Argumentative Essay about Gay Marriage

Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
Essay type: Argumentative
Pages: 7 Views: 294

1. Obsession with Diets Is Dangerous; 2. School Uniform Should Be a Must for Students; 3. ”Harry Potter” Should Be on the List of School Literature; 4. Online Slang Should Be Treated Like a Part of Teenage Subculture; 5. Vegetarianism Is not a Healthy Lifestyle; 6. Children Need Private Space Just as Adults Do; 7. Friendship Between a Man and a Woman Is Possible; 8. Parents Should not Tell Children Tales About Birds and Bees; 9. Cartoon Violence Should not Be Censored; 10. Junk Food Must Be Avoided at All Costs; 11. The Earth Needs People’s Help: Industries Must Be More Environment-Friendly; 12.

Team Spirit as the Basis of Coordination between Employees and Managers; 13. Art Should not Be a Protest Against the Hardships of Reality; 14. Democracy as the Only Reasonable System of Government; 15. Freedom Is the Ultimate Necessity of Human Beings; 16. The Losing Edge: Gambling Is a Dangerous Passion; 17. Ten Reasons Why People Should Play PC Games; 18. Animals Have Rights as Well as People Do: Down with Cruel Treatments! ; 19. Endangered Species Must Be Protected: Prevent Poaching! ; 20. GMO Products Are not as Hazardous as They Are Considered; 21. Christmas Must Be More than a Reason for a Consumption Surge; 22.

Horror Movies Must Be Treated as a Means to Experience Adrenalin Rush; 23. ”The Simpsons” Should Be Viewed as a Political and Social Satire; 24. Music Should not Be Split into ”Lower” and “Refined” genres; 25. Fashion Models Must not Be Role Models for Girls; 26. Every Teenager Must Get over the Stage of Having an Idol; 27. Chupacabras: The Ultimate Proof of the Spooky Creatures’ Existence; 28. The Existence of Life on Mars Is Possible; 29. Atlantis Did Exist: The Ultimate Proof; 30. Poeple Should Treat their Pets like Members of Their Family. 31. Abortion 32. Adoption 33. Affirmative Action Laws 34.

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Aids choices for Life 35. Air Bags 36. Aliens and UFO's: Yes or no 37. Amnesty: Should prisoners receive this? 38. Animal Rights 39. Are there Angels among us? 40. Assisted Suicide 41. Bigamy 42. Birth Control 43. Books: are they a thing of the past 44. Breast Feeding in Public 45. Breast Implants 46. Beauty is more than skin deep 47. Brand Names cost more, but is the quality any better 48. Budgeting as well as spending 49. Campus Issues - Dating 50. Campus Issues - Greek Life 51. Campus Issues - Student Fees 52. Campus Issues - Student Funding 53. Campus Issues - Student Govt. 54. Campus Issues - Student Life 55.

Campus Issues - Technology 56. Capital Punishment 57. Censorship of Internet 58. Chat Rooms: Are they safe 59. City Curfews 60. Cloning 61. Conservation and Recycling: Is it Important 62. Cults Kill 63. Does Dieting lead to Eating Disorders 64. Discrimination Laws 65. Divorce: Does it destroy children 66. Donor Insemination: Selling Babies 67. Dr. Kevorkian 68. Drinking Age 69. Drug Legalization 70. Drunk Driving 71. Eating Less Meat 72. Ebonics 73. Euthanasia 74. Feminism 75. Filtering Internet 76. Food Additives 77. Food Stamps 78. Foreign Policy 79. Fur is not a Fashion Statement (using animal fur for coats) 80.

Should American companies go overseas for workers? 81. Gay Marriages 82. Gene Testing 83. Genetic Engineering 84. Ghosts: Are they real 85. Global Warming: Fact or Fiction 86. Government Regulation of Utilities 87. Gun Laws 88. Gun Control 89. Human Cloning 90. Hunting Laws 91. Illiteracy: Is it a problem 92. Immigrants and Illegal Aliens 93. Immunity Rights for Political Leaders 94. Legalizing Marijuana 95. Legalized Gambling 96. Mandatory Seatbelt Laws 97. Media Ethics 98. Medicare 99. Mothers should stay at home 100. Nuclear Weapons 101. Online Gambling 102. Organ Transplants 103. Pesticide Use 04. Prayer in Schools 105. Priests: Should they be allowed to marry? 106. Privacy rights for Celebrities 107. Public Office Terms 108. Reincarnation 109. Religions: Should they interfere with medical care? 110. Right to own Pitbulls 111. Smoking in Public Places 112. Space Program 113. Speed Limits 114. Steroids 115. Is stomach stapling the way to lose weight? 116. Tax Laws 117. Terrorism 118. Test Tube Babies 119. Tobacco 120. Unemployment Compensation 121. Women in the Military 122. Wrestling and Football: Should girls be allowed? 123. Is home schooling better than schooling from an institute? 124.

Should there be a special class given on the dangers of smoking and drinking in school? 125. Should the academic requirements of a school be waived off for athletes? 126. Are same-sex schools better than co-ed schools? 127. Should the grade system be done away with or does it motivate students to learn better? 128. Should school uniforms be made compulsory? 129. Should sex education be imparted in school or by the parents? 130. Should there be a censorship maintained for some of the television programs? 131. Is the Internet spoiling the kids? 132. Should we have to study something that is not related to our major? 133.

