Leadership skills in student-athletes
Leadership Skills in Student-Athletes
Harmonizing to TimTebowFans.org ( 2007 ) , Tim Tebow is one of the state 's top-rated signal callers who is playing in his concluding twelvemonth at the University of Florida. Born in the Philippines to parents who served as Christian missionaries during the summer months, Tebow was the merchandise of a profoundly spiritual homeschool environment. When the Tebow household lived in the United States they made their place in Florida and continued to homeschool their kids. At the clip Tim was of high school age, the province of Florida passed statute law which enabled homeschooled kids to take part in high school interschool sports at their territory school of abode. Tim took advantage of the jurisprudence and played line backer and tight terminal for Trinity Christian in Jacksonville for one twelvemonth. Since Trinity Christian did non go through the ball much, and Tebow wanted to play signal caller, both he and his female parent moved to an flat in another town. This made Tim eligible to play at the high school of his pick. It was at Nease High School in St. Johns County, Florida that Tebow made a name for himself. As a senior, the 6'3 '' , 225 pound signal caller led Nease High School to the province football title. In his term of office at Nease High School, Tebow earned multiple awards including being named to the Florida All-State Team and Parade 's All-American Team. In his high school calling, Tebow finished with 9,800 passing paces, 3,186 rushing paces, 95 passing touchdowns, and 62 rushing touchdowns. He was besides the characteristic participant in the nationally televised U.S. Army All-American Bowl Game.
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Tebow, one of the top high school chances in the state, was extremely recruited by many successful and high profile colleges and universities. He was really near to subscribing with the University of Alabama, but, in the terminal Tebow signed with the University of Florida because he preferred their manner of discourtesy ( TimTebowFans.org, 2007 ) .
While playing at the University of Florida, Tebow played really good, rapidly going one of the state 's premier signal callers. Harmonizing to University Athletic Association ( 2009 ) , Tebow 's collegiate awards while playing football are esteemed and legion and include winning the Heisman Trophy, the Sullivan Award, the Davey O'Brien Award, and the Maxwell Award. In 2007, Tebow was named an All-American, the first sophomore in Florida Gator history to make so. Besides in 2007, Tebow as the first University of Florida participant to be named to the first-team Academic All-American Team in over a decennary. Finally, Tebow was the 2nd participant in the history of collegiate football to reiterate as Maxwell Award victor, winning it in 2007 and 2008. On the playing field, Tebow is the lone participant in NCAA history to hotfoot and go through for at least 20 touchdowns in a season. Tebow has thrown for over 8,500 paces and 85 touchdowns in his collegiate calling, while holding besides gained over 2,850 paces on the land with 56 hotfooting touchdowns, both school records by a Florida signal caller. Tebow is besides the lone signal caller in school history to hold rushed for 100 paces in five games ( South Carolina 2007, Ole Miss 2007, Oklahoma, 2008, Kentucky 2009, Florida International 2009 ) ( ESPN, com, 2009 ; Comcast.com Sports, 2009 ) .
Leadership Skills
As signal caller for one of the top graded squads in college football, Tebow has displayed leading accomplishments 2nd to none. What is it that makes Tim Tebow a successful leader in the locale of major college football? What differentiates Tim Tebow from the many other highly-skilled signal callers viing in the National Collegiate Athletic Association ( NCAA ) ? Is it his difficult work or his ability to both run and pass the ball? Is it his actuating words and actions or his enormous passion for the game? These are all qualities that can be found in many successful jocks at the collegiate degree. What does separate Tim Tebow from all the other highly-skilled jocks in NCAA college football are the values he espouses and his enormous leading accomplishments. The most notable qualities that Tim Tebow shows are his love of truth and his devotedness to God. Everything in Tim Tebow 's life is a contemplation of his strong religion and on-going trust in God.
Harmonizing to White ( 2009 ) , a good leader shows seven specific qualities including an model character, an on-going committedness to excellence, assurance, seeing the whole image and the parts that make it map right, enthusiasm about one 's work and the specific function that is played, order and intent in hard times, and a cool demeanour
The first quality of a good leader is the presentation of an model character ( White, 2009 ) . This demands the leader lead a life a virtuousness, being trusty, honest, and exposing unity in all aspects of life. The good leader earns the right to the function of duty by `` walking the talk '' ( White, parity. 4 ) . Dirocco ( 2009 ) provinces:
What Tebow has done off from football in his four seasons at Florida, nevertheless, is merely every bit important. His mission and charity work, his Christian religion, his work with kids and his ability to briefly touch a life yet leave a permanent impact besides are a bequest that Tebow cherishes more - and one that will last beyond touchdowns and triumphs.
Tom Rogeberg, the executive frailty president for communications and selling for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes notes the followers: about Tebow:
In the annals of Doak Walker and other great college football participants, Heisman-winning participants, he stands out as holding made his grade on the field, but off the field he continues to impact people. . . He 's accessible by anyone: other jocks, immature kids, aged grandparents, non-sports figures. He merely gives them a great trade of attending [ and ] his clip. What he has done with captives and what he has done with orphans and the infirmary visits he makes, it is difficult to conceive of that anyone is like that. . . He 's an model function theoretical account.
