Issues in the management of human resources

Last Updated: 03 Mar 2020
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1. What social, economic and/or cultural conditions give rise to the HR issues in this case?

Experiencing change: New markets and relocated managers raised components in Jaguar, which means it is taking over the luxury carmaker market world-widely by finding a local partner to consolidate social position. Government support for research and development to ensure the industry’s strength is important.

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Strategic HRD/HRM: According to contextual and dynamic framework Garavan (2007), Jaguar changed global environment from national conditions to multinational; therefore job value and uniqueness have been transferred from internal customers or suppliers to external.

Cultural comparisons: Jaguar needs to take consideration of uncertainty avoidance due to cultural environment changed in new market. Reward options are keys to impact recruitment in the background of cultural diversity.

2. Which three module topics do you intend to address within your answer to Assignment 2, and why have you chosen these?

Experiencing change: Life is a journey with full of change. Transition and resistance happened everyday in organisations. Change is uncertain and what is present today maybe absent tomorrow. The movement with strategies creating opportunities for a better future is what organisation needs to experience.

Cultural comparisons: When organisations globalize, most of work finished through people located in different nations. Collaboration and coordination of employment is the noticeable trend. Therefore the importance of cultural comparisons is rising up.

Coaching: Leadership is an art and ensures the continuation of the organisation. Stimulate effectiveness by enabling others to reach both personal and institutional potential. Managers emphasize coaching as a key part to sustain leadership effectiveness.

3. Which academic journal articles will you examine, and why have you chosen these

Experiencing change: Smollan (2006) published different perspectives to change in organizational behaviour. Conway (2008) explores the relationship between HR practices and commitment to change. Bunker (2008) responded to change and help people move forward.

Cultural comparison: Ferner (2011) used large-scale representative surveys to examine key aspects of control in multinational companies. Lamond and Zheng (2009) pointed critical view on Chinese HRM issues. Cantwell and Zhang (2011) summarised the relationship between multinational corporations and local economic systems.

Coaching: Kirkbride (2006) illustrated innovative range leadership model and how this model developed leadership. Cole (2011) reviewed the latest management developments from cutting-edge research. Pollitt (2011)explained coaching initiative and the results it achieved.


Bunker, K. A. (2008) “Responses to Change: Helping People Manage Transition”. Leadership in Action, vol.28, No.5, pp.15-17

Cantwell, J. and Zhang, Y. (2011) “Innovation and location in the multinational firm”. International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 54, No.1, pp. 116-132

Cole, G. (2011) “Why leaders are key to their own development”. Human Resource Management International Digest, vol.19, No.2, pp. 19-23

Conway, E. (2008) “HR practices and commitment to change: an employee-level analysis”. Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 18 Issue 1, pp.72-89

Ferner, A. (2011) “HRM structures and subsidiary discretion in foreign multinationals in the UK”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 22 Issue 3, pp. 483-509

Garavan, T. (2007) “A Strategic Perspective on Human Resource Development”. Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 11-30

Kirkbride, P. (2006) “Developing transformational leaders: the full range leadership model in action”. Industrial and Commercial Training, vol. 38 Issue: 1, pp.23 – 32

Lamond, D. and Zheng, C. (2009) “A Critical Review of Human Resource Management Studies (1978-2007) in the People’s Republic of China”. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol.20, No.11, pp.2194-2227

Pollitt, D. (2011) “Coaching drives performance improvement at GM Europe”. Human Resource Management International Digest, vol.19, No.1, pp.10-11

Smollan, R. K. (2006) “Minds, hearts and deeds: Cognitive, affective and behavioural responses to change”. Journal of Change Management, vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 143-158

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