershey products will be sold, and how Hershey’s products will be displayed in retail locations. For example with convenience foods the items at eye level or within easy reach are more likely to be purchased than the same type of item on a high shelf or a low shelf.

This simple placement can make a large difference in total sales over a period of time. The marketing strategies in use with the Hershey chocolate bar are to offer more for the same. This can be accomplished with a combination of great tasting chocolate at a reasonable price, prominent placement on store shelves, and providing clear indications that our products are Hershey’s products. Everyone knows that a Hershey bar is a Hershey’s product but how many people know who produces snickers or M;M’s? Pricing Strategy This content comes from the Unit 4 Discussion Board.

Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 4 grading, those should be made with the Unit 5 Individual Project submission. When pricing Hershey’s chocolate bar’s marketers must consider several factors. Consumer’s expectations of the chocolate can directly affect the price. For example; Hershey’s promises a bit of happiness with each bite. On the other hand Godiva chocolates appear to be a cut above the average chocolate bar, and because of this expectation for something special Godiva chocolates sell at higher price. Another factor to consider is the actual cost to produce the chocolate bar. The price should cover the cost of production, overhead, and distribution and still allow for a viable profit margin. Also important when determining a price is the competition. It is important to know what comparable products such as nestles crunch or M;M’s are selling for. This knowledge allows Hershey to offer their candy at the highest price the target market will pay, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011).

The pricing method I would use for the Hershey’s chocolate bar is cost based pricing with a target profit scale. While this method does not take into account consumer demand or value assessments, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). In the case of chocolate bars it seems the best choice. In general people who want a chocolate bar expect only fresh candy that tastes great, no more and no less. Therefore the products value is in the taste and freshness, and this can be delivered by following a fixed schedule, which works well with a target profit approach.

Further Product Mixed Pricing with an emphasis on Product Line Pricing will allow the candy maker to offer a variety of products in an array of sizes, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). For example the Hershey bar comes in at least three sizes and is available with or without nuts. This variety can meet the needs of those who wish to share and those who do not while allowing for price differences to offset packaging and handling requirements. Distribution Channels This content comes from the Unit 3 Individual Project. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list.

If your instructor suggested updates in the week 3 grading, those should be made with this submission. Overview of Distribution Channels Direct distribution is a model used by organizations to move products from production to buyer without the use of wholesalers and retailers, according to BusinessDictionary. com. By eliminating the number of parties involved in the distribution process, significant savings can be realized. An organization using direct distribution must sell and distribute that product using their warehouses and sales staff.

Indirect distribution is a chain of intermediaries through which a product moves in order to be made available for purchase by a consumer, according to BusinessDictionary. com. An indirect channel of distribution typically involves a product passing through additional steps as it moves from the manufacturing business via distributors to wholesalers and then retail stores according to Business Directory. com. Overview of Channel Organizations A conventional distribution channel is loosely organized and each channel considers itself separate from the others.

This type of distribution channel is not strong and it is unlikely to produce the best value for the consumer, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). A vertical marketing system or VMS is a much stronger distribution system. A VMS includes at least one product manufacturer (or service provider), and a retail or wholesale outlet. The VMS generally has a leader and the separate channels work together with each channel supporting the other and forming a unit, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). A horizontal marketing system occurs when two or more companies of equal strength ban together to create a new concept.

This new unit may be experimental or long term and may include competitors or other members of a chain of distribution. By joining together these companies are able to provide goods or services in a better way for both the consumer and the companies, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). Multichannel marketing systems are becoming more common, and seem to be the best way to market many products or services. Multichannel marketing systems include more than one chain of distribution, and provide many different ways for consumers to acquire the product or service, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011).

Analyze Target Market’s Needs in Distribution Channels The analyses of the target market’s needs for the Hershey Company in the distribution channels would be in nontraditional classes of trade, such as drug stores, convenience stores, wholesale clubs and dollar stores, as well as in channels such as vending, food service and concessions. The target market channels would also be found in retailers, such as convenience stores, Wal-Marts, Targets, and grocery stores according to West, David, (2008).

The target market in regards to the customers would be the chocolate lovers such as teens, children, females, and males, with the female population the highest. New target marketers would be the individuals looking for a low calorie snack with the chocolate taste they crave. Determine Channel Members with Explanation The channel members I would use for the Hershey’s Company marketing system would be wholesaler and a retailer. Adding three wholesalers is the most common for low-cost, low unit value items that are frequently purchased by consumers, such as candy, confectionary items, and magazines.

Hershey’s sells its line of chocolate candy to wholesalers in case quantities, who then break down (sort) the cases so that individual retailers can order in boxes or much smaller quantities, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). The intensive distribution would be the most beneficial channel for the Hershey’s Company because it is the most used one for products that need to go out to as many outlets as possible. The objective is to place its products “within an arm’s reach of desire. ” Discuss How Many Channel Members with Explanation

There are three target market coverage channels that a company can choose to go through for the best target market coverage. The three target markets consist of Intensive Distribution which means a company tries to place its products in as many stores as it possibly can like candy, fast food, newspapers and soft drinks. The second coverage of the target market coverage is called exclusive distribution which is just the opposite of intensive distribution because instead of several outlets this one only goes through one retailer in a geographical area to carry a company’s product.

