Steps to Understanding and Resolving Potential Conflicts in a Team

Last Updated: 27 Feb 2023
Essay type: Appreciation
Pages: 3 Views: 197

The process of understanding potential conflicts in a team involves several steps. The first step is to analyze the mindset of the team members and attempt to identify any culturally-based assumptions that may create misunderstandings. These differences in communication styles can be rooted in the way different social groups communicate, and may be further exacerbated by gender stereotypes.

In the attitude step, potential problematic communication differences are analyzed, including writing styles, speaking styles, and nonverbal cues. The effective conflict participant must maintain an open mind towards all parties involved. The action step is where the chosen conflict resolution mode is implemented. If the mode is a problem-solving approach, the manager conveys the opportunity for compromise and seeks continuous feedback on agreed-upon points.

During the analysis step, participants decide what actions they will take, and then summarize and review what they have agreed upon. Finally, the analysis step initiates the promotion of peace as an ongoing process.

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When identifying potential differences among team members, it is important to consider various factors, such as the ability to contribute to the team's goals. However, there may be other reasons for differences, such as competing interests. For example, if two team members have similar abilities, but both want the same task, it can create tension and anger if one does not receive it.

Additionally, differences in behavioral styles, attention to detail, communication practices, or tone of expression can impact how well team members collaborate. It is important to address these differences, as they can hinder cooperation and lead to conflicts within the team. Another example of potential conflict arises from competition with a foreign country over resources.

Numerous individuals may encounter conflicts when competing for the limited resources available to achieve their group's tasks. For example, when two people depend on a third person's job to meet identical deadlines, differences may arise over whose work should receive that individual's attention first.

Poor communication explains why some colleagues may make decisions or take actions that others consider wrong or even harmful when they fail to share relevant information with each other. When a group experiences communication problems, it can lead to blame and questions about motives, creating disunity within the team.

The failure to follow group standards can result from a communication issue when a team member creates conflict by displaying attitudes or behaviors that go against the team's understanding of how they will work. Ignoring practices such as prompt arrival at meetings or prohibiting the use of cell phones during discussions, which are part of the group's standards, can lead to conflict. When some colleagues are not contributing their share of effort or are not performing at the expected level of quality, the resulting burden can cause friction, which may be heightened when critical or highly visible tasks are involved.

Regarding differences, there may be competition over resources, behavioral styles, or preferences that cause diverse opinions. Recommended approaches to improving the positive impact of differences and minimizing the negative impact include forgiveness, gratitude, and emotional resilience. Barbara Fredrickson, a researcher, suggested that to balance the negativity bias and experience a positive emotional state, we need to experience three positive emotions for every negative one.

Forgiveness involves fully accepting that a negative event has occurred and relinquishing negative emotions surrounding it. It can be learned and can lead to better mental, emotional, and physical health. The practice of forgiveness has also been linked to better immune function and a longer life expectancy.

Gratitude involves acknowledging the good aspects of life and expressing gratitude, which has a powerful effect on emotional well-being. Research shows that there is a link between happiness and gratitude, but with an interesting twist: it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratitude that makes us happy.

Emotional resilience is like an elastic band that can help individuals bounce back to their original state no matter how far they are stretched or pulled by negative emotions. Resilient people can experience intense emotions like pain, distress, frustration, and depression without falling apart. Some people can look at challenging times with optimism and hope, knowing that their hardships will lead to personal growth and a broader perspective.

Positive emotions have a scientific basis for helping the body recover from the adverse effects of negative emotions. Accumulating motivation over time can help us become stronger even in times of crisis or stress.

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Steps to Understanding and Resolving Potential Conflicts in a Team. (2023, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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