Essays on 1984

Essays on 1984

People joke that 1984 was a manual for so many politicians that happened to be in charge after this novel got published. And as you start working on your 1984 essay, you'll understand why. George Orwell's novel, written in 1949, explores the issue of omnipresent public surveillance, total control over the civil and private life of people, global dictatorship, and the strength to protest it.

The 1984 essay examples you'll see below use an analytical approach towards what was written as fiction and what we have in the 21st century. Apart from the powerful message, this dystopian novel is interesting for literary analysis as well. It has a vivid description of the characters, evokes plenty of philosophical questions, and uses the language that gets copied in various spheres nowadays. All that makes the novel a staple in the college program.

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Essay topics


Is Winston Smith, the Main Character in George Orwell’s Book, “Julia 1984” a Hero?

What does one think of when the word “hero” comes up? The definition of a hero is afflicted with the main character in a book, play, or movie, which is typically identified with good qualities. But what if that is not the case? What if …

1984CharacterGeorge OrwellHeroes
Words 1233
Pages 5
1984 by George Orwell Essay

“George Orwell once offered this definition of heroism: ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do not respect human decency, even with the knowledge that they can’t possibly succeed. ” In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, the protagonist, Winston Smith is described …

1984George Orwell
Words 86
Pages 1
Censorship in 1984 by George Orwell

“It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself–anything that carried …

1984George Orwell
Words 1304
Pages 5
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1984 Sexual Rebellion

Jamie Aragon English 12 B-2 17 March 2005 Sexual Rebellion The First Lady, Abigail Adams, once stated, “If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in …

Words 2087
Pages 8
An Analysis of the Surveillance in 1984 by George Orwell and The Trial by Franz Kafka

Foundations of Surveillance In today’s highly technological, rapidly developing culture, the issue of surveillance is a very relevant and popular topic of discussion. History shows that surveillance is a natural human instinct, and just like everything else, it has progressed as civilization becomes more sophisticated. …

1984George Orwell
Words 2363
Pages 9
George Orwell’s 1984 Vision of the Future

George Orwell wrote his famous novel Nineteen Eighty-Four between the years 1945 and 1948. Although the title is ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’, the novel wasn’t meant to be a detailed description of the exact year of 1984 but a critical, futuristic novel. In Orwell’s criticism of a …

1984George Orwell
Words 696
Pages 3
 The Traits of Winston and Julia from Orwell’s 1984

Throughout one’s life, there are people whose similar and contrasting personalities help one to learn more about themselves. In George Orwell’s 1984, Orwell demonstrates a character foil between the protagonist Winston and his love-interest Julia. Although Winston and Julia’s views on life, and the Party …

Words 929
Pages 4
1984-George Orwell How Does the Writer Use Language to Create a Sense of Place?

1984-George Orwell How does the writer use language to create a sense of place? Orwell uses a solemn tone for the foundations of anguish in the extract from Nineteen Eighty-Four. This tone is used to firstly set the scene with the use of adjectives: ‘vile’ …

1984George OrwellLanguageSense Of Place
Words 374
Pages 2
Gattaca and 1984 Insight

Stephanie Sadaka Mr. Sisti April 26th, 2010 ENG 4U1 Literary Insight Paper After reading the novel 1984 and watching the movie Gattaca, I was able to perceive many concepts and similarities and differences between both pieces of art. Gattaca, directed by Andrew Niccol, shows a …

Words 943
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1984 and Nazism

Nobody can disagree with the fact that George Orwell’s vision, in his book 1984, didn’t come true. Though many people worried that the world might actually come to what Orwell thought, the year 1984 came and went and the world that Orwell created was something …

Words 1362
Pages 5
1984 – a dystopian novel

1984 is a dystopian novel about the society of the future. Writing in 1948, he images Britain forty years in the future as a totalitarian dictatorship which combines elements of both Communism and Fascism in a powerful, omniscient police-state, based on terror. The story takes …

