Health and My Body Care
Health is the most important thing in a person’s life. It is the biggest personal property. Every person should think more about his health because when health is lost, everything is lost. Good health is better than the best medicine. And if your health is good, you are always in a good mood. But sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind. It even can cause of economic burdens for family. So we shouldn’t wait when health comes like a bolt from the blue, we should do something ourselves.
As for me I have many ways to take care of my health. For example, I do morning exercises in the morning. It doesn’t take much time and I can feel bright, I can get back my energy after a long sleep. I try to take long walks in the open air as often as I can. But when the weather is not very bad I sleep with my window open. I also like playing some sports: biking or badminton. I think sport is very important in our life. It is a way leading you to the healthy life.
And playing sport is useful for our health. I also have the strict day’s routine. I never do my homework very late in the evening. Evening is my rest time. All my life is planned. I usually try to plan everything ahead so I don’t have to hurry. Beside the day’s activities, food is a factor to improve my health. I eat three times a day. I never miss breakfast or overfeed. I like eating a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit, drink fruit juice.
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Sugar and fat is a few and I also use a little meat and salt. I also keep my body clean, wear clean clothes. Looking at a person who is clean and orderly dressed you can feel better too. Hairbrushes, toothbrushes are not lent. Every person should use only his personal things. That’s all about my body care. I think if you have a good health you can do everything. Health and wellness brings about a drastic improvement in the overall quality of your life. So, take care of your health best!
Health Campaign
Health Campaign- Part One HCS 535 July 23, 2012 Dr. Beth Hale Health Campaign- Part One Obesity is a chronic condition that has grown in epidemic proportions over the years. Obesity is defined as the body weight which is excessive than expected in healthy individuals and presently in the United States, obesity has become of the greatest public health challenges. It is reported that 2. 8 million adults will die in the world because of obesity (World Health Organization, 2012).
This paper will present obesity and the initiative of Healthy People 2020 to combat this health issue. It will present the federal, state, and local agencies tasked with addressing and managing this issue. It will present models used to determine and analyze obesity, define the community and targeted populations and describe the epidemiologic surveillance systems used for monitoring obesity. It will present epidemiology tools, such as risk assessment and trends in disease and health to analyze obesity. Obesity in America
In the United States obesity rates have escalated to higher levels than ever seen before. At this time one-third of all adults in the United States are classified as obese (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The national identified health objectives developed by the federal government is Healthy People. These initiatives began in 2000 and were updated in 2010 and 2020. Healthy People 2000 were developed in 1990 by the Department of Human and Health Services as a strategy to improve the health of Americans (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2009).
The first two priority areas identified were physical fitness and nutrition. The Healthy People objectives were rereleased in 2010 with additional priority objectives. The goals of this objectives was similar to the one in 2000 but truly focusing on reducing health disparities and to increase the quality and years of healthy life (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). This national program was updated again to reflect the next decade called Healthy People 2020 and to promote avoiding preventable disease as the focus.
According to Department of Human and Health Services (2010), “Healthy People 2020 is the product of an extensive stakeholder feedback process that is unparalleled in government and health. It integrates input from public health and prevention experts, a wide range of federal, state and local government officials, a consortium of more than 2,000 organizations, and perhaps most importantly, the public” (para. 7). Healthy People 2020 are a federally developed project to improve the health of all Americans. There were many lead federal agencies involved in the development of the framework of Healthy People 2020.
These agencies vary from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality, Food and Drug Administration, and National Institute of Health, to name a few. These agencies worked together with the Department of Human and Health Services to develop the national program of Healthy People 2020. They also sought out public support and comments to ensure they have the views and had met the needs of the public. The Department of Human and Health Services have state level departments who address and manage the issue of obesity at that level.
They promote and meet the objectives of Healthy People 2020 and according to Department of Human and Health Services (2012), “The Healthy People State and Territorial Coordinators make Healthy People happen every single day across the United States. Each state and territory has a Healthy People Coordinator who serves as a liaison with the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). These coordinators ensure that the development of a state or territorial plan is in line with Healthy People goals and objectives” (p. 2). There are many local agencies and schools who have registered to be part of the Healthy People program.
Determinants of Health What makes an individual unhealthy or obese is a question often asked. When reviewing models and systems to determine or analyze obesity there is an opportunity to review the determinants of health. According to Department of Human and Health Services (2012), “The ranges of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health” (p. 2). There are many determinants of health such as policymaking, social, physical, individual behavior, and genetics.
