The Utilization of Esperanza’s Growth and Maturity in The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros
Understanding and defining who you are can be a very tricky task in life. In The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, particularly in the chapter “Four Skinny Trees”, it is suggested that by going through phases of self-definition, you can ultimately achieve augmented maturity and an improved acceptance of reality. In the beginning of the novel, it is important to note that Esperanza was a very inexperienced girl, eager to escape Mango Street by all means. In the chapter, “My Name", she even wants to change her name to fit her own definition of herself, while running away from her family heritage, However, by the end of the novel, she changes her perception and realizes she can leave through her writing. More importantly she learned that she must also ultimately come back to help others in the same situation. In the very first chapter, “The House on Mango Street”, she talks very shortly about the four trees in her front yard, calling them “elms”.
Her brief mention of the trees shows that she never really considered the importance of the trees and how relatable they are to her. However, in the chapter “Four Skinny Trees”, she begins to define herself exactly as the trees. She begins the chapter by saying, “They are the only ones who understand me, I am the only one who understands them.” Through personification, Esperanza is explaining both the physical and circumstantial similarities between the four trees and herself. On a physical level, Esperanza and the trees are very alike. Esperanza is capable of growth and becoming something very beautiful, something those four trees can also achieve, She even says, “Four skinny trees with skinny necks and pointy elbows like mine.” to confirm her relationship with the trees.
At the same time the trees are grown on cement, something very unusual. Esperanza claims that like the trees, she is “cemented” and out of place. She supports this by saying, “Four who do not belong here but are here." She implies that it is important for her to leave Mango Street, a place where she does not belong, just how it is important for the four trees to escape the cement in which they are trapped, Esperanza believes she can only achieve happiness and success when she escapes her true home of Mango Street. This quotes also brings about the discussion of homes and houses, Esperanza struggles to define her true home throughout the novel.
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Being embarrassed and ashamed of Mango Street has lead Esperanza to believe that it is important to leave her “cemented” position in Mango Street, Her quest to find her home changes as she struggles to define home and herself At the end of the novel, she accepts her home of Mango Street because of all the experiences and adventures at the street. The memories definitely help create a place where she can never escape. Even if she does escape, she understands that ultimately she must come back to her home to help others. The trees in “Four Skinny Trees” help signify her changes and her realizations. Ultimately her realization of just how alike the four trees in her backyard are to her symbolizes Esperanza‘s growth and maturity. As already mentioned, Esperanza never considered the trees to be anything except simple trees.
By appreciating the beauty and similarities of the trees to her, Esperanza develops maturity and understanding. It symbolizes her growth because at this point of the novel, she has gone through numerous experiences in order to understand that her mission to leave Mango Street is selfish and unrealistic, She figures out that the probable way to leave Mango Street is to use her talent of writing. However, she also comes to the understanding that once she leaves she must come back to help others escape her poor neighborhood, These four skinny trees symbolize her change throughout the novel and demonstrate that through experiences of self-definition, you can uncover and realize many important aspects of reality.
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The Utilization of Esperanza’s Growth and Maturity in The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved from
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