This type is usually reserved for specialty products like women’s fragrances, men and women’s apparel and accessories. The last coverage of the target market coverage is called selective distribution. This coverage is for firms who want to only have a select few retailers to carry its products in a geographical area, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). An example of this coverage would be computer companies like Dell who sells a limited range of its products to companies like Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Staples.

The best coverage that was chosen for The Hershey’s Company would be the first coverage which was the Intensive distribution because Hershey’s want their products to be everywhere as to compete with the other candy companies. They want their consumers to have it available at arm reach. Every corner, every store, and every outlet they can sell their product. Another requirement to consider in a channel choice is gaining access to channels and intermediaries that satisfy at least some of the interest that buyers might want fulfilled when they purchase a company’s product.

There are four broad categories which consist of information, convenience, variety, and pre- or postsale service. Out of these four I would recommend the convenience when satisfying buyer requirements because this has multiple meanings for buyers. Such as the driving time to a store which is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week to fulfill their cravings not to mention the company’s benefit by gaining display space. Channel Organization So after everything that we have learned about with channel organizations the best channel organization that I would recommend would be the vertical marketing system or VMS.

The reason I chose this channel organization for the Hershey’s Company is because it is a much stronger distribution system. It includes at least one product manufacturer (or service provider), and a retail or wholesale outlet. The VMS generally has a leader and the separate channels which work together with each channel supporting the other and forming a unit, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). Integrated Marketing Communications Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph.

Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. Marketers need to remain aware of all communication that is related to their product. Each piece of publicity or media exposure should combine with the others to enhance the overall product message. The integrated marketing communications or IMC sets the tone for how the product is perceived and received by the consumer. It is imperative that the message is consistent and in line with the products promised value (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009). Promotion Mix Strategy

Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. This author would suggest that the Hershey Company use both a push strategy and a pull strategy with each to be used according to the market segment best serviced by the specific strategy. This is to say that when selling to business and vendors a “pull” strategy would be most effective. This would allow the sales force to build and maintain positive relationships with large scale buyers (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009).

On the other hand the Hershey Company would benefit with the use of a “push” strategy when marketing to individual consumers. This technique will allow the Hershey Company to take full advantage of their massive advertising budget, and the consumers will create a demand for the chocolate bar (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009). Message Strategy Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.

The Hershey Company is well served with their simple message, Hershey’s will bring a little bit of happiness into every day. This message is simple yet consistent in all of the Hershey’s advertising, and is revealed in many ways which generally include friends or family and always good times. Hershey’s takes a soft approach when sending this message and the consumer is made to feel content with the simple pleasure of a little bit of happiness. Promotion Tool #1 Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph.

Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. Promotion Tool #1 Advertising The Hershey chocolate bar will be promoted via advertising. This advertising will consists of TV commercials on the Disney channel, Lifetime and the three major networks. Also magazine ads will be placed in Family Circle and Better Homes and Gardens. These areas for advertisement have been selected based on the psychographic data related to the target market. Hershey’s message of putting a little bit of happiness in every day will be related by the big smiles and pleasant atmosphere depicted in the photos and commercials.

Further the intent of these advertising tools is to remind consumers (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009) that the Hershey bar is still the consumers favorite chocolate bar. Promotion Tool #2 Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. Direct marketing via the internet will be used to promote Hershey products. On the Hershey websites consumers can purchase custom chocolate bars in orders large or small.

Consumers can also send custom gifts for special occasions which are sure to bring a little bit of happiness to any recipient. The excitement of giving or receiving chocolate that has been selected and packaged for someone special is what will keep customers coming back to the website, and encourage new customers to purchase that something special. Promotion Tool #3 Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words… be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.

Due to positive public relations the Hershey Company has enjoyed over 100 years of success (Company Profile, 2003). With today’s technology and the ability to exchange information rapidly, positive public relations are a necessity. The Hershey Company will continue to operate in a way that enhances communities and leaves a positive impact on places relevant to chocolate production (The Hershey Company, n. d. ). The Hershey company will maintain a website that allows consumers to explore all the ways in which the Hershey company enhances the lives of employees and consumers alike (West, n. d. ). Conclusion

Add some concluding remarks-can be a sentence or two. As you can see marketing the Hershey’s chocolate bar is not a simple task. However with careful planning and continued efforts to understand consumers desires the Hershey Chocolate bar will enjoy continued success. References direct distribution. BusinessDictionary. com. Retrieved April 06, 2012, from BusinessDictionary. com website: http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/direct-distribution. html indirect channel of distribution. BusinessDictionary. com. Retrieved April 06, 2012, from BusinessDictionary. com website: http://www. businessdictionary. om/definition/indirect-channel-of-distribution. html Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). Marketing Tenth Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-39-013641-1. New York, NY. Retrieved on April 6, 2012 from https://mycampus. aiu- online. com/pages/MainFrame. aspx? ContentFrame=/Academics /Pages/ Orientation. aspx West, David. (2008). The Hershey Company Business Update Call Transcript. Retrieved on April 8, 2012 from http://seekingalpha. com/article/82178-the-hershey-company-business- update-call-transcript Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). Marketing Tenth Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

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