These determinants of health altogether work to determine ones individual and population health (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Policy making is “policies at the local, State, and Federal level affect individual and population health” (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012, p. 2). This can deter and improve obesity by taxing unhealthy foods or providing tax cuts for those who eat healthier. A social determinant of health looks at social factors in the environment that impacts the individuals’ health (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012).
An individual social norm may be to eat out at restaurants with friends instead of cooking at home or not able to afford healthy groceries. Physical determinants of health are captured by looking at physical barriers to eating healthy or exercising. An individual may not be living in a safe environment to exercise or go for walks. Individual behaviors include diet, physical activity, alcohol consumption or drug use (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). These directly affect one’s individual health outcomes and play a huge role in obesity.
Genetic social determinant of health affects some more than others; examples include family history of disease, age, sex, and inherited conditions (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Obesity is generally seen in families and not only affects the individual but also the children as well. Living a sedentary lifestyle is generally passed down in families. Data Systems There are many data components captured to determine and analyze obesity through data and vital statistics and disease registries. There are many data indicators to measure the objectives and to determine the priority objectives.
The Healthy People relies on data sources to track progress, such as National Vital Statistics System and National Health Interview Survey. The National Vital Statistics Systems (NVSS) “is the oldest and most successful example of inter-governmental data sharing in Public Health and the shared relationships, standards, and procedures form the mechanism by which National Centre for Health Statistics collects and disseminates the Nation's official vital statistics” (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012, p. 1). Birth, deaths, marriages and divorce is collected through the NVSS.
The National Health Interview Survey is a tool used by the United States Census Bureau to collect information to track health status, health care access, and progress toward achieving national health objectives (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). The data is collected by personal interviews with American households. “The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) have provided a continuous monitoring of prevalence and incidence of obesity in a nationally representative sample of individuals” (Center of Disease Control and Prevention, 2012, p. 3).
Disease registries are collected by private agencies, such as National Institute of Health to collect data on chronic illnesses such as obesity. Many organizations will track body mass index on their employees for the wellness screenings. There are many resources available to determine and analyze obesity and are available on the Internet to review. Healthy People 2020 – Nutrition and Weight Status The Healthy People 2020 objective to reduce obesity in the United States “reflects strong science supporting the health benefits of eating a healthful diet and maintaining a healthy body weight.
The objectives also emphasize that efforts to change diet and weight should address individual behaviors, as well as the policies and environments that support these behaviors in settings such as schools, worksites, health care organizations, and communities”( (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012, p. 2). The community addressed includes the general population of the United States. The data shows that obesity is found in 34% of the American population (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012).
Obesity is more prominent in 20-year or over with disabilities, 25 years or over with some college or associate degree, publicly insured ; 65 years of age, 20 years or over who are divorced or separated, and more seen in the age range of 45-64 years (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). It appears females have a higher rate of obesity than males, black or African American individuals have the highest rate of obesity and with Hipics not far behind.
Americans who have a chronic condition generally have a higher rate of obesity than Americans without chronic disease, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Individuals born in the United States have a higher incidence of obesity than individuals born in another country (Department of Human and Health Services, 2012). Surveillance Systems The epidemiology surveillance systems used to monitor obesity is done by tracking an individual’s body mass index, skinfold measurements, body circumference, and height and weight.
The body mass index takes the height and weight and compares to other like genders and references. There are many epidemiology tools within health care to address obesity. Many individuals track their dietary intake such as myfitnesspal. com. Assessments such as increase in blood pressure are an indicator of a risk for obesity if there has been an increase in weight gain. Wellness screenings offered in health care organization is another tool to address obesity, it allows the population to access health care professionals on topics such as diet, diabetes, have their body mass index taken.
There is a huge trend to be physical active and eat healthy foods with Michelle Obama partnering with A Healthier America and promoting healthy lifestyles and eating. Conclusion Obesity in America has grown in epidemic proportions over the years and presently one-third of the country is classified as obese. Obesity leads to many other diseases and chronic conditions that will be very costly to the health care system. The federal, state, and local agencies are working diligently to promote Healthy People and provide tools to the public to fight obesity.
