Ten Minute Time Sample Observation

Category: Time
Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
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Ten-minute child's observation

  • Observer: someone
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  • Aim: To do a ten minute time sample observation of a child engaged in a play activity.
  • Date of observation: 29 11 2011
  • The observation started: 9. 55
  • Observation completed: 10. 05
  • Child's Initials: AW
  • Date of Birth or Age: 4 years 5 months
  • Legend: Child observed = AWOther girl = ESG = small group
  • Evaluation : During the observation I did, AW was engaged in play all the time. She was playing with other children most of the time. She is confidently interacting with other children while playing.

She speaks clearly, in simple sentences. Asks simple questions. In ten minutes' time she used even five areas in the nursery; so she’s very confident in there. Also, she doesn’t like staying in one area for a long time and she engages in imaginative play. Interested in shapes while in gluing activity. From this observation, I can tell that she has good social skills, but, also, that she likes to dominate and tell other children what to do. Plays very well with E likes to spend time with her but sometimes doesn’t want to take turns. Time Setting Language Social group Comments 9. 55 In a construction area, going to play hide and seek. AW E 'see if you can find me. ' E  AW 'I'm sure I will' PAW is going to find someplace where to hide, E is not looking. 9. 56 In construction area hiding under the table. None SOL AW is hiding and E is trying to find her looking in all the nursery areas. 9. 57 In house corner - AW is hiding in the wardrobe. None SOL AW has changed area, E didn’t notice her. Finally, E finds AW in the wardrobe. AW is very happy. 9. 58. Music area "can you please turn the music ?"’

E AW ‘sure, I can’ PAW is in music corner together with E again. She has a suitcase full of things. She found a remote control and gave it to E. 9. 59 Music area Whispering to each other PAW and E are hiding behind the armchair and laughing silently. 10. 00 New experiences area AW: ‘I want to be a dog; I want to be a dog!!! ’ SG AW, E and to other girls are playing in new experiences area. AW finds a dog bed and she’s pretending that she is a dog lying in the dog’s bed. 10. 01 New experiences area E ® AW ‘let me be a dog now? ’ AW: ‘no, I am a dog!!! ’ SG AW doesn’t allow E to be a dog, because she wants to be a dog and she is still lying in a dog’s bed. 10. 02 New experiences None SG AW is still in a bed, pretending to sleep. 10. 03. New experiences AW: ‘sssh, I am sleeping’ SG AW is telling other girls to be quiet because she is sleeping. Other girls are quite now. 10. 04 Gluing area None SG AW is taking some card boxes from the shelf, measuring them, and comparing shapes. 10. 05 Gluing areas None SG AW took some boxes from the shelf and she put some glue on it. Later she took decorations from the box and started to decorate her art. She plays silently.

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Ten Minute Time Sample Observation. (2017, Dec 26). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/ten-minute-time-sample-observation/

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