Saint Agnes Of Rome English Literature Essay

Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022
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Harmonizing to `` Saint Agnes of Rome, '' from, Saint Agnes of Rome was born on January 28, 292, and died at the age of 12. She was raised by a Christian household, and her name means `` pure '' in Greek, and `` lamb '' in Latin. She is besides known as Ines, Ines de Campo, and Ynez. Her feast twenty-four hours is January 21, in award of the twenty-four hours she was killed ( Terry H. Jones, `` Saint Agnes of Rome '' ) .

Saint Agnes was a beautiful immature miss, who at the age of 12 was asked to get married a prefect 's boy. He offered her gifts, but she refused. She claimed she had a partner who loved her, and she could non get married him. Agnes told the prefect 's boy that she was married to Jesus Christ ( Creative Commons ) .

Harmonizing to `` Saint Agnes Church Biography '' , from Creative Commons Attribution, the prefect 's boy was devastated when he heard her answer, and his male parent, the prefect, spoke to Saint Agnes. The prefect asked her why she would non get married his boy, to which she replied she already had a partner. When he learned she was a Christian from one of her retainers, he was pleased, for now he had power over her. The prefect offered Agnes one of two picks, either she would give to his heathen Gods, or she would be sent to the whorehouse and raped. Saint Agnes refused to idolize his false Gods, and so she was sent to the whorehouse, where she said God would protect her ( Creative Commons ) .

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When she chose the whorehouse the prefect was ferocious, and had her stripped of her apparels. She was taken to the whorehouse, but God gave her grace, and the hairs upon her caput began to turn. They grew until they covered her full organic structure, from her caput to her pess, and her organic structure could non be seen by the work forces who might harm her. At the whorehouse, Saint Agnes found an angel sent from

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God to protect her. This angel shielded her in a bright visible radiation, so work forces would non see her, nor injury

her. Agnes prayed to God and He gave her white garments, which she wore and thanked Him

for in supplication ( Creative Commons ) .

God protected Saint Agnes, so while she was in the whorehouse, merely one adult male tried to go against her. This adult male was the prefect 's boy ( Leo 's Design ) . Harmonizing to St Agnes Church Biography, the prefect 's boy was struck dead when he attempted to go against her ( Creative Commons ) , but harmonizing to Saint Agnes of Rome, the prefect 's boy was merely smitten blind ( Leo 's Design ) . However, both beginnings agree that after the prefect 's boy was harmed, Agnes prayed to God, and He revived the prefect 's boy.

When the bishops of the graven images heard of Agnes ' title, they cried for her decease, naming her a sorceress. The prefect did non desire to kill Agnes, because she had saved his boy, so he delivered her to his lieutenant. The prefect 's lieutenant chose to fulfill the people by firing Agnes to decease. However, the fires parted around her and did non touch her, so she was non harmed. When this did non work, the lieutenant took a blade to her organic structure ( Creative Commons ) . Saint Agnes was martyred by being stabbed or beheaded ( Terry H. Jones, `` Saint Agnes of Rome '' ) .

After Saint Agnes ' decease, Saint Emerentiana buried her ( Creative Commons ) . Saint Emerentiana was Agnes 's Foster sister. Agnes was buried following to the Via Nomentana in Rome. Following to her grave is a church, dedicated to her by Constantine 's girl ( Leo 's Design ) . Constantine 's girl had a church built for Saint Agnes, because when she was praying one clip, she fell asleep at Agnes ' grave. While she was asleep, Agnes appeared in her dream and said to her, `` Bodensee, work invariably, and if thou wilt believe in Christ, 1000 shalt anon be delivered of thy illness, '' ( Creative Commons ) . When she awoke, Constantine 's girl was cured of the leprosy she had been enduring from and was whole. Constantine 's girl was

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baptized, and had a church built by Agnes ' grave. It is said that Agnes appeared to others as good

as Constantine 's girl at her grave or church. After her entombment, Agnes was said to hold

appeared to her parents with a battalion of virgins, and she told her parents that they should non mourn her, for she is with her partner and love, Jesus Christ ( Creative Commons ) .

Another visual aspect Saint Agnes made was to a priest of her church, who wanted to acquire married. This priest had asked the Catholic Pope to be relieved of his services so that he might get married. The Catholic Pope alternatively gave him a ring to give to Saint Agnes, and told him to inquire her to be his married woman. The priest did so, and an image in the church accepted the ring. To this twenty-four hours that ring is on one of the images of Saint Agnes in her church ( Creative Commons ) .

Today, on Saint Agnes ' feast twenty-four hours, two lambs are blessed at her church in Rome, Italy, and so their wool is sheered. The wool from the two lambs is woven into the cerebral cortexs that the Catholic Pope gives to the archbishops as a symbol of their legal power ( Leo 's Design ) .

Saint Agnes is the frequenter saint of many things, including misss, engaged twosomes, the Children of Mary, colza victims, and virgins ( Leo 's Design ) . Harmonizing to William Benton, she is mentioned in the canon of the Roman mass ( 330 ) .

I chose to make my study on Saint Agnes of Rome because of all time since I was in 2nd class I have wanted to be confirmed as Agnes, after this saint. I used to travel to a school called Saint Agnes, and I loved and learned about her there. Saint Agnes could hold chosen a pleasant, easy life and married the prefect 's boy, but she chose non to because of her love for Jesus Christ. Agnes traveled the hardest portion of her journey entirely except for God, because her parents likely did non back up her determination, and many people likely thought she was a sorceress. It must hold been even harder because Christians were persecuted more readily so than they are today. Saint Agnes loved and trusted God wholly, and that, even without the fright of decease, is ever hard, even today. She believed in God wholly, and he saved and protected her from

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all bodily injury until the blade that killed her. I ca n't state for others, but I know that I admire her

courage, and wish I could be more like her. I know that when I hear Saint Agnes ' narrative it reminds

me that anything is possible with God, and it gives me strength to finish whatever challenge may confront me.

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