Should physical exercise be included in the syllabus? 134. Should school hours be extended so that students can do their homework in school itself? Or should they take it home? 135. Should school prayers include ethnic prayers or should they be completely banned? 136. Should school lockers be allowed to be searched for security purposes? 137. Should exams be scrapped for alternative systems of grading? Environmental Issues * Environmentalists are misusing the term sustainable development. * Harnessing renewable energy sources like wind energy, hydroelectricity, biomass and solar power should be encouraged by the government. Ocean acidification endangers marine organisms. * The advantages of an inter-cropping system for sustainable plant production * The concerns about ozone depletion in Earth’s stratosphere. * Global warming demands more global action * Our consumerism has killed the earth * Impact of biomagnification on environment * Impact of oil spills in oceans * The effect of industrialization on nature * Impact of plastic bag deposition on environment Education * The importance of higher education * Benefits of a college degree * Tuition voucher programs upgrade academic performances. Video conferencing could be the solution for improving classes in rural areas. * Online teaching should be given equal importance as regular teaching * Introduction of interactive classes in theory classes * Arts classes can foster greater awareness of the world around you * Introduction of sex education in school and college * Encouragement of creative activities in college * The goals of student council election * Intercultural education should be encouraged * Introduction of effective character education course in the curriculum * Inculcating religious tolerance in students Discrimination based on caste, creed, country and ethnicity Laws and Ethics * Warning signs that a child is being cyber bullied. * Bank account holders can be better protected than they are now * Everyone should have access to health care services. * Animal testing and cloning practices should be banned * Should abortion be legalized? * Feminism could help improve the position of females in Africa * Regulation of euthanasia laws * The laws for infringement of intellectual property, piracy and patents should be strictly enforced * Capital punishment to combat criminalism Knowledge of human rights is essential * Measures to check juvenile crime Social/ Family Concerns * Bigamy should be strictly prohibited * Arguments for gay marriage * Family violence is a major cause of relationship break ups * Reasons behind increase in single parent families * Surrogacy should be encouraged * Hassles of emigration and relocation * The correct ways to deal with family problems (divorce, infidelity, etc) * Importance of freedom of speech * Family planning, a measure to control population * The truth behind long lasting relationships * The correct ways to groom your child Managing cost of living Work and Business * Implementation of DMAIC process for business development * Importance of effective communication in the workplace * Correct measures for retention of employees * Importance of knowledge management in an organization * Introduction of stress buster activities in office * Conditions for good franchising business agreements * Background check should be mandatory before hiring employees * Top ten strategic e-marketing issues * Proven methods and insights to run successful retail business operations * Ergonomics in the workplace Backing up trade secrets with a signed confidential agreement * Business ethics and social responsibility General Issues * The positive effects of the growing number of seniors in cyberspace. * Dangers of having a credit card debt when you are a high school student. * The mystery of Bermuda Triangle. * Skinny models are setting a bad example for teenagers * The future of science and technology * Exams should not be mandatory * Sports as a unifying factor for the world * Organ donation, a measure to save lives. * Breast feeding in public should be allowed modestly * Public display of affection should be banned Importance of morals and ethics in journalism * Censorship of Internet * Safety of chat rooms * Impact of excessive use of social networks on children and adults * Privacy rights for celebrities * Banning of smoking in public places is necessary Rigging of movie rating system. Mandatory Voting. Compulsory uniform for college students. Forget about the past. Free health insurance for all. Increase in wages with the increase in gas prices. Open book exams. Install safety lights in college parking lots. Healthy lifestyle - why not become a vegetarian? Lose weight to change your lifestyle!

Is lying necessary to maintain good relationships? Plan for the future - good or bad? Reduce consumption of junk food. Start leading. Making it compulsory for parent and teachers to meet after specified period of time. Don't accept college credit card offers. Raising of the minimum amount earned by an individual. Controversial Persuasive Speech Topics Controversial topics are such that people have a certain opinion about a particular topic. There may be several people who may have a different opinion compared to yours, so you need to present it such a way that your opinion does not hurt the sentiments of others.

Some of the controversial college speech topics include: Does luck play an important part in the success of a person? Should an adopted child know who his/her birth parents are? Should juveniles be meted the same punishment as adults for the same crime? Is global warming a reality? Legalization/non legalization of marijuana. Promotion/non promotion of violence in video games. Is human cloning good/bad? Should religious education be provided along with public education? Should companies producing guns be held responsible for crimes involving guns? Should single parent adopt a child?

Good Persuasive Speech Topics Whatever you choose, an interesting topic to talk about has two sides to it, but if you are a good orator, you can change the opinions of the people. Some of the good persuasive speech ideas are mentioned below, and they may include some controversial topics as well. Is there any justification of terrorism? Influence of television on students. Should sex education be made compulsory? Pros and cons of internet dating. Are vampires real? Is there life after death? Read more at Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/persuasive-speech-topics-for-college-students. html

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Argumentative Essay about Gay Marriage. (2016, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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