Tebow 's male parent Bob is a devout Christian who runs his ain evangelistic association. Tim joins his male parent each summer as they travel to the Philippines distributing the Gospel and working in an orphanhood. While at that place, Tebow preaches, Teachs, helps give medical attention, and helps with the necessary day-to-day jobs. When in the United States, Tebow actively speaks at prisons, schools, churches, and young person groups. Tebow does non force faith at people. His primary end is to witness to others what God has done for him, and them hopefully it will animate others to make the same. Tebow says:
How you are traveling to act upon person is they see something in you that is different or seems particular. . . They see something in you that they think, " Wow, that 's truly cool. I 'm traveling to look into that, '' or possibly, `` He 's nice about this. He goes about this a different manner, '' and so they 'll look into it. But it 's non because I 'm coercing anything upon anyone. I try to do [ religion ] a portion of my life, merely like it is. And I will ne'er deny or coerce it. But I will ever hold it as a portion of my life. . . I hope that people can see it impact my life and how I am so passionate about it, and that 's the biggest consequence I hope that people see.
Tim Tebow walks the talk as evidenced by his admittance at the SEC media event last July that he patterns abstention and is salvaging himself for matrimony. Rogeberg remarks on Tebow 's wanting to stay pure:
I hope it makes him a function theoretical account. . . If person with that chance for celebrity and so extremely recognized wants to maintain himself pure, so [ he hopes people will inquire ] , " Is that non something that I should pattern, every bit good as his other properties, his work ethic, his fight, his desire to win, and to care for his organic structure the manner he has? '' That 's portion of what he 's making by staying pure. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 21-22 )
Tebow has a particular topographic point in his bosom for childs who are enduring from unwellness. Though unpublicized, he frequently takes clip to see with ill childs on his ain or with the Goodwill Gators organisation at the university. He is besides involved with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Tebow notes:
Bing with childs, being with ill childs, doing them smile, I think those [ memories ] will likely be even more particular to me than some of the games and some of the wins and the titles and what non. . . Because you know what? At the terminal of the twenty-four hours, that is more particular, being able to utilize football as a platform to do a child smiling, to do a child 's twenty-four hours. . . That child, that 's his life. It 's his chance or his Make-A-Wish to see me or to speak to me before a game. That 's a batch more particular than even winning a game. When you put all the flashiness and glamour aside, that 's what 's truly particular. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 24-25 )
Leaderships inspire others to acquire involved, and this is precisely what Tim Tebow has done for those around him. In fact, both participants and managers likewise have responded to Tebow 's charitable Acts of the Apostless by making charitable Acts of the Apostless themselves. Florida caput manager Urban Meyer, his married woman, and their three kids traveled to the Dominican Republic in July 2008 with a mission group and helped feed 100 households each twenty-four hours. Their trip besides entailed visits to an all-girls orphanhood and a leper settlement ( Dirocca, 2009, parity. 26 ) .
The common denominator is that Tim Tebow is a adult male of great character and religion. It is this strong character and religion that have propelled him to be a leader who is non afraid to learn and prophesy what is good and true on the football field and to use that goodness and truth to life.
White ( 2009 ) states the 2nd quality of a good leader is holding an on-going committedness to excellence. This signifies that the individual strives to be the best that he or she can perchance be in all fortunes. It is obvious that Tim Tebow is first-class at what he does both on and off the playing field. His off the field engagement in charitable causes speaks for itself. His accomplishment awards for being an first-class student-athlete along with demonstrating that he is one of the top participants in college football besides speaks volumes for Tebow 's committedness to excellence.
Harmonizing to White ( 2009 ) , the 3rd quality of a good leader is assurance. Assurance is a powerful property because assurance strains more assurance. Assurance helps actuate and pull out the best in people. After the Gators lost a close game to Ole Miss last season, Tebow displayed great assurance and inspiration during his `` The Promise '' address at the postgame interview. Tebow foremost apologized to all the Florida fans for the loss and so confidently stated:
I merely want to state one thing. . . to the fans and everybody in Gator Nation, um [ intermission ] you know what [ intermission ] , I 'm regretful. I 'm highly regretful. We were trusting for an undefeated season. That was my end, something Florida 's ne'er done here. But I promise you one thing: A batch of good will come out of this. You have ne'er seen any participant in the full state drama every bit difficult as I will play the remainder of this season, and you 'll ne'er see person force the remainder of the squad every bit difficult as I will force everybody the remainder of this season, and you 'll ne'er see a squad drama harder than we will the remainder of this season. God bless. ( as cited in Dirocco, 2009, parity. 33-34 )
A 4th quality of a good leader is being able to see the whole image and the specific parts that make it map right ( White, 2009 ) . It is like reading a roadmap, observing all the halting points along the manner to the concluding finish. Tim Tebow sees the large image as evidenced by his committedness to others, his instruction, and his football calling. So many student-athletes live merely from game to game, infinitely prosecuting celebrity and pleasance merely to hold small or nil when their athletic calling all said and done. Tebow is puting in his present and future by traveling about his life in a manner that is fixing him good for household and calling.
