World War One Home Front

Category: Home, Military, Wars, World War
Last Updated: 12 Mar 2023
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There were any war plans made such as the Schlemiels Plan; a plan devised to avoid war on two fronts, Germans to defeat France and turn back to Russia with a hammer swing, and plan 17; was the French manipulation plan. Modifications were made to the plans and lead to their eventual failure. There were a number of battles including the Battle of the Manner; where German troops attempted to move towards Paris but were attack as the RE flank was exposed. There was a gap between the troops and the British troops were able to move into the gap. Leading to Germany having to fight a war on two fronts.

There was also the Race to the sea which was the Germans attempt to gain as many ports as possible to allow for the continue of trade. It resulted In the creation of the Western front. The Nature of Trench warfare and Life in Trenches (1 86 Words) Trenches played a huge role in WWW. Features of trenches included, sandbags, ammunition, dugouts, parapet, duckboards, fire steps and barbed wire. Trenches were a complex network and extended across many kilometers with the front line positioned to launch at the enemy. They were constructed In a gig gag structure Communication trenches unconnected each line.

They were expected to be temporary at the beginning of the war. The area between allies and Germans was called no man's land. There was not set distance between the lines. No man's land had deep craters, mud, heavy rain, artillery bombardment. Weaponry changed throughout the war, machine guns, rifles, grenades, flamethrowers, mortars and gas were used. The battle tactics began as offensive and later changed to defensive. The life In trenches was horrible, there were many rats, mud and diseases that were evident within the trenches.

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This lead to battle fatigue and shell shock. Many soldiers experiences unhygienic living conditions, Illnesses such as dysentery, trench foot and PITS. 80% of the time solders were bored stuff, 19% of the time frozen stiff and only 1% of the time scared stiff. Attempts to Break the Stalemate (241 Words) There were numerous attempts to break the stalemate. The Battle of Verdure was In Feb. - Novel 1916. "They shall not pass" Is the saying aligned with It. It Involved generals, Falkland for Germany and Petting for France.

It was Germany's aim to bleed the French white" through a war of attrition. Using heavy artillery bombardment and diphthongs gas. It resulted in an early German advance later re won by France. The failures of Verdure lead to Falkland replaced by Hindering and Ultrasound. Another battle was the Battle of the Some. This was from July - Novo General Hag was involved. The aim being to break through and relieve France at Verdure. They used artillery assaults and creeping barrage tanks. Another battle was the Battle of Packsaddle. This was between July's - Novo 1917.

It is known for the mud. It was also with General Hag. The aim was to gain control of the seaports and draw pressure off France. The use of heavy artillery bombardment. The result was only a small territorial gain and the opportunity to send reserves after a breakthrough at Cambric. There were also attempts made beyond the Western Front, these included places like Galileo. There was the naval blockade, which saw Germany launch its unrestricted submarine warfare and peace movements such as Papal peace note to reduce arms and the women's peace party.

Changing attitudes of German and Allied soldiers to the war (174 Words) Britain at the beginning of the war has overwhelming support and enthusiasm. There was a glorified look on war; excitement of the duty and adventure. Britain had no tradition of conscription and men responded to propaganda such as the Kitcheners army posters well. There was "fear" that war would only last a short period and be over by Christmas. Britain often demons Germany. However, by 1916, the excitement had disappeared and reality of trenches and the futility of war have a major effect on roofs.

The Battle of the Some was a turning point where reality sunk in. Recruitment figures have dropped by the end of 1916 and conscription was introduced. War weariness became a factor. Germany also had a massive and widespread enthusiasm. The German men shared the same motivation as British men. Patriotism, honor, duty, peer pressure, impressing girls and a steady income. However, food shortages lead to havoc and German soldiers developed the same feelings of the disillusionment and war weariness as British men especially with Germany facing starvation in 1917.

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World War One Home Front. (2018, Jan 06). Retrieved from

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