President Buddha
Buddhism states that Amitabha did not in fact create the world; this is because the world is so impure and detestable and Amitabha is far superior and perfect to ever have created the world. In a government run by this Buddhist belief it would be a continuous effort being made to reiterate the fact that the world is evil and a lot would be done in order to try and purify this state of being. Thus, a lot would change in a government run with the Buddhist belief: From healthcare to employment, the changes of such a society would be immense and drastic.
The main belief of Buddhist is a state of Nirvana, and it is with this state that the rules governing the country would be based. This paper will explore the hypothesis of a Buddhist government, the changes it would make, and how it would affect the lives of the citizenry from their jobs to what is held sacred in this world. Buddhism is based on the teaching of Siddhartha, who is known universally as Buddha (Delahunt, 2006). In the Buddhist belief, suffering is a part of life, not an emotion or state of being outside of the natural world.
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In the ancient Buddhist teachings, suffering can be superceded or be traversed by the Buddhist student who acquires mental and moral self-purification (Delahunt). Thus, a government based on Buddhist beliefs would have campaign slogans and propaganda commercials illustrating the belief that although one is suffering now with gas prices, war, poor health care and lack of job security, can all be overcome with meditation and proper spiritual guidance. Therefore in a Buddhist government part of the health care system would offer spiritual therapy in order to come to this spiritual enlightenment.
Since the philosophy of Buddhism requires an abandonment of material possessions, the earthly life is transitory. Therefore, the market industry under a Buddhist run government would have a failing import export scenario but on the other hand the country would be self-sufficient and harvest their own necessary food supplies which would definitely bring job security to farmers. A major issue that would arise from this would be corporate run farms and the individual farmer; it would seem that individual farmers would be the main occupation of the worker under this government.
Buddhism does not render revelation to be intrinsically involved in their religion because God knows all and this knowledge is passed on to them, , “In the Buddhist scriptures, there is something remarkably indistinct and evanescent; there is the spirit of the disintegration, of the dispersal of individuality. The I does not act resolutely. ” (Otto 97). In Buddhism, sickness would heal itself through death and when Nirvana was reached, such earthly trivialities would be of no concern.
Corpulent emotions and feelings would be annihilated in Nirvana while in heaven an over flooding of love and forgiveness would be the reality. In this line of thinking health insurance would have a drastically low rate of sales since death was conceptualized as an extension of life, and the profit margin on this would have no lasting effect on a Buddhist government since material possessions such as money or items money can buy would become un-important the general psyche and welfare of the people.
Bibliography Delahunt, Michael. Buddhist Art. 2006. < http://www. artlex. com/ArtLex/b/Buddhism. html> Otto, Rudolf. Buddhism and Christianity Compared and Contrasted. Ed. Trans. Philip C. Almond. University of Hawaii. 1984. Ser-Odjav, Namsrain. (March, 1986). Treasures of Mongolia. UNESCO Courier. < http://www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1310/is_1986_March/ai_4153135>
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President Buddha. (2016, Jul 28). Retrieved from
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