Essays on Neoclassicism

Essays on Neoclassicism

This page contains the best examples of essays on Neoclassicism. Before writing your essay, you can explore essay examples - note their structure, content, writing style, etc. The process of creating an essay about Neoclassicism generally consists of the following steps: understanding the assignment, identifying the topic, collecting information, organizing the information collected, developing the main statement, writing a draft. At the editing stage of the draft, its coherence is improved, essential material is added, non-essential is omitted and a smooth transition between the individual parts of the Neoclassicism essay is ensured. Then the structure and content of the paragraphs are corrected, individual words and sentences are polished. After editing, the draft is subtracted, and spelling and punctuation errors are corrected.

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We've found 108 essays on Neoclassicism

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How Did Neoclassicism Influence Romanticism

Niccolo Machiavelli once said, “whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past”, seems to sum the influence of past artistic styles on works of art across varying time periods. Neoclassicism, a popular art style in the 18th and early 19th century drew inspiration …

Words 2065
Pages 8
Reluctant Works Case Study

This case study is based on a conversation between two people: Tim Aston, a new project manager, and Phil Davies, director of project management. Aston had just changed jobs and was very excited about his new job. He wanted to be the best manager his …

Case StudyConfidenceMotivationNeoclassicism
Words 101
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Neoclassicism in Architecture

Neoclassicism is the name given to Western motions in the cosmetic and ocular humanistic disciplines, literature, theater, music, and architecture that draw inspiration from the “ classical ” art and civilization of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome. The chief Neo-classical motion coincided with the eighteenth …

Words 1468
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The Glorification and Horrors of War Through the Arts

Artistes have always painted scenes of war from the Ancient worlds of Egypt and Greece. The relief inside the Abu Simbel Temple showing Ramses in the Battle of Kadesh and of his victory over the Hittites is an excellent example. The Athena Frieze depicting the …

ARTEssay ExamplesNeoclassicismPaintingRomanticism
Words 2297
Pages 9
Neoclassical Architecture

The Founding Fathers of the United States, especially the classically educated Thomas Jefferson, chose Neoclassicism as the country’s national architectural style as it is the amalgamation of all the ideals that the Founding Fathers had fought for in their journey to independence from their colonizers …

Words 404
Pages 2
Compare and Contrast Argumentative Essay

Compare and Contrast Essay Sample Comparison and Contrast of Two Art Periods and Their Major Works Renaissance and Neoclassicism are two major periods in the history of art during which different forms of art including architecture, painting, music and visual arts, significantly progressed. During these …

ARTEssay ExamplesMichelangeloNeoclassicismRenaissance
Words 617
Pages 3
Neoclassicism vs Romanticism

Neoclassicism & Romanticism (17809181 Neoclassicism, sass: Neoclassical pieces generally portrayed Roman history; they elevated Roman heroes. During the sass was an Age of Reason and through its history paintings, its works were modes for conveying the Enlightenment ideals. Many of the pieces, like the Oath …

Words 1231
Pages 5
American Romanticism

The Literary movement and story I decided to choose was American Romanticism, and “The Birthmark” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. American Romanticism is a literary period in American Literature that lasted from sass to sass. The movement itself started off as an offshoot of the European Romanticism …

American RomanticismNeoclassicismRomanticism
Words 1685
Pages 7
How Romanticism and Photography Shaped Western Modernitymodern

“Western modernity was shaped by cross-currents between Europe and North America in the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century. ” Neoclassicism was a movement which focused on the rediscovery of Ancient Greek and Roman values and style (and called Greek revival …

Words 1649
Pages 6
Clorox Green Works

Clorox, the Oakland, California-based manufacturer of chemical products best known for its eponymous brand of liquid bleach as well as many other household cleaning products, announced earlier this year a new line of cleaning products marketed heavily under the banner of environmental friendliness. The line, …

Words 589
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Dropbox: It Just Works

The reason that Dropbox is such a universal concept is because anyone in the world can be a buyer of Dropbox. It can be an individual trying to save and access their pictures on different platforms or it can be a multinational firm who uses …

Words 899
Pages 4
Romanticism and Neoclassical

Romanticism a word that makes one think that it is a piece of art that shows love, a man and a woman. But it is not quite that, romanticism can mean freedom, rebellion, it could symbol intuition, emotion, the individual, and truth. It refers to …

Words 1528
Pages 6
Romantic Relationship Reflection Assignment

Blake Miller 3/26/13 Writing Assignment #3 Everyone experiences multiple romantic relationships throughout their life. Some are great and others are down right awful. There are many factors that determine the experience of the relationship for both parties and ultimately romantic relationships work best when people …

ARTLoveNeoclassicismRomanticismTv ShowWriter
Words 701
Pages 3
Neoclassicism Classical Style of Ancient Greece

Neoclassicism is a movement of the revival of a classical style of ancient Greece and/ or ancient Rome in decorative arts, literature, architecture, and music. One such movement was dominant in Europe from the mid-18th to the 19th centuries. Neoclassicism focuses on symmetry, primarily with …