Individuals need to start exercising, eating healthy, and develop healthy lifestyles to live a longer healthier life. References Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (2009, Fall). Healthy people 2000. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/nchs/healthy_people/hp2000. htm Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, Spring). Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/obesity/data/adult. html/ Center of Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). The National Vital Statistics System. Retrieved from http://www. dc. gov/nchs/nvss. htm Department of Human and Health Services. (2010). HHS announces the nation’s new health promotion and disease prevention agenda. Retrieved from http://www. healthypeople. gov/2020/about/DefaultPressRelease. pdf Department of Human and Health Services. (2012). HealthyPeople. Gov. Retrieved from http://www. healthypeople. gov/2020/default. aspx World Health Organization. (2012). Obesity and overweight. Retrieved from http://www. who. int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs311/en/index. html
Health Care Dysfunctions and their Solutions
The American health care system has been previously bragged as the most excellent around the world until the emergence and realization of its major dysfunctions. The increasing number of American people who still could not afford the high cost of the health care system as well as the obvious problems within the structure itself is concrete manifestations that the existing health care program is no longer working to the advantage of the people.
In fact, the alarming reality of the escalating health care price and its apparent inaccessibility definitely comprise a valid predicament particularly dysfunctions in the health care system. In any dilemma, there are possible solutions and however difficult, concerned people including authorities and those belonging in the health care industry need to continue look for ways to address and eventually solve the system’s failures.
This is because in doing so, the health care system’s objectives to advocate excellent health among people, be accessible and for it to be at reasonable price will ultimately become a reality hence paving way for the rectification of health care dysfunctions. Hence, the said factors are what the readers will be able to learn from the topic of health care system ultimately paving the way for the essential understanding of its dysfunctions and needed solutions.
Health Care System, an Overview
Through a comparison of the different health care structures of a variety of countries, relevant survey results indicated the true nature of a high-quality and reasonable health care system. The pieces of information and ideas resulting from such studies have signified a clear assessment of the health care systems of the United States and several countries as regard concerns about its price, accessibility, quality and choice of people but most importantly the effectiveness of the system in creating good health among people (“The U. S. health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive? ”, 2001).
Citing the statistical report by the World Health Organization on some 191 member countries, the global health body was able to create three major objectives which also serve as the factors to be considered for a country’s health care system to be considered as good and fair. These include the health care program’s promotion of good health hence “making the health status of the entire population as good as possible” (cited in “The U. S. health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive?” 2001).
Responsiveness is also a requirement where the system needs to respond to people’s prospects of appropriate health management and the corresponding orientation by health care providers to their respective public. Health care system should also be rational or fair in its costs and financing thereby assuring the financial protection of people and wherein its costs determined and spread based from a client’s financial capacity (“The U. S. health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive?”, 2001).
Hence, the health care system’s general and excellent characteristic could be best yet simply exemplified in a way that it should supposedly deal with failures concerning its price, worth, convenience and variety. Health Care Dysfunctions Failures in the health care system are already evident even for the past years. Citing the Census Bureau, Davidz (2007) reported that there were already close to 47 million Americans who were not insured or not part of the country’s health care system for at least the past two years.
While the statistics is only around 15 percent of the overall American population, recent records have shown that the percentage is likely to increase taking into consideration the significant dysfunctions of the system. Davidz also mentioned an economist’s observation that health care malfunction is characterized by too expensive or unaffordable health care program. However, the author noted that a possible plan to make a program reasonably priced discourages the provision of health care as it will slash into the enormous, untaxed privileges offered to those belonging to the top structure of an organization (Davidz, 2007).
In essence, this cost-related failure of health care is an essential element which needs to be resolved. A personal experience or observation proves this particular dysfunction. In the State of California alone, approximately seven million residents do not have health coverage or health care program. The number is regarded to be the country’s biggest uninsured public and that the uncontrollably increasing price has been noted to be the main detrimental factor which pressures the inexpensiveness of any health care.
While the emergence of the so-called “year of health reform” in California guarantees change in the system, it is still unfortunate to note that other equally-important health care dysfunctions continue to be unaddressed. Aside from the failure of making the system affordable, other malfunctions include the need for the system to be of high quality, accessible and provider of different selections where a person has diversity in choosing what health care plan is best fitting (Smith, 2007).
Meanwhile, the accessibility failure of the American heath care only proved that the country is the only developed nation, aside from South Africa, which fails to give such benefit to its people. In contrast, the government only provides a mixture of insurance coverage offered by private organizations which is determined according to one’s employment as well as some government-based health programs which cater to active and retired military personnel, handicapped and deprived citizens. Such dysfunction forms severe breach as far as the accessibility of the insurance coverage.
