Sociology and Understanding Human Behavior
Sociology and Understanding Human Behavior
I will also talk about what it was like doing field work without really being in the field to do it. I will also go into talking about what I have learned from my field observation and Reflect on sports and the field of sociology of sport. Sports are and have been for me a way to relax ever sense I was a little boy growing up and going to school. I played sports in junior high and in high school as well. Sports for many people can be a way of life or their main way of making money to live from one day to the next.
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I watch sports manly because when I watch them I think man I wish that was me out there on that field or on that court them I wouldn’t have to worry so much about how I am going to take care of my family. I can be watching a game and sitting there thinking as well if I could just have one of the pay checks that the players get I would be seat for a long time. The sport that I was going with at first was basketball but after thinking about it I was like hold on there aren’t any basketball games showing on television right now so I changed it to football just to be able to do the field observation.
I picked football because I grow up watching it when I was younger and I played it for three years in high school but I will be talking a little about both of them because of using both of them in my last two Individual Project. On January 20th 1892 the first true basketball game as we know it was played in Springfield Massachusetts. Doctor James Naismith a Canadian invented basketball for the YMCA so that they could play during the winter months. He made up rules for the game and also nailed up two peach baskets for hoops.
Pro Basketball and College Basketball
Most of the rules the he made for the game of basketball are still used but have been changed up a little bit over the years. Pro basketball and college basketball are both big sports that are covered by all types of media like the news, radio, television and the internet is a big one as well. Radio has a big impacted on basketball because it allows people that can’t watch it to be able to listen to the games. The internet and new allows you to be able to keep up with states and other stuff like that on the sport and on the players as well.
The description of my field observation after watch the Sunday game between the Cowboys and Giants is there are all types of people there besides the players on the field playing the game, and coaches. There are the people that call the game and the camera people from the television channel that the game was on. There where fans, cheerleaders from both teams and referees as well. From what I could see and hear the fans where all into the game cheering and boing when bad calls were made or when there team made a good or bad play.
People that where at the game looked to me like they were of all ages from little kids up to aridly people. The players seem to show when they are upset about a bad call or a play that was ran the wrong way. The players also show off a little after they make big play or even a little play. With the part of who hangs out with whom, and what are the moods and social dynamics. I can’t really tell from watching the game on television but for the most part I would think that most of the people that go to games just hang out with the ones they go there with and the players who can really say who they hang out with when there not playing.
Some of the behavior in the game is from both the fans and players. Fans can start getting upset because there team isn’t playing like they should or there team isn’t getting the right calls from the referees that they think they should be. The same could go for the players from both teams. They start getting mad because they aren’t playing like they should be or they get a bad call. It all depends on how the game is going and how the players are playing on how the fans act and or behave. I picked this event because I am a big cowboys fan and I just like watching them play on Sundays.
As everyone knows American football has been around for centuries and is one of the most popular sports in America. As of 2010 football is the most watched sport of all of the four sports in America today. The Beginning A citizen of ancient Greek times used to play a game called harpaston and this game was known as a dangerous game. There were no rules, no field specifications and no guidelines. They simply went out and played this game resembling a mixture of rugby and football. In the 12th century the game as we now know it began in England.
People of this time started to love this game so much that at one time both Kings Henry II and Henry IV banned the game. At this time people where only allowed to run and kicked the ball and couldn’t pass the ball forward at all. Evolution On November 6, 1869 American football was believed to be burn when Princeton and Rutgers Universities met to play the first organized football match in American history. Within the next five years the game would change and more teams would be added. There would be new rules put together allowing the teams to have 15 players on their team.
A coach from Yale named Walter Camp introduce new rule changes to the game that would include cutting the number of players allowed on the field from 15 down to 11 and adding downs. Football originally only had three downs and the teams only had to go five yards to get a first down but in 1912 it got increased to four down and they had to get 10 yards for a first down. President Theodore Roosevelt would later help the colleges put together or crate the National Collegiate Athletic Association and they would put together a seven member rules committee that would pass a rule to legalize the forward pass.
American Professional Football Association
In 1922 the American Professional Football Association changed its name to the National Football League and thus the NFL is born. Then in 1966 the Super Bowl was crated as the NFLs Championship game. In 1967 the first super bowl was played between the Green Bay Packers and the Dallas Cowboys and the Packers would go on the win the first ever super bowl over the Cowboys 21 to 17. I have learned from doing field work that it is hard to do when you’re really not on the field doing it was same what hard to do because you can’t really get a good look at the fans or what is going on around the field.
When watching the game on a television from the house only thing you really get a good look at is all of the players from both teams and the coaches. You can hear the fans and maybe every now and thing you can get a look at the fans just for a few seconds but not long enough to really be able to see how they are acting. Phase 5 Individual Project My life experience with sports has been very interesting from the start. I started playing sports like running cross country, track and playing basketball when I was in middle school. I wanted to play football but are iddle school football coach wouldn’t late me. He told me that I was too small because I only weighted like 110 pounds in middle school. When I got into high school I still played these three sports but my sophomore year I finally started playing football but by thin I was not that up to date on how to play the game nor was I really that good. I was able to travel to many different places in middle school and high school because of sports even if it was just in the state that I live in. I allowed me to meet different people from different areas of the state.
I still think to this day if it wasn’t for sports and school that I wouldn’t have passed and graduated high school like I did. Sports are part of what I am today and I big reason why I am a sports fan today. Being a sports fan of sports now I would have to say that for me it’s a way to relax and enjoy same of the sports that I played in school without playing them anymore. Being able to watch sports gives people a way to get together with friends a few times a week or just a few times a month depending on the sport that is on at that time.
I see watching sports as a way to get a little trill without have to put your own life at risk or anyone else’s because you can do it sitting at home with your family or with friends. The sport experience help me connect with friends because it gives us something to talk about when we get together other thin just are family’s and what we have done over the past few days or weeks. The sports experience gets people together no matter what type of people they are or what race they are even if it’s just for a few minutes or a few hours’ people aren’t looking at others based on their skin color or their religion.
- ESPN. (2012). Retrieved from ESPN. com: http://espn. go. com/nba/ history of Football. (2012).
- Retrieved from historyoffootball. net: http://historyoffootball. net/ Bass, A. (2010, Apr 19).
- Livestrong. Retrieved from livestrong. com: http://www. livestrong. com/article/108870-history-football/ Faurschou, B. (n. d. ).
- History of Basketball. . Retrieved from nbahoopsonline. com: http://www. nbahoopsonline. com/Articles/History1. html
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