Words 521
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Propecia Works

PROPECIA is a prescribed medication to treat certain types of male baldness. PROPECIA is was created to treat mild to moderate case of males pattern baldness in the vertex region (top of the head) and the anterior-mid scalp (middle front of forehead). At this time …

Words 444
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Baroque Period through the Romantic Age

Art not only serve as a tool for visual appreciation, but is oftentimes referred to as the mirror of the society. It’s because art effectively conveys or reflects what is happening in a certain society, at a certain period of time. With this, we see …

Words 71
Pages 1
Similar markets

One of the most important aspects of GM’s transformation is the motivating of its employees who have been through a very rough period of uncertainty, constant changes of management, major cutbacks and the press all over the world criticizing the bailout and forecasting further downsizing. …

Words 821
Pages 3
Mies Van Der Rohe and the Sense of Space

Intro From the mid 17th-century to the early 20th-century, after the renaissance and the enlightenment thought, the world again experienced a flourishing revolution throughout almost all the realm including architecture, culture etc. , initiating many different movements. As a response to the declining aristocracy and …

ArchitectureARTEssay ExamplesNeoclassicism
Words 581
Pages 3
Section Dedicated to 20th Century Music

Twentieth-Century Overview Within the music of the twentieth century can be seen influences of folk and popular music, Asian and African music, and European art music from the Middle Ages through the nineteenth century.The principal parameters of music — tone color, harmony, tonality, rhythm, and …

Words 942
Pages 4
Painting Styles Introduction

Painting Styles When we look at art and different art work some of us have trouble seeing more than what meets the eye. I myself tend to get caught up in how I feel rather than giving any thought at all to the history and …

Words 650
Pages 3
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Neoclassicism by our writers.

Neoclassicism was a Western cultural movement in the decorative and visual arts, literature, theatre, music, and architecture that drew inspiration from the art and culture of classical antiquity.


Neoclassicism is characterized by clarity of form, sober colors, shallow space, strong horizontal and verticals that render that subject matter timeless (instead of temporal as in the dynamic Baroque works), and Classical subject matter (or classicizing contemporary subject matter).


Neoclassical literature is characterized by order, accuracy, and structure. In direct opposition to Renaissance attitudes, where man was seen as basically good, the Neoclassical writers portrayed man as inherently flawed. They emphasized restraint, self-control, and common sense.


Neoclassicism is a revival of the classical past. It developed in Europe in the 18th century when artists began to imitate Greek and Roman antiquity and painters of the Renaissance as a reaction to the excessive style of Baroque and Rococo.


Neoclassicism in the arts is an aesthetic attitude based on the art of Greece and Rome in antiquity, which invokes harmony, clarity, restraint, universality, and idealism.


  • The Death of Marat - Jacques‑Louis David
  • Napoleon I on His Imperial... - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
  • The Death of Socrates - Jacques‑Louis David
  • Lycinna - John William Godward
  • Monument of Józef Poniatowski - Bertel Thorvaldsen


  • Jacques‑Louis David
  • Antonio Canova
  • Jean Auguste Dominiq...
  • Angelica Kauffman
  • William‑Adolphe Bouguereau

Related movements

  • Romanticism
  • Classicism
  • Rococo
  • Baroque
  • Impressionism

Frequently asked questions

What is neoclassicism in your own words?
Neoclassicism was a movement in the late 18th and early 19th centuries that sought to revive the styles and ideas of classical antiquity. Neoclassical artists rejected the ornate, Rococo style in favor of a more disciplined approach inspired by the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Neoclassicism was characterized by its formal and rational design, as well as its use of classical motifs and subject matter.
What was the main idea of neoclassicism?
In general, neoclassicism was a return to the classical styles of Greece and Rome. This was seen in the arts, where there was a renewed interest in the works of Homer, Sophocles, and Virgil. There was also a focus on the idealized human form, as well as a focus on order, symmetry, and simplicity.
What are the 5 characteristics of neoclassicism?
1. Order and symmetry – This is perhaps the most immediately noticeable characteristic of neoclassical architecture. Buildings are often designed around a central symmetry, with doors, windows and other features balanced on either side.2. Classicism – This refers to the use of classic architectural elements such as columns, pediments and entablatures.3. Proportion – Another key neoclassical design principle is the use of proportion. This can be seen in the way that buildings are often symmetrical and have regular, repeating proportions throughout.4. Simplicity – Neoclassical architecture is often quite simple in its overall design. This is in contrast to the more ornate and detailed styles that came before and after.5. Decoration – Although decoration is not always present, when it is used in neoclassical architecture it is often quite restrained. This can take the form of simple carving or moulding, rather than the more elaborate and excessive decoration seen in other styles.
Why neoclassical is important?
First, it provides a comprehensive framework for thinking about how economies work. This framework is used by economists to develop models and make policy recommendations. Second, neoclassical economics has been very influential in shaping economic policy around the world. Many of the most important economic policies of the last few decades have been based on neoclassical economics. Finally, neoclassical economics is important because it is the dominant approach to economics in the world today.

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