Coupled this with the cost fiasco, more people eventually let go of their respective health care program (“The U. S. health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive? ”, 2001). A research has also proven that Americans are provided with only half of the suggested and supposed health care. Such study was determined based from the rising proofs of quality-related dysfunction in the American health care system. This also showed that a health program does not ensure one from getting quality care (Napier, 2006).
Additionally, the system only poses harm to patients because it fails to live up to what is expected and that extensive quality-related issues are manifested by the rising number of medical blunders. Such error is due to the fact that people are provided with the misleading notion of service quality instead of the needed clinical or medical quality (“American families deserve quality health care,” 2007). Solutions to Health Care Dysfunctions Possible solutions were already provided such as overhauling the system wherein the new administration commits to make health care program carry a high cost tag (Feld, 2009).
However, what are needed are concrete solutions which aim to finally get to the bottom of this issue. Specifically as regard the quality of the health care, medical blunders need to be avoided through correct diagnosis, surgery and medication. These can be particularly done by creating and implementing means to track such clinical mistakes which will make health providers liable for the blunder as well as also ensuring the best quality among medical personnel making them fit for their work (“American families deserve quality health care,” 2007).
As for the high cost, there is a need to limit the price of medical technologies, services and medication thereby ensuring the benefit of both the health care providers and clients. Aside from private-based health programs, government-initiated plans need to be more diverse offering easier access to almost sectors of the society such as children (Davidz, 2007). Finally, giving people with free choice of suitable health care program and provider will be another significant step to completely address, if not resolve the problem.
Conclusion A nation’s health care system is expected to be free of dysfunctions in order to attain the good well-being of people. While failures in the system are inevitable, what is important and required are that the needed solutions are clearly identified and effectively implemented.
Davidz, E. (2007). Diagnosing the problem but not the remedy. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://www. marketwatch. com/news/story/healthcare-problems-agreed-solutions-not/story. Feld, S. (2009, January 11).
Congressional Budget Office Reveals Budget Hurdles in Financing Healthcare Reform. Message posted to http://stanleyfeldmdmace. typepad. com/ Napier, M. (2006).
All Americans at risk of receiving poor quality health care. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://www. rwjf. org/files/publications/other/asch_nejm_20060316. pdf National Partnership for Women ; Families. (2007).
American families deserve quality health care. Retrieved January 13, 2009, from http://www. nationalpartnership. org/site/PageServer? pagename=qcn_factsheet_poorquality Smith, M. D. (2007).
Health Care Reform 2007: Defining Problems, Examining Solutions. Retrieved January 12, 2009, from http://www. chcf. org/topics/view. cfm? itemID=132238 University of Maine. (2001).
The U. S. Health Care System: Best in the World, or Just the Most Expensive?. Orono, Maine: Bureau of Labor Education.
Mental Health Essays: Interesting Topics That Can Be Developed
An essay paper should be the result of your hard, thorough and thoughtful reading, as well as analytical thinking. An essay is a method to present one’s thoughts and ideas. The current article provides you with several interesting ideas concerning the topics that can be developed in the course of writing mental health essays.
- Useful idea 1
The first idea that can serve as the basis for a perfect topic for mental health essays is the one on numerous mental diseases, their symptoms, and the ways of treatment. You can choose a mental disease and analyze it in your mental health essay with a view to its symptoms, subtypes, and ways of possible treatment.
- Useful idea 2
The second useful idea concerning mental health essays can be developed taking into consideration the religious aspects of treatment of different mental diseases. You can develop a topic of the religious prejudices and medical treatment of autism. You can compare religious beliefs of different churches concerning the ways of treatment in your mental health essay.
- Useful idea 3
You can consider a movie about mental health or different abnormalities in your mental health essay. You should argue about effectiveness of presentation of symptoms and manifestations of this or that mental disease by a definite actor or actress in your mental health essay.
- Useful idea 4
A book or an article which tells about people with mental health disorders can be analyzed in mental health essays. You should tell about the preimage of a character depicted in a definite article or a book. Write about reasons of the writer to describe a mentally sick person in your mental health essay.
An essay on mental health and different mental disorders can emphasize ideas touched upon in the current article.
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