The Views on Reincarnation in Taoism and Buddhism
In this essay I show how Taoism and Buddhism view the idea of reincarnation, also ways of reaching ultimate one and nirvana explained. Taoist and Budhhist view of human nature and its stages also explained in this essay.In addtion to that Tao and Buddhist views compared. In fact you can find all you need about reincarnation in respect of tao and buddha.
Always people are curious about death. Human beings want to understand and search unknown things, and therefore death is very exciting subject for people. People ask whether there is a life after death or what happens to us when we die. Because of these questions some of them believe that they will go to heaven or hell, some of them just try to think of this world and some people believe that they will return this world again and again.
The general belief of monotheists, on the judgment day everybody is responsible for their own works, and after the judgment, in Hell or Heaven, everybody may recognise each other, so for example one person was a doctor in his first life then he was a stone and finally he was a nurse; therefore a conflict occurs after death if reincarnation is true. On the other hand, especially in the East, people can be reborn and also in Islam and Christianity some people advocate this idea. In this essay, I show how Taoism and Buddhism view the idea of reincarnation.
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The very brief definition of reincarnation is; to be reborn in other words; coming to this world in different forms or different bodies. Different groups have different thoughts about reincarnation; some of the religious groups see it as a punishment for the soul, some of them believe that it is necessary for salvation. There is also some non-religious thoughts about reincarnation such as the belief of some people that every person has a limited number of heart beats, and everyone has to fulfil this; if a person will die before fulfilling this number, he will reborn.
Believers of Buddha think that everybody comes to life back again and again until achieve Nirvana. If they are free from pain and suffering, they will not come back again, but until that day they will have many lives. Nirvana is total enlightenment and liberation. There is no beginning and end for the followers for Buddha and also not every believer reaches the Nirvana. The aim is reaching pure light, knowing what is right and what is good; all knowledge is hidden in Nirvana, so believers of Buddha try to achieve Nirvana however life is too short and also contains many sinful thing; because of that people reborn many times again.
Buddha (Gautama who was the founder of Buddhism) teaches eight ways for reaching Nirvana. Right Knowledge is knowledge of what life is all about; knowledge of the Four Noble Truths are basic to any further growth as a Buddhist. Right Aspiration means a clear devotion into being on the Path toward Enlightenment. Right Speech involves both clarity of what is said and speaking kindly and without malice. Right Behaviour involves reflecting on one's behaviour and the reasons for it. It also involves five basic laws of behaviour for Buddhists: not to kill, steal, lie, drink intoxicants, or commit sexual offences.
Right Livelihood involves choosing an occupation that keeps an individual on the Path; that is, a path that promotes life and well-being, rather than the accumulation of a lot of money. Right Effort means training the will and curbing selfish passions and wants. It also means placing oneself along the Path toward Enlightenment. Right Mindfulness simplifies continuing self- examination and awareness. 8. Right Concentration is the final goal to be absorbed into a state of Nirvana (Comptons).
These ways are the only way of reaching Nirvana but these ways are not guaranteeing reaching Nirvana. There are three stages of transmigration; the first stage is the lowest one; here the key word is desire, the soul only interested in material things .The second stage is the beginning of dominating desires. In the second stage after many reincarnations of soul, a man starts to think about deep spiritual understanding. The last stage is the stage in which the soul can reach Nirvana. In the last stage, the soul has no expectations from the material world. To pass through these stages; soul has to reborn and follows the eight essential ways. (Temel Britannica: vol 4). (Gngren, 1997)
According to Buddhism, human existence is comprised of five essential elements which is called skandha. These are; the body, sensation, perception, mental activity and consciousness. These are temporary things; so in that sense a person can not talk about self. People think that they have a self because they are conscious, but self can not be equated with consciousness. According to the theory of skandha, consciousness is not a permanent element for human beings.
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