White ( 2009 ) asserts the 5th quality of a good leader is enthusiasm about work and enthusiasm for one 's function played in the work environment. Enthusiasm is contagious. The leader who exhibits reliable enthusiasm will actuate and animate, taking to positive action toward a common end. A good leader besides holds a vision, a vision that can be explained, shared, and enthusiastically sold so that all involved are in integrity and harmoniousness. Once once more, Tebow 's enthusiasm and passion can be readily observed in both the populace and private sectors. His passion for life is evidenced by his love for God and others, along with his pursuit for flawlessness on the playing field. Harmonizing to Beard ( 2006 ) :
On the field, Tebow runs the gamut from fiery to positive encourager depending on the state of affairs. He 's non afraid to acquire in the face of a teammate but if he admonishes a teammate for a error it is ever followed by words of encouragement and a smack on the shoulder. ( p. 8 )
A 6th quality of a good leader is being able to demo order and intent in hard times ( White, 2009 ) . This is the clip for those who follow to be shown reassurance and security through a leader 's confident and positive demeanour. Tim Tebow has non seen excessively many hard times on the playing field, but when he does endure licking he can turn the circumstance into an chance to better and go even better. His address after the Old Miss loss is proof of this.
The concluding quality of a good leader is exposing a unagitated demeanour in the face of challenges that arise ( White, 2009 ) . Tim Tebow is noted for his cool temperament, particularly during ambitious fortunes. He sees the potency in state of affairss where others lose hope. He understands that challenges will come and travel, and that he must remain true to the values he espouses until the game is over. When playing in the US Army High School All American game, Tebow stood above the remainder in exposing a superior quality of leading. `` What made that so astonishing was the quiet and unnoticeable manner that he took bid. There was nil objectionable about it. It was natural and his teammates automatically followed without reserve '' ( Beard, 2006, parity. 4 ) .
Tim Tebow embraces the challenge of being a leader. In Beard ( 2006 ) , Tebow states the followers:
My parents ever told me that I had a pick. I can either be a follower or I can be a leader. I 've ever been encouraged to be a leader but most of it comes of course. I think it 's a God-given ability and I 'm truly grateful for it. ( parity. 5 ) Tim 's male parent Bob Tebow maintains that Tim has ever had leading qualities. In fact, " Ever since he was a small cat, childs have merely gravitated to him. Wherever he is, childs merely follow him '' ( as cited in Beard, 2006, parity. 7 ) . Carl Johnson, violative lineman for the Florida Gators says " We 'll follow Tim anyplace. He 's a great leader, a great individual and a great signal caller '' ( as cited in Beard, 2006, parity. 12 ) .
Tim Tebow is a leader who lives a life of virtuousness based on values such as difficult work, answerability, strong belief, excellence, religion, goodness, honestness, regard, and teamwork. This, along with his love for God and hunt for truth, needs to be promoted and encouraged, particularly during times when the shallow chase of prestigiousness, power, and money has been made the precedence in the lives of so many. Harmonizing to University Athletic Association ( 2003 ) , the Mission Statement for the University of Florida Athletic Department is as follows:
The University Athletic Association, Inc. exists to progress the University of Florida 's instruction, research and service missions. Through the instruction and the publicity of the wellness and public assistance of pupils, the University Athletic Association seeks to associate experiences of all backgrounds, races, beginnings, genders, and civilizations to fix coevalss of pupils and staff, including adult females and minorities, to be productive members of society. The character of the sports plans at the University Athletic Association reflects the character of the University of Florida as a major, public, comprehensive establishment of higher acquisition. The University Athletic Association is dedicated to the rational, physical and personal development of student-athletes, every bit good as staff, including adult females and minorities. Showing leading in all determinations impacting college sports, the University Athletic Association will move in an ethical and honest mode, will advance an environment furthering the professional and personal accomplishment of managers, decision makers and staff, will achieve excellence in athletic public presentation, sportsmanship, fiscal strength, and superior fan satisfaction. This vision in sports is at the nucleus of our duty to the University, to our pupils, and to the populace at big. ( para. 1-2 )
Student-athletes such as Tim Tebow are a perfect tantrum for the mission of the University of Florida Athletic Program. His portraiture of excellence in faculty members and sports, and his societal outreach to assist those who are less fortunate is a theoretical account for all student-athletes to emulate. His quiet but strong leading accomplishments combined with personal qualities of honestness and good moralss makes Tim Tebow an outstanding student-athlete. It is the end of all collegial athletic plans to happen and enroll student-athletes such as Tim Tebow who display sound character and lead by word and illustration. When student-athlete recruits fall short and do non exhibit moralss and leading, they non merely ache themselves, they hurt the athletic section and the university as a whole.
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