Locating Topics of Interest
Locating Topics of Interests Sam Johnson Northeastern university Are Female College Athletes pressured Into dysfunctional eating disorder to malting thin physical features? Female student athletes have a dual roll in trying to maintain academic and athletic excellence while in college. These athletes are expected to perform at the highest athletic level possible, and then asked to sustain their physical appearance. "For some female college athletes, such concerns and pressures may contribute to eating disorders or disordered eating behaviors" (Greengage et al. 009, IPPP).
I believe female student athletes shouldn't feel pressured into complying with society needs, by totally ignoring their own. Greengage, C. , Petrel, T. A. , Carter, J. , & Reel, J. J. (2009). Female collegiate athletes: prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors. Journal of American college Health, 57(5), 489-495. Athletes, and how weight issues may play a contributing part to this disorder. The authors will also observe the female student athletes surroundings, which may play a major role in how these students identify themselves as being over weight which loud lead to unhealthy dieting.
Furthermore, the authors will monitor the mental capacity of these female students' athletes while trying desperately to lose pounds for their team or individual sport. The authors have decided to use the "Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnosis" (Greengage, Petri, Carter, and Reel, 2009, IPPP) feeling it gives more precise results than other questionnaires. The survey will use approximately two hundred female student athletes who participate in collegiate team or individual sports, from the southern region of America.
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Several questions pertaining to weight management, and certain types of eating miscues female student athletes may or may not practice daily, due to self dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. The questionnaires revealed over fifty percent of the female student athletes were disappointed with their current fitness status. In addition almost ninety percent thought they need to lose a significant amount of mass in order for them to feel good about themselves.
Approximately twenty percent of the female student athletes disclose they overindulge in eating more than four to six months, and over twenty- eve percent revealed that workout at least two hours daily to maintain a fit physique. Almost one fourth of the female student athletes admit to having a serious eating disorder and would like to receive help to resolve their negative weight control issues, but due to the negative pressures around them to stay fit, most of the female athletes fall prey to some type of eating disorder.
Do college student athletes have the ability to truly succeed in an academic environment? College student athletes must Juggle practice and classroom assignments daily, and do the best they can to study for test without any rest. Student athletes have always carried a label of being "single-minded, narcissistic individuals who concentrate only on their athletic career" (Chem.., Mason, Middleton, and Salary, 2013). Student athletes must be given the opportunity to prove with the proper study time, they can achieve the same success as any other student.
Chem.., S. , Mason, N. , Middleton, S. , & Salary, W. (2013). An examination of behavioral data and testing scores as indicators of student-athletes' academic success. KEEPERS journal, 51(1), 34-42. The author examines the attitudes and statistics of student athletes and their academic performance and motives while in college. Chem.. Et al. Study the reports on how often do student athlete's research class materials, go to class, and participate in class lectures.
The author explores the stability between student athletes performing at the high athletic levels and achieving academic success. Middleton, and Salary, 2013, pep), which covered the basic inquires desired by the authors. Roughly one hundred ninety student athlete applicants were surveyed, which approximately sixty-eight percent of them were male and thirty-two percent were female. The survey also covered a student athlete's grade level, nationality, team sport participation and what academic year was it for them.
The authors revealed as long as student athletes didn't exceed more than twenty hours a week in athletic activities, each athlete had the ability to balance both athletic and academics. Furthermore, student athletes fell short academically when overworked in their team sport, and not given enough time to study. These findings defend the idea that student athletes only go to college to participate in team or individual sports. It shows when given the proper time to study student athletes can accomplish the same success as regular education students.
University coaches must encourage student athletes to achieve academic success first without consequence for deciding to become a scholar first. Do College Student Athletes have gambling problem which can lead to gambling addiction? Gambling is a habit most individuals can't handle, especially when discussing regular university students or student athletes. "Gambling among student athletes represents a multifaceted problem" (Elongated et al. 08, IPPP), it is not a racial or certain gender addiction, this is a problem that could have young adults with thousands of dollars in debt. Elongated, S. , Jacobs, D. , Deterrents, J. , Guppy, R. , & Passes, T. (2008). Gambling behavior among college student-athletes. Journal of Applied Sports Psychology, 20(3), 349-362. The authors investigate the possible serious gambling problems among male and female college student athletes. Elongated et al. Explores the competitive nature of student athletes, and how gambling could lead to more dishonest practices by student athletes.
In addition the authors examines the reasoning behind student athletes gambling, could this be a result from student athletes not having enough resources in college which directs them to take a chance on gambling. Elongated et al. Determined to receive accurate results decided to use the "2003 NCAA National Study on Collegiate Sports Wagering and Associated Health-Risk Behaviors" (Elongated, Jacobs, Deterrents, Guppy, and Passes, 2008). The survey received over twenty thousand participants, with roughly sixty percent male student athletes and forty percent female student athletes.
The study asked over 100 questions about gambling habits, the amount wagered, who were you betting on and what type of gambling games do you like to participate in. The authors revealed that over fifty percent of the participants admitted to gambling the year before, over eight percent admitted to gambling every week, and over three percent admitted they had real gambling issue. There were various of the male and female student athletes disclosed, it really didn't matter what game they played, Just as long as it was a gambling game for revenue.
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Locating Topics of Interest. (2017, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/locating-topics-of-interest/
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