Words 1381
Pages 6
Sociology Within 1984 by Orwell

Madeline LaRossa October 24, 2012 C07789454 Potential Outcomes of Progress: Orwell’s 1984 1) Summary of the Book 1984 is an eye-opening novel written by George Orwell. Orwell wrote the novel in 1949 to outline how he projected society would be in 1984 if progress continued …

Words 3234
Pages 12
George Orwell 1984 Persuasive Essay

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows. ” (1984, Orwell, p 69). In the book, 1984, by George Orwell, Winston –who works at the Ministry of Truth- lives a life where the government …

1984George Orwell
Words 1424
Pages 6
Political Attitudes Advocated in 1984

Political Attitudes Advocated in 1984 (AP PROMPT) 1987-Some novels and plays seem to advocate changes in social or political attitudes or in traditions. Choose such a novel or play and note briefly the particular attitudes or traditions that the author apparently wishes to modify. Then …

Words 587
Pages 3
Texts in Time Essay Orwell’s 1984 and the Matrix

Texts in their Time essay A text is a mirror for the concerns of a time and place. Orwell’s “1984”and the Wachowski brother’s “Matrix” can be viewed as a mirror into the concerns of a time and place. “1984” depicts how a hierarchical world tyranny …

Words 786
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Big Brother: A Depiction of 1984’s Dystopic Society

The term Big Brother was initially coined from George Orwell’s novel 1984. In 1984, Orwell describes the mechanisms of a dystopic society, Oceania. From the start, there is the very real warning that Big Brother is watching over everything happening in Oceania. Big Brother in …

1984Big Brother
Words 637
Pages 3
Dystopian Novel “1984” Critical Analysis

In the novel “1984” by George Orwell a man named Winston lives within a dis-utopian society. People within this society keep their emotions non-noticeable because if they go against what the inner circle is teaching than that person would work manually labor for the rest …

Words 1115
Pages 5
How Can 1984 Be Read and Interpreted Differently?

How can a text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers? 1984 by George Orwell (1949) is a political novel written with the purpose of warning readers of the dangers of totalitarian government. The book can be read and interpreted very differently by two …

Words 596
Pages 3
The Societal Effects of Totalitarian Control in 1984

The main goal of Totalitarian government is to limit and regulate every aspect of public and private life. George Orwell’s novel, 1984, illustrates a society lacking in freedom and expression. His fictional society in 1984 stands as a metaphor for a Totalitarian society. Communication, personal …

Words 1029
Pages 4
1984 Dictatorship

The novel 1984 is based on totalitarianism and dictatorship. Big Brother rules Oceania, where the people are forced to listen to him and follow his rules. There are surveillance cameras and microphones set-up everywhere so that Big Brother can keep an eye on everyone and …

Words 634
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1984 by George Orwell: Challenging Relationships and Power Play

1984 by George Orwell 1984 by George Orwell explores the challenging relationships between different sets of powerplay. It ultimately maneuvers subordinates into positions where it is able to hold power against them, shaping the wants and desires of the powerless. The public awareness of this …

1984George OrwellRelationship
Words 529
Pages 2
Dystopian Societies-1984 vs Fahrenheit 451

Dystopian Visions An imaginative society consisting of oppressive squalor in which all are heavily restricted by the absolute superiority of the ruling party. A society where repression and restrictions seem boundless, while the individual liberty of the citizen seems boundlessly obstructed. A society where mental …

1984DystopianFahrenheit 451
Words 1000
Pages 4
1984 – Technology in Todays Soceity

Not many people are fans of being excessively supervised and observed. From an 11 year old boy being observed in the park by his grandparents, to a student sitting in class being observed by the teacher during examination. Knowing that you are constantly under surveillance …

Words 497
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Quotes on 1984

Golden country “Presumably she could be trusted to find a safe place. In general you could not assume that you were much safer in the country than in London. There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by …

Words 619
Pages 3
Ways The Party Exerts Their Power in the Book 1984

Many find the book ‘1984’ unrealistically disturbing, but fail to see the resembling nature of the society we live in. Violence is glorified, war has become a reflex, and privacy is so easily compromised. Nevertheless, we continue to submerge our lives in filth, but slowly …

Words 1094
Pages 4
George Orwell 1984 Essay

George Orwell – 1984 Response Paper In George Orwell’s 1984 it can be seem that it does not matter how hard a government tries to formulate strict laws and rules and maintain them, there will always be one or two person who is brave enough …

1984George Orwell
Words 957
Pages 4
Is there any relief to the grimness in section one of 1984?

In the dystopian society Orwell creates in 1984 there is an overwhelming, yet unsettlingly familiar sense of irony; the omnipotent leaders of Oceania, Big Brother and the inner party members, claim to be controlling the everyday lives of the citizens in order to bring them …

Words 1045
Pages 4
1984: Power Hunger Leads to Society Downfall

In the eyes of a power hungry ruler, a totalitarian government would be paradise. It would be thought that if a leader is so happy with the way he rules his country, the grass would be greener on the other side. In this case, it …

Words 1322
Pages 5
Contemporary vs Society in 1984

A. P. English 12 21 March 2011 Contemporary Society vs. 1984 In his dystopian novel 1984, Orwell expresses his vision of the nearing future through a fictional plot. Within the plot, Winston Smith, the novel’s protagonist, lives a life controlled entirely by a manipulative and …

Words 2522
Pages 10
George Orwell: The Visionary Behind ‘1984’

Introduction The annals of literature are filled with works that transcend time and place, works that are continually pertinent and offer a mirror to society’s shifting facets. Among these timeless pieces, one distinctively stands out – ‘1984’. Written by Eric Arthur Blair under the pseudonym …

1984George Orwell
Words 418
Pages 2

Frequently asked questions

What is the main message of 1984?
The main message of 1984 is that totalitarianism is a bad form of government. The book shows how a government can control its citizens by controlling the information they have access to. The government in the book controls what the citizens can read, what they can watch on TV, and what they can listen to on the radio. The government also controls what the citizens can say and do. The citizens are not allowed to think for themselves or to have their own opinions. The government is also able to control the citizens by making them afraid. The government uses fear to control the citizens. The government in 1984 is able to control the citizens because it has a lot of power. The government has the power to arrest people, to torture people, and to kill people. The government also has the power to control the economy. The government in 1984 is able to control the citizens because it is a dictatorship.
What is a good thesis statement for 1984?
A good thesis statement for 1984 could be something along the lines of: In George Orwell's 1984, the government controls the lives of its citizens through oppressive and totalitarian measures, which strip them of their individual freedoms and liberties.""
What lesson does 1984 teach us?
There are many lessons that 1984 by George Orwell teaches us. One of the most important lessons is the dangers of totalitarianism and how it can lead to a loss of freedom and liberty. The book also teaches us the importance of resistance and how people can fight back against a oppressive government. Additionally, the book highlights the importance of critical thinking and how people need to be aware of the propaganda that is often used by governments to control the population.
What are 3 themes from 1984?
1. The Party's Control Over History: The Party controls everything in Oceania, even history itself. The Party rewrites history to suit its own purposes, and controls what the people are allowed to know about the past. This control over information allows the Party to control the people's thoughts and feelings, and ultimately their actions.2. The Party's Control Over the Individual: The Party controls every aspect of its citizens' lives, from what they eat and drink, to what they think and feel. The Party does not allow individuals to think or act for themselves, and instead controls their thoughts and actions through various methods of indoctrination and mind control.3. The Party's Inhumanity: The Party is an oppressive, tyrannical regime that rules over its citizens with an iron fist. The Party is willing to sacrifice anything, even its own citizens, in order to maintain power. The Party is also willing to use any means necessary, no matter how brutal or inhumane, to achieve its goals.

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